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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Pheasant;1030214; said:
OMGWTF are you talking about?
Seriously, do you read these before you hit submit?

Ok,i'm obviously talking about Ryan Mallet not being mobile.I was also making reference to Michael Crabtree catching 100 receptions for 1,800 yards.I should probably expect this from someone who does'nt know the difference between approve and disapprove.
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Mr. Clutch;1030220; said:
I heard that he and Bobby Petrino were having a get-together tonight. But seriously, this guy is nothing but scum (scUM). He bailed on his team before a relatively big bowl game. He's a perfect fit for Michigan.
Again: Damn near anyone Michigan would have hired would have had to leave their team before a bowl game. Anyone worth a damn, anyway. And several coaches have already done it this year alone. That's how things go.

Jeez, there are a couple ways to pile on RR - ok, yeah, having a grad assistant hand in your letter of resignation is probably not the best way to do it. But getting on him for leaving before a bowl is weak. It happens all the time.
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Tsun's glory years (in my lifetime) came when they were successful at getting a majority of their talent from Ohio. Since Tressel's arrival, this has not happened, and I don't see that changing with this hire. In fact, their 2 Ohio recruits this year are TE's. Does WVU's spread even use TE's?
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The only name that could have made me happier was DeBord.

I am estatic over this one. As I said in the other thread, scUM just hired their John L Smith. The next 3-5 years are going to be fun.
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BB73;1030165; said:
If R-Rod did in fact call Pryor this morning, which was within a quiet period, I wish the NCAA would quickly react to a recruiting violation by stating that a team coached by Rodriguez is no longer an option for Pryor. To me, that's a way of making the penalty fit the violation.

Hey, I'm consistent - I had the same stance regarding Joe McKnight and USC last year ater he had apparently received phone calls that weren't permissable under NCAA regulations (allegedly made by Reggie Bush).

I know this will never happen - the NCAA would have to act quickly and logically, a near-impossible combination for them.
Eh, we can put this titillating possibility dully to bed.

The Quiet Period is defined thusly:
Quiet period. The college coach may not have any in-person
contact with you or your parents off the college's campus. The
coach may not watch you play or visit your high school during this
period. You and your parents may visit a college campus during this time. A coach may write or telephone you or your parents
during this time.

Sleazy in a way, perhaps, violation, not the case.

Source NCAA - PDF - pg 30 of 36
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