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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?


Head Coach
A little hypothetical here.

Laurinitis comes back for his senior year leaving us with:

1. James Laurinitis
2. Malcolm Jenkins
3. Chris "Beanie" Wells
4. Alex Boone
5. Brian Robiskie
6. Todd Boeckman
7. Marcus Freeman

Outside shot, but that list could all be first rounders. As bad as some believe Boeckman played down the stretch, Kiper believes Boeckman is the #2 QB going into next year.

Marcus Freeman could play his way into the first round with a lights out senior season.

Laurinitis, Wells, Jenkins, and potentially Boone are top 10 picks.

Robiskie will be a lock for the first round after next season.

Even a guy like Donald Washington has the potential to be a first rounder with a great junior campaign.

The 2009 draft will certainly be well represented by the Bucks in rounds 1 & 2.
OregonBuckeye;1065423; said:
Next year is a really weak year for senior QB's so Todd definitely has a chance at going in the first. I think you may have forgotten Lawrence Wilson too.

Yeah, I limited it to potential first rounders and didn't think about Wilson.

If he rebounds well, and has a great senior season, it's a possibility. He's certainly top 3 round material though.
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starBUCKS;1065429; said:
I'm sorry... It will take one hell of a turnaround by Todd to be anywhere near the top of the draft.

He's probably not first or second round material. Unless he has a great year and shows well at the combine. He could play in the pros, though.
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starBUCKS;1065429; said:
I'm sorry... It will take one hell of a turnaround by Todd to be anywhere near the top of the draft.

Take a look at next years draft class though. Take a look at this years draft class.....Matt Ryan is the predicted #3 pick to the Falcons.

Again, peopel think Boeckman was just awful, but try playing in 20 mph winds in sub 35 degree weather. Ain't easy.

Todd is 6'5 and 235-240 lb's. Your prototypical NFL QB body. I agree, he probably shouldn't be considered first round material after the season he just completed, but it isn't always about the numbers you put up, but rather what kind of potential the GM's see in you.

I think if Boeckman stars the entire season, and has a good year, he goes first round.
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Taosman;1065435; said:
He's probably not first or second round material. Unless he has a great year and shows well at the combine. He could play in the pros, though.

I'd compare him to a John Navvare... late rounder because of size, strength and potential.
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starBUCKS;1065429; said:
I'm sorry... It will take one hell of a turnaround by Todd to be anywhere near the top of the draft.

You act like that isn't realistic. The difference between '05 Troy Smith and '06 Troy Smith is like night and day. Todd is only losing 1.5 starters on offense(I don't count FB as a whole starter) next year. There are some marquee games on the schedule for him to put himself on the map. He is getting playmakers like Posey, Stoney, and Thomas next year too. All the ingredients are there for him to vault himself into the top 2 rounds of the draft and like I mentioned, it's a very weak senior class for QB's and we don't really know how the juniors will do.
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1st round for sure IMO



5.Robo-He's got to show what he did this year, as well as be a more complete reciever like going across the middle ala-Brian Hartline.
6.Freeman-He's right now 3rd round material. He'd have to be a monster next year, but I think thats possible for sure.
7.Washington- He's got the talent and size, but a good season will get him 1st round I think
8.Boeckman- Weak year for QB's but he's still got to show more poise under pressure.

I think we could possibly break our all time record for players drafted if things go right as well.
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OregonBuckeye;1065445; said:
You act like that isn't realistic. The difference between '05 Troy Smith and '06 Troy Smith is like night and day.
Not to keep beating up on Todd, but..

Troy had a great M*ch*gan game and a great BCS game against ND that year..

Boeckman.. not so much.

Boeckman had 13 passes against scUM (due to the weather, i know.. i know) and not such a great NC game showing.. not horrendous, but no way would I call it great.. average may be the best word to use.

The difference between Troy Smith and Todd Boeckman is night and day. And thats o.k., it's not everyday you have a heisman winning QB.. we buckeye fans should know this.
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Kickdown02;1065484; said:
Please don't take this as hating but TB is not going to get drafted in the first round. I see him as 3rd/4th round.

I think that's an accurate guess. How much upside does he have?
I don't think his arm is a first round arm. It is decent.
His accuracy will get better.
He has perfect NFL size.
He's smart. He's durable. He's not immobile.
It could depend on how the team does. If we were to win the Big Ten and play well in a BCS game he could elevate.
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Bleed S & G;1065464; said:
Not to keep beating up on Todd, but..

Troy had a great M*ch*gan game and a great BCS game against ND that year..

Boeckman.. not so much.

Boeckman had 13 passes against scUM (due to the weather, i know.. i know) and not such a great NC game showing.. not horrendous, but no way would I call it great.. average may be the best word to use.

The difference between Troy Smith and Todd Boeckman is night and day. And thats o.k., it's not everyday you have a heisman winning QB.. we buckeye fans should know this.

While generally I agree with your sentiment, I don't think the bowl performances are even comparable. Boeckman likely could have torn up the ND defense that year - they were terrible. As much as I love TS, no way would he have had the same success vs. a defense like LSU's. I do think TS was better at this point in eligibility, but I don't think the gap is that wide (TS also played quite a bit as a sophmore). I also think that the receivers that TS had at his disposal were a huge part of his success. In this year's NC game, I thought one of the biggest problems for the Bucks was the lack of separation that our receivers were getting.

I think Todd could show marked improvement next year.

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