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Relations who are of different religious beliefs and social conventions

Bucklion;1491607; said:
Therein lies your problem here Taos. You view not believing in Christianity or not going to church or whatever it is you believe here as a superior position. You are not being "live and let live" because you judge those who go to church as "needing something you don't need". The reason this is relevant to OCBW is that you are doing the opposite equivalent of what her family is doing. Your position as you have outlined it seems to be along the lines of "You go to church? Why don't you give all that [censored] up and kick out your crutch like I have" which is equivalent to religious people saying to you that you need to go to church because you "haven't seen the light". A person is not truly tolerant of anyone else if they feel superior to them, and that goes for being religious or anti-religious, church or anti-church.

You are just re-interpreting what I'm saying. In effect trying to put words in my mouth. I said just the opposite of what you just stated. I specifically stated I do not view it as a superior position. In the context of this thread, I congratulated OC, Jake and bri for being happy in where they are at. Who is "judging" (your words) who here? OC, Jake , bri and I are happy where we are at. We don't need saved. We don't need being attacked for our non-beliefs/beliefs. Just respect our decision. You don't need to even understand it. My position is totally outside of most people's understanding.
Call us weird if it gives you peace. But, don't call it "superior"(your words,again)
I have said a lot of things in the context of the Political Forum. This is not that place and my views are changing with the times and situation.
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Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing! But someone left a cake out in the rain!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzaJgXYMAsY&feature=related"]YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Jurassic Park[/ame]
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Taosman;1490934; said:
There is a disconnect in what you believe and in what I and others like me believe or don't believe. Go to church if that's what you need. I don't need that. OC and Jake don't need that. Just respect our rights.

Did I miss the part where anyone in this thread told you to go to church? What I have seen is you saying that anyone who does feel going to church is important can't be trusted
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Taosman;1491751; said:
You are just re-interpreting what I'm saying. In effect trying to put words in my mouth. I said just the opposite of what you just stated. I specifically stated I do not view it as a superior position. In the context of this thread, I congratulated OC, Jake and bri for being happy in where they are at. Who is "judging" (your words) who here? OC, Jake , bri and I are happy where we are at. We don't need saved. We don't need being attacked for our non-beliefs/beliefs. Just respect our decision. You don't need to even understand it. My position is totally outside of most people's understanding. As is OC's.
Call us weird if it gives you peace. But, don't call it "superior"(your words,again)
I have said a lot of things in the context of the Political Forum. This is not that place and my views are changing with the times and situation.

Victimization fail.

It staggers the imagination that you can accuse someone of doing something they didn't do, and then turn right around and do the same exact thing you just wrongfully accused them of doing...all within 3 sentences or less. Do you even read anything before you respond? "Call us weird if it gives you peace"...where in the Sam Hell did that come from, exactly? Talk about putting words in people's mouths...at NO point did I call you weird, nor did I judge the merit of your (or OC, or anyone) spiritutal position whatsoever...I was demonstrating the attitude you put forth with your position, not judging the merits of the position itself. It's an attitude that OCBW and many others DON'T have. That's what "superior" means, Taos...you sit in judgement of religious people, all the while claiming to be the victim of judgement from religious people. I'm not judging you or your spirituality (or lack thereof)...I am judging your attitude putting forth that position as being from a position of assumed superiority...which you most certainly do. You are not a victim, Taos...and your consistent claim of persecution is not in line with the strength of your convictions not the matter and forum with which you present them.
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Taosman;1491751; said:
? OC, Jake , bri and I are happy where we are at. We don't need saved. We don't need being attacked for our non-beliefs/beliefs. Just respect our decision. You don't need to even understand it. My position is totally outside of most people's understanding. As is OC's.
Call us weird if it gives you peace.

Whoa. Please don't "speak for me".

I haven't been attacked in this forum or by my relatives for any of my beliefs.
I do not at all feel my position is "totally outside of most of people's understanding."
And no one ever came close to calling me weird for it.

Please, defend yourself as you see fit, go ahead and use my posts as examples if you wish but do not presume to speak for me.

That request is directed at not just you, but anyone, so don't take this as a personal attack either.
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Taosman;1491751; said:
You are just re-interpreting what I'm saying. In effect trying to put words in my mouth. I said just the opposite of what you just stated. I specifically stated I do not view it as a superior position. In the context of this thread, I congratulated OC, Jake and bri for being happy in where they are at. Who is "judging" (your words) who here? OC, Jake , bri and I are happy where we are at. We don't need saved. We don't need being attacked for our non-beliefs/beliefs. Just respect our decision. You don't need to even understand it. My position is totally outside of most people's understanding. As is OC's.
Call us weird if it gives you peace. But, don't call it "superior"(your words,again)
I have said a lot of things in the context of the Political Forum. This is not that place and my views are changing with the times and situation.
Please quote one post where someone tried to "save" you. And anyone talking to you is not doing so because of your religious beliefs, it is because of your attempts to act like a victim.
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[quote='BusNative;149129;8]Whatever. You're all idiots but me. Me and my God. Which is a man. With flowing white robes. And a groomed Beaniesque beard. Actually, He is Beanie. In white robes. Made from terrycloth. And gucci flip-flops. And 6 top model chicks.

And He's on a boat.[/quote]

God's got his swim trunks and his flippy-flippies...

Can we put all threads in the poli forum so Taos can't post in them? :p
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I specifically stated I do not view it as a superior position.
You specifically stated that it takes a stronger person to not "need" to believe. Perhaps you should have chosen your words better.
Taosman;1490875; said:
It takes a strong person to not "need" any religion. Congrats, Jake. :cheers:
No attitude of superiority to be found there :roll1:
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I do attend mass from time to time with my family and a good majority of the time I enjoy it. I find that having a good Father who knows how to speak to the parishoners is a great thing. My favorite Homily is when the Padre walked up and said "Think about it". He then turned around and sat down.

Again, I believe, I just don't believe in organized religion for the most part. I had a discussion once with my mother about this topic. Mom is very religious and active in her faith. I told her that sometimes it was very difficult to deal with the sanctimony of those I saw in church when I knew how they led their daily lives and in some cases what they were doing and with whom or what.

I feel living a good life that includes doing the right things and trying to be good and helpful to others is where it is at for me. I will pose to you a question I posed to my mom...If a man lives all his life doing good things, helping others, and does no harm yet never sets foot in church will God turn him away at his day of reckoning?
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Might have chosen better words...yes. But, think about doing things out of the norm. Typically you do anything out of the ordinary you hear it from family and friends. How many times do we buckle to opinion? Even on the small things we won't fight, we buckle. Your married. You know that sometimes you just buckle rather than fight. People go along with the opinion of family and friends all the time! It's just easier.
When you went to your high school reunion did you notice how many still live near where they went to school? Did you know most people live and die within a 20+ mile range of where they're born? Look it up. Most of the people I graduated with in high school still live in that area. Does that make me in any way superior to them? But, more importantly, do I even care? Honestly, it doesn't mean much to me. I'm happy I moved from the area. It turned out to be a good decision for me, for us. I don't think of myself as superior in any way. Just different. Even my wife says I'm just different. :slappy: And she would know! (she's a bit different too!)
But. That is enough to get me in trouble with some here. :wink:
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