What, was Skip Schumakers price tag too high?
Actually I'm indifferent to mildly disappointed, which is about my standing off season heart rate as a Reds fan.
They are spending money on a shitty player that Dusty has a hard on for, hoping said shitty player can replicate his one good career year (sounds a lot like the Willy Tavaras signing to me).
There is a chance they get the big year for a minimal expense, but odds are they get get the shitbird player he has been every year but one and the functional retard of a manager they employ gives the shitbird player way too many AB's.
He's probably not going to outproduce Heisey and they just flushed 2MM+. Not a lot of money in baseball terms but 2 MM here and 2MM there saved on shit like Ludwick can turn into an actual player sometime if you haven't wasted it.
Anyway, it wouldn't be the Reds if they didn't do something at least mildly stupid so lets all join the Reds braintrust in executing their strategy and hope the motherfucker has a good year.