The way Rodriguez left West Virginia was wrong.
His decision to contest this buyout might earn him some money in the long run, but the damage it's doing to his reputation and Michigan's isn't worth it.
And, yes, the people at West Virginia who leaked a story that Rodriguez had shredded official university documents are guilty of the smear campaign Rodriguez has accused them of. Rodriguez admitted shredding documents Thursday, but said they were his own files. West Virginia officials have said no player records are missing. Right now, that storyline appears to have been more about character assassination than any real transgression.
But neither sin forgives the other. They just each feed the ugliness and hurt both schools.
Rodriguez told a story Thursday about West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin calling him on Christmas day. Earlier, Manchin - a long-time friend - had criticized the coach's decision to leave West Virginia, saying, among other things, that high-priced agents had changed Rodriguez and that "something is wrong with the profession of college coaching today when a leader's word is no longer his bond."
Why did you say those things, Rodriguez asked?
It hurt me, the coach said.
Manchin apologized.
If Rodriguez would simply do the same thing to all the people who believed in him at West Virginia, he'd do more to help himself and Michigan than he could in a dozen news conferences.
Instead, the coach said he has nothing to apologize for Thursday.
Hopefully, that's just stubborn pride, because if Rich Rodriguez truly believes there was nothing wrong with the way he left West Virginia, you have to wonder just what Michigan has gotten itself into.