Bleed S & G
Taking Crazy Pills
This is a diffrent topic.. but I'll bite..t_BuckeyeScott;1691361; said:Interpretting differently? Have you read Luke 1 and 2? Matthew 1? I don't understand how you interpret those passages into "not born of virgin."
The story of Christmas, IMHO, is not even up for debate on being false.
You do know the Cathlioc church handpicked books for the bible right? Back to the point of this thread, it's all a fucking game.
You do know there are many, MANY more books that were passed over by this "church" because of one reason or another..
I mean, let's look at how the Christian faith really started making progress - in a WAR when an Emperor saw crosses on the sheilds. Yup, sure sounds like Jesus' religion to me.
Forget that you and I don't see eye to eye on Jesus being G-d.. you really think the Christian faith, as an instution, is Christian? I think they are the furthest thing from Jesus' message as possible. That's what I'm getting at - I don't want to debate Jesus being G-d in this thread - go start another, get all your bible verse ready - and then I'll come debate it.
I'm sure 99% of your "evidence" will be in the "letter's to" books - again, how did those books even get in the bible?
Through the "power of the spirit" or through man's corruption of the word?
What's your interpetation? Deception - or - Truth? Well, how is one to make this judgement?
Jesus said by the fruits of the tree.. how do those fruits look?
Genocide, murdering, child molesting.. and it's not like this is in the last week, or year.. it's been going on for 2,000 years.
Again, some pretty shitty fruits - if you ask me.