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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

Although I thought he was taken too early, Denver is going to be either the best place or the worst place for Clarett.

Reason 1 that it would be the best place for him is obviously their record of RB's. Terrell Davis, Orlandis Gary, Mike Anderson, Clinton Portis, Reuben Droughns, and before his injury Quentin Griffin even got 2 100 yard games in 3 career starts. Then look at how they have doen since, Orlandis Gary has been nowhere as he first went to the Lions, then traded to the Bills, where he sits on the bench. Clinton Portis had a 5.5. YPC in Denver, then after the big trade with Washington, he had a 3.8 YPC.

Goes to show that Maurice, or any RB, doesn't need to to be a great, top 5 RB in the league to be successful in Denver's system. They have a great RB coach in Bobby Turner and their offensive line tactics(although questionable) was contructed by former OL/assistant coach Alex Gibbs, those 2 men working together can make just about any back successful.

Reason it could be the worst place for him, is that Mike Shanahan and the Denver Broncos don't put up with anyone's crap. When Eddie Kennison 3 years ago decided to retire mid-season, then wanted to come back a week later, Shanahan denied him, when Orlandis Gary got upset that Clinton Potis was taking carries away from him and got into with OC Gary Kubiak, Gary didn't start another game the rest of the season, when Darryl Gardener decided to get in a fight at the local IHOp, Shanahan just put him on IR to make him inactive for the entire season...the list goes on and on of what the Broncos expect from their players in terms of characters.

If Clarett has matured and jsut wants to play football, Denver is the place for him. He'll be a pretty successful back in that system and make a lot of doubters look like fools. BUT...if his antics come out by going to the media about something he doesnt like with the organization, if he gets up in any of the coaches faces, if he complains about not getting the ball enough and having to share carries with Tatum Bell and Mike Anderson, then he's in serious trouble there.

Denver doesnt have nearly the amount of money invested in him as a 3rd round pick as they would had he been a first rounder(which he would've been had he stayed in school.) It's a lowr sik/high reward situation for them, if Clarett doesn't pan out then they cut him with no real setbacks, if he does end up panning out, then they have a steal in the draft.

MililaniBuckeye said:
Dind ding ding! We have a winner. How many players were drafted over the weekend? Over 230? And what player has been getting more air-time than almost all others combined? MoC. Wherever Denver plays this year, folks will go to see MoC play/get hurt/whatever. And if MoC turns out to be the diamond in the rough that Denver thinks he is, it's all gravy...
Denver has a consecutive sell-out streak that dates back to 1969, I don't think they're too worried about getting fans to come to games.
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gost8 said:
Actually it is quite sad to hope someone fails, no matter who they are. Even my wife was pissed when they called MoC's name. She said "I was hoping he wouldn't get drafted." I just shook my head. (I mean I can argue with you guys, you don't cook my dinner.:))

I agree... I don't hope he fails... I don't really care what he does at this point. To me he's no different than Ronnie Brown or Ernest Shazor or who ever... he's just there. I do hope that Nugent and Fox and Mo Hall do well.... to me, Mo helped us win a championship, and then was a major pain in the ass distraction... he's gone now, so I'm calling it a wash... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he tanks, and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts for Denver by the end of the year-- and I really don't care either way (One thing is that I certainly don't hope he gets injured and ends his career, that's just not cool)

Anyway... my take on the kid is that we take a lot of pride in our NFL alums... I'm not going to with Mo (like I would Pace or Eddie)... and I'm not going to revel in any misfortune either like I would with say... Charles Woodson. :wink2:

Water under the bridge.
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Water under the bridge.
You must have watched his press conference. He said that a couple of times, like it was a prepared response for certain tough questions.

I think I missed the press conferences and 10-15 minutes of during-the-draft discussion on the other 3rd round picks.
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gost8 said:
I really can't comment on his health. He did get a stinger... which just takes a long time to heal. I think he also had a minor knee surgery too, but played the following week on it. Can't remember any other injuries.
A bad stinger...and knee surgery caused him to miss the UC game. But, perhaps more importantly, he has never, since at least his freshman year in high school, played an entire season without hurting himself. Ever. If the guy can't play through even one out of four high school football seasons, I give him no chance whatsoever to play a 16 game NFL season. But if he does...more power to him.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Dind ding ding! We have a winner. How many players were drafted over the weekend? Over 230? And what player has been getting more air-time than almost all others combined? MoC. Wherever Denver plays this year, folks will go to see MoC play/get hurt/whatever. And if MoC turns out to be the diamond in the rough that Denver thinks he is, it's all gravy...

I don't think so. Denver sells out their home games anyway. People in Oakland, KC, and San Diego could care less about seeing the "amazing" Maurice Clarett.
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tibor75 said:
I don't think so. Denver sells out their home games anyway. People in Oakland, KC, and San Diego could care less about seeing the "amazing" Maurice Clarett.

Uh, Denver plays eight road games, Rashmish...

FKAGobucks877 said:
A bad stinger...and knee surgery caused him to miss the UC game...

That stinger was caused on our last offensive play of the game at Wisconsin, when he got slammed to the concrete, er, turf. Damp Cramhole sucks...they need to outlaw that parking lot they call a football field. The orthoscopic knee surgery has turned out to be a non-factor.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Uh, ever hear of "revenue"? Oh yeah, they use trinkets in Asspackinstan... :roll1:

Uh, football games sell out anyway. I doubt Arizona would bring 10,000 more fans b/c the amazing MoC is there.

No casual fan outside of Ohio or Denver is going to care about Clarett 6 months from now. And certainly no fan i going to fork over 40 bucks just to see him have his ass on the bench.
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actually, the entire nation is curious about clarett....he is a polarizing figure and that will translate well to the broncos...

if clarett plays well, the broncos merchandising (typically very poor) will get a huge boost.....
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Its amazing to see so many fans venomous towards MoC. I thought we claimed to be better than wishing injury on a 21 year old kid that still has a chance to turn his life around?

The guy has amazing talent. These other backs are not in his class. Ronnie Brown gets 700 yards and is the second pick of the draft. Benson stacks up his stats against nobody's and is the 4th pick in the draft. Clarett handed us a National Title and at this point the fans STILL hate him. I don't like what he did anymore than anyone else, but Im not about to wish injury on a 21 year old guy whom at this point just wants to play football.
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BucksinFL said:
Its amazing to see so many fans venomous towards MoC. I thought we claimed to be better than wishing injury on a 21 year old kid that still has a chance to turn his life around?

The guy has amazing talent. These other backs are not in his class. Ronnie Brown gets 700 yards and is the second pick of the draft. Benson stacks up his stats against nobody's and is the 4th pick in the draft. Clarett handed us a National Title and at this point the fans STILL hate him. I don't like what he did anymore than anyone else, but Im not about to wish injury on a 21 year old guy whom at this point just wants to play football.

I wish no harm to him, yet I find no place in my heart for him after he tried to bring down our coach, our university, our reputation; our tradition of fair play and his attempt to inpugn the integrity of an institution that gave him all the chances he has right now as a freakin millionaire.....bullshit. I used to be the biggest fan of MoC. Now I con't care if he flops like a dying fish. :)
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Clarett probably won't do much this year, but he will be successful. I wouldn't be surprised to see him starting for Denver in 2006. Then, when Denver plays on Monday Night Football, he can say, "Maurice Clarett...THE Ohio State Buckeyes," during his intro.

That should ruffle a few feathers.
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FWIW, attribute Clarett's draft status to a former Buckeye, who apparently wasn't too concerned with the insinuations Clarett was leveling towards the University.

Article in Rocky Mountain News

The Broncos selected Clarett, in large part Shanahan said, on the recommendation of Broncos running backs coach Bobby Turner.

Turner, a former Ohio State offensive coordinator (1989-90), has remained in contact with Clarett much of the past two years. Turner was not available for comment Sunday.

"Coach Turner took a gamble, coach Shanahan, I don't want to make them look stupid," Clarett said. ". . . (Turner) kept in touch with me every week. He said (the Broncos) were interested in me, he didn't know if they were going to pick me, but he said they would pick me if I was there. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here." When asked how long it had been for somebody to go to bat for him on the football field like Turner did, Clarett said, "It's been a long time. That's the first thing I said to them: 'I just want to get in there and work,' . . . work my butt off, anything to help the team, running the ball, special teams, anything."
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