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Reds tidbits 2015 (morgue)

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So is everyone pumped up for the big prime time game tonight?

Me too.

In other news, whoever picked "lower body" in the "what body part will end Mesoraco's career now that he signed a LTC" looks like the winner.

"Hip Impingement" the Krim Reaper says, "amputee" I say.

Whatever you call it, stick a fork in it, he's done.

Reds fever, catch it!
i was diagnosed with a 'hip impingement' at 22. i'm 45 and have needed to have that hip replaced since I was 30. the 'real' diagnosis was arthritis. I have no cartilage in the socket and it hurts like a mother. So, yeah, I'm going with amputation.
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Actually score runs and bullpen blows it
Starter pitches well and bats are nowhere to be found
Cant get bunts down
No clutch
Manager looks lost
Fuck these guys

29 words. I'm not sure I could sum it up any better and with any fewer words, mainly because my summary would have 29 "fuck" words alone. I'll use yours as a template.

Score runs, bullpen blows it.
Starter pitches well, bats disappear.
Can't bunt.
No clutch.
Manager sucks.
Fuck 'em.

18! Yippee!
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29 words. I'm not sure I could sum it up any better and with any fewer words, mainly because my summary would have 29 "fuck" words alone. I'll use yours as a template.

Score runs, bullpen blows it.
Starter pitches well, bats disappear.
Can't bunt.
No clutch.
Manager sucks.
Fuck 'em.

18! Yippee!

Losers gonna lose

That's 3
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