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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Yep, good day. If the Dbacks hang on (who knows with them) the Reds will tie for the most wins in the NL.

BTW...I am watching the DBacks game. I didn't realize Joe Garagiola was one of their announcers. Man that brings me back to the old NBC broadcasts in the 80's.
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Bucknut24;1743910; said:
wooo! alright, repeat tomorrow, minus cordero shitting himself, and take a 2.5 lead going into the series!

I'll be content knowing we'll be in 1st starting the Cardinals series no matter what happens tomorrow. Phillips hurt himself and there is no telling what kind of Sunday special Dusty will roll out there.
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Jaxbuck;1743913; said:
I'll be content knowing we'll be in 1st starting the Cardinals series no matter what happens tomorrow. Phillips hurt himself and there is no telling what kind of Sunday special Dusty will roll out there.

Dusty is a quack on Sunday. Hopefully, not this Sunday. Need a W today.!


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coastalbuck;1744024; said:
Dusty is a quack on Sunday. Hopefully, not this Sunday. Need a W today.!

I have a feeling Dusty is going to try to find a way to become a player manager today, and maybe have some of his bench coaches out there. The bat boy will probably be today's closer. Of course that would actually be an improvement over Cordero.
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Today's lineup...

Heisey 8
Cairo 4
Votto 3
Gomes 7
Bruce 9
Francisco 5
Hanigan 2
Janish 6
Wood 1

That is a Dusty special. Make sure Rolen gets his day off even though another guy leaves a hole in the lineup. I am starting to think Rolen is 55, not 35. Other than that....Cairo at 2nd should be interesting, and it looks like Heisey has supplanted Stubbs as the starter.

and FYI...Phillips is available to play today, and will start on Monday.
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scott91575;1744079; said:
Today's lineup...

Heisey 8
Cairo 4
Votto 3
Gomes 7
Bruce 9
Francisco 5
Hanigan 2
Janish 6
Wood 9

That is a Dusty special. Make sure Rolen gets his day off even though another guy leaves a hole in the lineup. I am starting to think Rolen is 55, not 35. Other than that....Cairo at 2nd should be interesting, and it looks like Heisey has supplanted Stubbs as the starter.

and FYI...Phillips is available to play today, and will start on Monday.

So Stubbs shows signs of coming out of it, has a history of success at Wrigley and you sit him so you can get Gomes and his negative WAR in the lineup on a day when you are already down Phillips and Rolen?

Fucking brilliant.
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