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Reds tidbits 2015 (morgue)

April 6 was opening day

April 18th they go under .500 never to return

The competitive phase of the Reds 2015 season lasted 2 goddamn weeks.

2 weeks?!?!

They started 4-0, with all 4 wins being scraped together in their final at bat. Since then, they're 1-6. I'd say the "competitive" phase was 4 days.

Edit: 5 days. Pretty sure they had an off day after their first game.
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2 weeks?!?!

They started 4-0, with all 4 wins being scraped together in their final at bat. Since then, they're 1-6. I'd say the "competitive" phase was 4 days.

Edit: 5 days. Pretty sure they had an off day after their first game.

someone mark the date and time

we found someone harder on these asshats than I am

Well done good sir

well done
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someone mark the date and time

we found someone harder on these asshats than I am

Well done good sir

well done

Ha! I guess this is where I give a speech.

"Thank you. However, this is a collective effort. It is much bigger than myself. We all do our part. I'm just proud to be part of such a great collection of talent."
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Ha! I guess this is where I give a speech.

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So is everyone pumped up for the big prime time game tonight?

Me too.

In other news, whoever picked "lower body" in the "what body part will end Mesoraco's career now that he signed a LTC" looks like the winner.

"Hip Impingement" the Krim Reaper says, "amputee" I say.

Whatever you call it, stick a fork in it, he's done.

Reds fever, catch it!
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So is everyone pumped up for the big prime time game tonight?

Me too.

In other news, whoever picked "lower body" in the "what body part will end Mesoraco's career now that he signed a LTC" looks like the winner.

"Hip Impingement" the Krim Reaper says, "amputee" I say.

Whatever you call it, stick a fork in it, he's done.

Reds fever, catch it!

We're all going to miss Mesoraco's 0.95 BA. In the meantime, the Reds' annual collective shit getting pushed in by the Cardinals will continue tonight with or without the stellar play out of our catcher.
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I can't believe the FCC is going to let this jail-sexing be aired. I'm on hold for my congressman as I type this.

That our children can witness this type of violence at just 8:00PM on a Sunday is embarrassing. Every Reds game should come with an Archer-style parental advisory warning and have to start after 10PM.
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