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Reasons Fantasy Football Made Me Want to Punch a Baby This Week

I have Megatron and A.J. Green. 8D
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Guy in my league was up 125.65-125.50 game is over.... Rodgers is his QB, takes two kneel downs... loses 3 yards... he has now lost the game 125.35-125.50

it might get over turned but he's gotta be livid
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I know this is typically for professional fantasy football, but pumpkin it.

League I: Sitting at 4-5 having scored the 2nd most points this season but having the most points scored against me. Two of those losses are by less than 3 points each.

League II: Also at 4-5 having scored the 3rd most points in the league but also having the most points scored against me.

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Fuck you, Dalton. :pissed:

I always refused to play him no matter how well he was doing - just an insurance policy you hoped you never needed. But I finally got suckered this week after he put up the best score of my QBs while sitting on my bench the last couple weeks. So what does he do? He turns back into Andy Dalton - fucking terrible performance in Miami. His only TD pass is a pick six. Worthless ginger bastard.
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Fuck you, Dalton. :pissed:

I always refused to play him no matter how well he was doing - just an insurance policy you hoped you never needed. But I finally got suckered this week after he put up the best score of my QBs while sitting on my bench the last couple weeks. So what does he do? He turns back into Andy Dalton - fucking terrible performance in Miami. His only TD pass is a pick six. Worthless ginger bastard.
What Jake said.
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2 weeks ago I lose 82-80 and I watched my def (seattle) have a for sure pick 6 only to have browner trip over his own feet and go down at the 1....

this past week I lose 104-101 and I watched rob gronkowski have a 40 yard td reception called back on holding...not to mention the guy I played had Stafford and megatron
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