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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Gatorubet;1122300; said:

That guy who just threw the bag of peanuts...who is he!!

Ding, Ding, Ding............I think we have a winner folks!!!!:biggrin:
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OregonBuckeye;1122165; said:
Pretty arrogant thing to say. Coaches speak with each other frequently but I guess in D-Rod's mind they're all plotting against him.

A few years ago, Tressel visited D-Rod to study his offense in preparation of utilizing Troy Smith. I actually think Tressel and Rodriguez have a good relationship as much as the fans think he is a scumbag.
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Another round of finger pointing instigated by Rodriguez's attorney in the $4 Million lawsuit.

Rich Rodriguez's lawyer is accusing WVU's lawyer of stalling in the case involving the former coach's $4 million contract buyout, saying, "He doesn't want the truth to come out."
Marv Robon said WVU's lawyer Tom Flaherty has deliberately made it difficult for him to take sworn testimony from various officials.
Flaherty called that "absurd."
Robon said Flaherty wants the case to be resolved this summer, but there's no way that can happen at the current pace.
"He won't even give me deposition dates," Robon said. "So there's no way in hell this case is going to be over this summer and it's because of him. He's delaying. He doesn't want the truth to come out."
Well,that is bad, no deposition dates could set you back .. but wait, there's always two sides to a story right?

"His statement that we are dragging our feet is disingenuous at best," Flaherty said. "That's just insulting and absurd."
Flaherty said he's advised Robon that he would receive a list of possible dates by the end of this week.
All the depositions Robon wants to take from WVU officials will occur in mid-April, Flaherty said.
Deposition dates for Rodriguez and Ed Pastilong, WVU's athletic director, are set for April 21 and April 18, respectively.
Both were supposed to be deposed in March, but Flaherty said the dates were pushed back because of scheduling conflicts.
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sandgk;1126403; said:
Another round of finger pointing instigated by Rodriguez's attorney in the $4 Million lawsuit.

Well,that is bad, no deposition dates could set you back .. but wait, there's always two sides to a story right?

I wanted to ask you a question about this portion of the article:

WVU administrators says Rodriguez owes the school $4 million because he left before his contract expired.
Rodriguez says administration officials had made verbal promises to him that the buyout clause in his contract would either be eliminated or decreased.
WVU denies that any such promises were made.

Isn't hear say difficult as hell to prove in a court of law? Am I being obtuse in thinking that IF I had been RR, then that I would have requested written declarations of said promises.

It just seems very simple. Written documentation v. hear say.
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muffler dragon;1126423; said:
I wanted to ask you a question about this portion of the article:

Isn't hear say difficult as hell to prove in a court of law? Am I being obtuse in thinking that IF I had been RR, then that I would have requested written declarations of said promises.

It just seems very simple. Written documentation v. hear say.
Well, I'm no lawyer - but, in the opinion of impartial legal observers, linked into this thread earlier, what you state is, basically, correct.
Written contract wins over verbal agreement. (Especially rigid when said written agreement includes provisions for changing written in light of changing circumstances - which RR's reportedly did).

If only methomps wasn't on a caffeine bender he could handle a better answer - or BKB can step into the line.

But, I think you've hit the nail on the head.
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