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Reasons Fantasy Football Made Me Want to Punch a Baby This Week

Thanks to the injury to Julio Jones and the takeover of the Jets running game by Bilal Powell, the plunger-rapeability quotient in the BP Keeper League has increased substantially.
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you know what I really don't like, is the way defense is scored. I had Seattle going tonight and only scored 11 points off of 2 interceptions and 7 freaking sacks all because Arizona picked up a garbage touchdown in the last 4 minutes. Such BS.
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Went with Cutler (0 pts) over Matt Ryan (21 pts). Had the TE from the Skins on the bench with 25 pts and the rest of my offense doing jack shit. Going with Ryan and Reed as my flex would have been a win. Only good move I made was picking up whatever defense is going up against the Jags every week.
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Who the fuck is Jordan Reed and why did he drop 20 points on me?!?

Fuck you, Matthew Stafford you no talent hack. I could play QB in the NFL if I had Megatron. Might as well Hand you 30 points a game.

And thanks for the fumble, Trent. You never rush for more than 6-7 yards at a time. The least you could do was hang onto the damn ball.
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Lets see.. where to start... Fuck you Helu, i dropped you for Eddie Royal, Royal fuck you for being "doubtful" and me not playing you, Fuck you Chip Kelly for keeping 2 Stiffs as backup QBs to Vick thereby tanking McCoy. FUck you Matty Ice & Jason Snelling how the fuck could you not vulture some TD for me... fuck you Jay Cutler for your stupid groin injury tanking Mashall & Bennett...

needless to say i'm losing this weke
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fuck u nick foles (brees on a bye and I was frustrated with Dalton....UGH)
fuck arian fosters hamstring
fuck chris johnsons end of the game garbage points vs san fran putting me in a 10 point hole and making me count on Rueben randle tonight
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