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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

mash08;1032520; said:
My husband and I are both from a small town in southeast ohio (marietta) so we are about 5 min away from WV. My uncle played for WVU in 1952, my husbands uncle played for them in 84 with Rich Rod. I don't mind WVU until my uncle gets on a rant about how much better they are than OSU. They don't give us any credit to the point that when we watch football with them I want to punch one of them by the time the night is over. So the fact that Rich Rod left , WVU lost to pitt and OSU is going to the NC is funny to me. It is probably the best xmas present so I don't have to listen to their shit talking when we get together for xmas..lol
If you grew up in Marietta during that time then you knew Minoma. :)
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Steve19;1032328; said:
Thanks for your response HTM, here's my reaction to what you had to say:

No, a lot of coaches are still handling things honorably.

... RR lied. Repeatedly. He held the university over a fire to keep him from bolting for Alabama, told everyone he had everything he ever wanted then in his dream job and then signed a long term contract with a huge buyout to show just how permanent he was, just three months ago, for goodness sakes.


My point about RR is this. From what we see right now, from the evaluations by players on the website referred to earlier in this thread, from his actions during defeats this year, from his behavior during this courtship with TSUN, everything I see tells me he has the wrong values. Again, maybe my first impression is wrong, but I don't think so.

Steve has pretty much said it all, BUT there is one thing that he missed in terms of explaning the response to RR's hiring here on BP...

i think the viceral response we're witnessing here on BP, one that has affected much more torment and angst towards RR than Les Miles, is an indication of the feeling that this appointment is going to seriously weaken the tradition that so many tsun legends have painstaikingly and incorruptibly built, recruit-by-recruit, game-by-game, season-by-season, and coach-by-coach for more than a century. RR's selection is thoroughly disasspointing and flies in the face of our rivalry. the choice threatens to drive our rivaly down to a tawdry, unispired and only a once-mythical annual battle.

it pains me to think that, very possibly, not only will RR's tenure at tsun flush the integrity out of our rivalry, but also, step-by-downward-step relegate tsun's storied football tradition to nothing but a storied has-been.

why is this eventuality so unpalpable? because it will no longer be satisfying to claim to own one half of the greatest rivarly in american sports when the other half may precipitate and crumble away under the bravado of someone who, to many, appears to be a machiavellian boor and an imprudent steward.

i, for one, will not hail AD Martin's choice because it is a simply and utterly disappointing one. RR is beneath tsun's standards and his antics will serve to self-fulfill tsun's fan base's oft-stated death of your football tradition. as much as those claims, recklessly thrown about on boards such as mgoblog in the aftermath of your opening losses to ASU and Oregon were absolutely painful for me to hear, i can't imagine what level of delusion and denial it takes for tsun's leaders to make such a misguided choice for a head coach.

it's even more of a nightmare to imagine that the leadership at tsun has made a fatal choice that may take the big ten over the slippery slope toward becoming a mirror of those state penitentiaries that call themselves athletic programs in the otherwise-venerable SEC.

i hope i am proven wrong about this and that this is just a highly exaggerated prognosis. nonetheless i FEEL it explains the grisly response of some of us buckeyes.

for sure, i do not speak for everyone, but, to AD Martin and Mary Sue Coleman, i can only say: :shake:

[/rant] kthxbai... :biggrin:
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ORD_Buckeye;1032307; said:
Two words HailTo: Pat Lazear. Do some research. Even Alabama backed off this kid. Not only was this kid an accessory to felony armed robbery, but he (and his parents) were completely unremorseful and attempted to paint Lazear as the "victim" in the whole situation. BTW, Lazear had a prior criminal episode before the armed robbery. RR welcomed this piece of filth to Morgantown with open arms.
Easy for you to say. OSU and Alabama have the luxury of being able to turn up their nose and say no thanks. West Virginia does not. Lazear was going to play somewhere. That's life at a place like West Virginia where the expectations far exceed the pedigree. When a blue-chipper with a background falls into your lap, you convince yourself you can handle it if a problem comes up.
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HailToMichigan;1032266; said:
I find it funny that two of the football criticisms leveled at Rodriguez are that he can't recruit (and recruits criminals) and can't coach big games. Leave aside for a minute the fact that he's recruiting to Morgantown, West Virginia, has crappy facilities, and has no in-state talent base to draw from and has to compete primarily with Ohio State and Penn State for recruits. If he can't recruit, then the fact that he's even in big games at all is testament to an extreme coaching talent. And the notion that he can't beat good teams is kind of explained by the lack of talent on the field, isn't it?

I don't think anyone said he can't recruit. I knw I never did. I said he was a dirty recruiter.

As far as that attempt to downplay his big game choke record do you honestly think WVU had the less talented team vs USF and Pitt this year? How about vs USF in '06?

You hired a guy with a proven track record of bending the recruiting rules and choking in big games not to mention his teams softness and lack of defensive fundamentals.

Other than the dirty recruiter bit his track record suggests he is going to augment the things that were wrong under Carr the last few years, not fix them.

I haven't talked to an OSU fan yet that isn't laughing at this one. We couldn't have done better if you let this boards members pick your next coach. Dick Rod contrasted to Tressel over the next few years will be pure comedy gold.

I for one can't wait for all the fun its going to be rubbing arrogant ass scUM fan's noses in the fact they just sold everything they supposedly hold dear about doing it the Michigan way to the devil to get a "name" coach. The best part is he's not even going to win.
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The reason for his "return" to WVU to talk to the AD was.... He resigned early:

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - A West Virginia University athletics
spokesman says Rich Rodriguez's resignation as football coach is
effective at midnight Tuesday instead of Jan. 3.

WVU football spokesman Mike Montoro confirmed the change late
Tuesday but said he did not know why the effective date was moved

WSAZ - News
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Jaxbuck;1032555; said:
I don't think anyone said he can't recruit. I knw I never did. I said he was a dirty recruiter.

You hired a guy with a proven track record of bending the recruiting rules and choking in big games not to mention his teams softness and lack of defensive fundamentals.
Second time: Care to clarify? You're accusing him of cheating and cheating often. Specifics, please.
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HailToMichigan;1032553; said:
Easy for you to say. OSU and Alabama have the luxury of being able to turn up their nose and say no thanks. West Virginia does not.
Luxury has damned near nothing to do with the issue. This was a witting decision to roll the dice and take a previously sought after recruit despite all the evidence suggesting the decision was very high risk at a rising D1A program in a BCS conference.
HailToMichigan;1032553; said:
Lazear was going to play somewhere.
So what?
HailToMichigan;1032553; said:
That's life at a place like West Virginia where the expectations far exceed the pedigree. When a blue-chipper with a background falls into your lap, you convince yourself you can handle it if a problem comes up.
Let me paraphrase that for you so you get a glimpse of the future of TSUN recruiting.

When a tarnished blue-chipper, that no-one else will touch with a ten foot barge pole, falls into his lap Rodriguez will do whatever it takes to convince himself and you that he can change that young troubled man.
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