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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

ysubuck;1526280; said:
USC can't control what gets covered and what doesn't. This all goes back to how Ohio State was treated for 3 years by the biggest sports outlet on the planet. My gripe is with the media (lots of basketball stories there but about 0 regarding the football program, by the way).

I'm a broken record on this, but Ohio State was ripped on pre game shows, post game shows, radio shows and the web site. Then during a bad season the Buckeyes get ripped by the guys covering their bowl game. Maybe it's because USC and the players have kept mum about everything. I don't know. Michigan is getting it right now. Even the basketball allegations at USC haven't gotten the lip service that Michigan is getting right now.

No way anyone will ever convince me that there isn't a huge double standard with regard to the coverage and the op-ed pieces ripping the program, coaches and ADs.

I just copied the sidebar with the links from one page. There are plenty of Bush stories, I just can't find the page-long organization like with the Mayo aspect.
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BuckeyeNation27;1526368; said:
So......does everybody do it and it's not a big deal, or is Michigan doing everything right?

Whatever deflects the most criticism at the time, apparently.

Using two contradictory explanations (Carr left cupboard bare vs UMICH having more talent/ Those Who Stay Will Be Champions vs Those Who Stay Lose to Toledo) is becoming standard operating procedure for Michigan.
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Buckeye86;1526328; said:
or he was lying out of his ass and isn't very good at hiding his "tell"

the science channel had a show on last night titled "the truth about liars". ol dickrod probably should have picked his timing a little better.

zincfinger;1526329; said:
The question here is whether everyone would do it, and that's ultimately up to the coaching staff, not to the players. And yes, I think there are circumstances where the players would not ask a coach to be present, whether out of personal preference, or whether out of the a priori knowledge that it's out of the question.

if i were a coach at an elite school with a multi million dollar per year contract that sits squarely on the shoulders of teenagers... you honestly think im not going to find time to at least make sure a member of the coaching staff is available to watch over every single practice no matter how mundane? im not going to give 2 shits about their personal preferences. im going to make certain that at least one of those kids "requests" a member of the staff to be available. just think about the benefits to a qb like pryor. were talking about months upon months to work on this mechanics personally. someone to get him throwing the passes that will improve his technique strength and ability while NOT developing tendinitis in the process.

And whether any particular gain is "minimal" or not is obviously completely subjective. But you're not talking about a full day per week of additional practice. What you're talking about is the head coach getting feedback directly from a QC coordinator, ather than from the usual back channel of getting it from a trainer, or from a veteran player who was present. The former is perhaps somewhat easier, but I'd regard it as minimal gain.

how small a % of millions of dollars is minimal? how about instead of having a qc coordinator watch and report back. why not just have them on the sidelines and film the session? *shrug* what if one of the qb's asked the qb coach to stop by personally and give him some tips... everyday... 8 hrs a day... for the entire summer? thats ok right?

i suspect this rule isn't in place because a coach walking past a couple guys throwing the ol pigskin around is a horrid thought. i suspect its because this is a line in the sand to keep coaches from progressing to the next logical step.
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buck1973;1526277; said:
The press conference can be found here:

Multimedia Center

What a fucking pussy. Does anybody remember JT getting behind a podium and crying like a little girl with a skinned knee when he was catching all the flack for the MoC ordeal? Me either, and that's precisely why DickRod will never win anything significant as a head coach. He's a mental midget whose emotions get the better of him.

BuckeyeNation27;1526368; said:
So wait....I just saw the clip of Rodriguez claiming they follow the rules to the letter.

So......does everybody do it and it's not a big deal, or is Michigan doing everything right?
Get your head out of your ass.
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NFBuck;1526407; said:
What a fucking pussy. Does anybody remember JT getting behind a podium and crying like a little girl with a skinned knee when he was catching all the flack for the MoC ordeal? Me either, and that's precisely why DickRod will never win anything significant as a head coach. He's a mental midget whose emotions get the better of him.

Get your head out of your ass.

And he's still a dick.
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BuckeyeNation27;1526368; said:
So wait....I just saw the clip of Rodriguez claiming they follow the rules to the letter.

So......does everybody do it and it's not a big deal, or is Michigan doing everything right?

Usually you count on your seniors to get the message across that people need to put in extra time. Now when a coaching change takes place, and you don't know anybody you try to instill a sense of urgency. That's not uncommon. Get what I'm saying.
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BuckeyeNation27;1526368; said:
So wait....I just saw the clip of Rodriguez claiming they follow the rules to the letter.

So......does everybody do it and it's not a big deal, or is Michigan doing everything right?

NFBuck;1526407; said:
Get your head out of your ass.

NF, I'd say that BN27 was pointing out that if RichRod is claiming that no rules were violated, then their fanbase shouldn't be complaining that it's no big deal for TSUN to have exceeded the guidelines because so many other programs do the same thing.

But perhaps if the fan base isn't following the coach's lead on how to deal with the accusations, maybe they're not 'All in'.
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BB73;1526433; said:
NF, I'd say that BN27 was pointing out that if RichRod is claiming that no rules were violated, then their fanbase shouldn't be complaining that it's no big deal for TSUN to have exceeded the guidelines because so many other programs do the same thing.

I think that went over your head. I like to follow BN27 around and quote our friend mh20 to most of his posts. I'm easily entertained. :lol:
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