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RB Erik Haw (official thread)

buckiprof said:
This has nothing to do with the game plan for the NC game against Miami. JT saw a weakness and game planned for it which had nothing to do with the health of MoC and nothing to do with the type of QB we had. Yes JT wants to run a RB, who doesn't. But that is why it is called a game plan and exploiting the other team's weakness.
Exactally. Does this type of coach remind anyone of someone else. Maybe Bill Belicheck.

I believe if Haw is the best runner then he will be getting alot of carries, and with his speed and size combined with the threat of the passing game, a good fullback and an improved line, he could really bust out.
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buckiprof said:
This has nothing to do with the game plan for the NC game against Miami. JT saw a weakness and game planned for it which had nothing to do with the health of MoC and nothing to do with the type of QB we had. Yes JT wants to run a RB, who doesn't. But that is why it is called a game plan and exploiting the other team's weakness.
My comments were in reference to the topic of JT and the running game, not the sub-topic of the miami game. You used one game against an outstanding defense to generalize the JT approach to offense.

I referenced MoC's health because our offense was horrendous for the second half of 2002 after he went out.

If I was referring to the Fiesta Bowl, then MoC's health DID play a huge role in what they did. The only reason CK was able to run free like he did was because of the somewhat healed condition of Clarett. Had MoC been in civilian clothes that day, the defense would have been preparing all month and then keying on Krenzel.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
My comments were in reference to the topic of JT and the running game, not the sub-topic of the miami game. You used one game against an outstanding defense to generalize the JT approach to offense.

I referenced MoC's health because our offense was horrendous for the second half of 2002 after he went out.

If I was referring to the Fiesta Bowl, then MoC's health DID play a huge role in what they did. The only reason CK was able to run free like he did was because of the somewhat healed condition of Clarett. Had MoC been in civilian clothes that day, the defense would have been preparing all month and then keying on Krenzel.
I don't know that they would have been preparing for Krenzel all month b/c that hadnt showed the plays they ran it that game all year. Also Tressel would of found a way to move the ball without Clarrett.
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crazybuckfan40 said:
I don't know that they would have been preparing for Krenzel all month b/c that hadnt showed the plays they ran it that game all year. Also Tressel would of found a way to move the ball without Clarrett.
He didn't in 2003 against defenses that were much worse than miami's. I have faith in tressel's play calling, but not having a good RB spells major trouble for an offense.
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buckiprof said:
Actually, an integral part of the game plan for OSU in that game was to have Krenzel run out of the shot gun. It was something the JT saw in the film study that he felt they could use to exploit a weakness in Miami's defense. Specifically, JT had realized that running QB's had success against Miami since Miami used mostly man defenses and also tend to overpursue. So JT formulated in the game plan to spread the defense, put CK in shotgun, and run him off tackle. The play was called 46Q and it was an integral part of the overall game plan.

While MoC may have been "neutralized" in the game running the ball, some of that had to do with the overall game plan by JT while some of it had to do with a very good Miami defense determined to stop him as well.

While Tressel may have seen a weakness in Miami's defense that would give Krenzel an option to run, he did not, and let me repeat this emphatically, he DID NOT intend for Krenzel to be the main rusher in the game as you imply. If you don't believe me, go back and watch the entire game and see how many times Krenzel ran due to pass-rush pressure vice running intentionally.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
While Tressel may have seen a weakness in Miami's defense that would give Krenzel an option to run, he did not, and let me repeat this emphatically, he DID NOT intend for Krenzel to be the main rusher in the game as you imply. If you don't believe me, go back and watch the entire game and see how many times Krenzel ran due to pass-rush pressure vice running intentionally.
He might not of intended to use it that much, but once it worked he went back to it. Also it was obviously in the game plan b/c he seen what other running qbs could do against thier d. Remember what WVU qb did to them.
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My comments were in reference to the topic of JT and the running game, not the sub-topic of the miami game. You used one game against an outstanding defense to generalize the JT approach to offense.
I have been battling the flu from hell the past week and finally can sit at the computer for a period of time. I thought I would check on this thread. First, you are quite mistaken in saying that I used one game to generalize JT's approach to offense. I was commenting on the fact that for that NC game, Krenzel's running was part of the game plan that JT orchestrated. Period. It was part of the game plan and that is what a coach with a month to prepare does; put together a plan to exploit a weakness. Do not take that distinction I was making and use it to make a generalization about a generalization that was never made.

While Tressel may have seen a weakness in Miami's defense that would give Krenzel an option to run, he did not, and let me repeat this emphatically, he DID NOT intend for Krenzel to be the main rusher in the game as you imply. If you don't believe me, go back and watch the entire game and see how many times Krenzel ran due to pass-rush pressure vice running intentionally.
JT did see a weakness in Miami's defense and the play to exploit that weakness was 46Q (Krenzel off tackle out of the spread). I watched the game in person and I have watched the tape/DVD multiple times. There are some plays where I am sure 46Q was not called and CK scrambled. But there are many more plays where it looks pretty obvious that 46Q was the called play. And 46Q was not a play that would give CK an option to run; it was a play designed for him to run. Does that mean JT planned on CK being the leading rusher? Probably not. Did I imply that the game plan drawn up by JT was to achieve that? Well, I don't see where I implied that but I see where you could get that implication by my language of 46Q being an integral part of the game plan. I think that 46Q and the success it had allowed JT to maybe call for it more than he may have originally projected (hey I am an offensive coordinator and I will run a successful play over and over until the opposing defense shows me they can stop it), but by integral part of the game plan, I suspect JT was planning on it being able to open up something else. In any event, I was not implying that JT's game plan was for CK to be the leading rusher; simple that 46Q was an integral part of the game plan and it was a designed play for CK to run out of the shot gun formation.
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BuckeyeBill said:
Not trying to start yet another Smith/Zwick thread, but this is why we're going to need Smith at QB. We're not effective enough in the running/passing dimensions of our offense to go far without him.
getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you? nothing like condeming our running game for the 05 season to suckage before the spring game even. :roll2: the o-line was much improved by the end of the year. to not expect that to be expanded on this year as we lost virtually no one is a bit pessimistic. and if we do regress then jobs should seriously be in jepardy. we can't get any worse at tb unless they start me. :wink:

passing isn't effective either? don't think ginn, holmes, and gonzo are up to snuff?

and yet one more subscriber to the concept that a non running qb can't win games club. which is why guys like joe montana and dan marino will always be second rate hacks *shakes head*. if we can't pass at will and the running game isn't at the very least "improved", people need to be fired asap.

im very excited about the upcoming season. i doubt haw will join the heisman race. but so long as the guy at qb can throw semi effectively and the line is even slightly improved from last season. i can't imagine whoever our tb is not being effective in the situation we will have starting this season.
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A question to those of you that have been following the central Ohio football scene for a few years: How do you rate Haw in comparison to how you rated Maurice Hall when he was entering the program? On a related note, to what extent do you think Hall's knee problems impacted his production from the backfield as a Buckeye?
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[font=Arial, Helvetica]Maurice Hall[/font] <table valign="top" bgcolor="#990000" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" width="430"> <tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="105">
</td> <td valign="top" width="321"> <table valign="top" bgcolor="#990000" border="0" width="321"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top">
</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"> <table align="top" bgcolor="#990000" border="0" width="160"> <tbody><tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]Class:
</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]Hometown:
Columbus, Ohio
</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]High School:
</td></tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table align="top" bgcolor="#990000" border="0" width="160"> <tbody><tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]Height / Weight:
5-10 / 205
</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]Position:
</td></tr> <tr><td valign="top">
</td><td valign="top">[font=Arial, Helvetica]Major:
[/font]</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody> </table>

I don't know how much weight he gained since H.S., but this is pretty close to Haw.
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zincfinger said:
[font=Arial, Helvetica]Maurice Hall[/font] <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1 width=430 bgColor=#990000 border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width=105>
</TD> <TD vAlign=top width=321> <TABLE width=321 bgColor=#990000 border=0 valign="top"> <TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE width=160 align=top bgColor=#990000 border=0> <TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]Class:


</TD></TR> <TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]Hometown:

Columbus, Ohio

</TD></TR> <TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]High School:


</TD></TR> </TBODY></TABLE> </TD> <TD vAlign=top> <TABLE width=160 align=top bgColor=#990000 border=0> <TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]Height / Weight:

5-10 / 205

</TD></TR> <TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]Position:


</TD></TR> <TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[font=Arial, Helvetica]Major:


I don't know how much weight he gained since H.S., but this is pretty close to Haw.
Yes, but I believe Mo-Hall was about 180lbs as a Freshman.
Haw is starting out much bigger. I don't know if that makes a difference, or not.
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All I got to say is Haw can flat out move!!! I have the 04 big33 on dvd and he has got some speed. My friend lives 3 houses down from where Haw grew up in Berwick and she spoke with him on Saturday. She told me everyone is excited about this year , They really think they will win it all..... Its awesome to hear shit like that
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