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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

[slightly OT]

OCBucksFan;1034516; said:
....maybe they have a field hockey coach you guys could use? :rofl:

WVU soccer coach staying

West Virginia University is keeping at least one coach from going to Michigan.

The Gazette-Mail has learned WVU will announce today that it is retaining women's soccer coach Nikki Izzo-Brown, who has had negotiations with the University of Michigan.
[/slightly OT]
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BengalsAndBucks;1036326; said:
Didn't realize quite how scumbag it was to call the recruits till I read this. Not only does he recruit them to scUM while on WVU's dime, he also prevents WVU from calling them for a week so as to let them know what is going on with their program. Then he gets to Michigan and calls them again, to continue to recruit them away from WVU, while WVU can do nothing but sit and wait for the week to be over?

I would love to hear some scUM fan explain to me how this is perfectly normal and any coach would do it. :roll2:
Challenge accepted. I think you're assigning too much credit to Rodriguez on that one. I don't think he's quite that cunning. Given that there's been extremely in-depth coverage of this story for over a week now and it took scads of reporters until just now to figure out that angle, I don't think that was RR's spur-of-the-moment intent. That's how it turned out, but RR's comment in today's Freep was that he didn't want Pryor to hear it from the media first. With a little help from Occam and his trusty razor, I buy that explanation over any active intent to cheat WVU out of a phone call.

Change of direction: my take on the assistants - I'm happy that Fred Jackson is staying and I hope a couple others stay as well, but neither I nor any other Michigan fan is in any position to complain even if they were all fired. We can't go back and demand RR keep all the assistants when what we wanted all along in the coaching search is someone not beholden to the failing old system.
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HTM - I'll buy that interpretation of events for a dollar.

Does mean though that Rodriguez didn't think through the implications of his actions. Aside from ethical implications his actions were certainly self-serving, even selfish. Ah well it is another week now and the WVU coaches can have their own bite at the cherry. Plus, I think it is highly unlikely anything comes from this, as one institution dropping a dime on another sets a very dangerous precedent. Of course, if anything were to be made of this it would come from that now embittered department in Morgantown.
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ZanesvilleTimesRecorder: Rodriguez is a good fit, if you're an OSU fan

Rodriguez is a good fit, if you're an OSU fan

24 Dec. 2007

With apologies to my friend Sam Blackburn, I have a few different reasons as to why Rich Rodriguez is a good fit for Michigan (see Dec. 19 article).

Sam, buddy, don't you know that Rich's appointment is another step in the right direction for Ohio State more than for Michigan?

First there is the spread offense thing going on. Now, I agree, Ohio State and most Big Ten schools have had problems with the spread offense. But Ron Zook (Illinois) is changing that already, and by the time Michigan gets the right athletes in, and after a couple of more years of bowl games against spread offenses, the OSU coaching staff will have figured it out.
As we fast forward then to about three years from now, the spread offense may be somewhat old hat, figured out by defensive coordinators, and teams will have moved on to something else, which means that Michigan and Rodriguez will be lagging behind (again).

Second is the weather issue as it relates to the spread offense. Sam, you live in Ohio. You know what Big Ten weather is like. There is a reason why Big Ten teams from the north traditionally run a power I-formation due to the uncertainty of the weather.
Now I know that West Virginia has snow and cold, but nothing like Michigan snow and cold. In West Virginia when it snows too much, the skis come out. In Michigan when there is too much snow, they just keep driving on top of it and consider it more fun than annoying. But as we watched the Big Game and the inclement weather, we saw an OSU team that was able to rely upon the run formations when the spread offense was ineffective due to the sleet.

Third, in further reference to the spread offense, is the necessity of maintaining the health of the do-it-all quarterback. Most of the teams that had spread offenses this season tended to go south when the star attraction got hurt. Both of West Virginia's losses came at the time when Pat White (quarterback) went down with an injury. Just ask Oregon how important it is to keep your quarterback healthy.

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starBUCKS;1038659; said:
What is that a Middle School paper? Take off those blinders buddy.

Ha, no way Gannett employs anyone that made it to middle school...I thought the USA Today was bad, but when Gannett bought the local paper I finally learned how bad a newspaper could be, it's only slightly better than The Lantern

I really don't like the OSU/WVu fan mingling that is going on in message boards, it makes me feel really dirty
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