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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Beanie in the Spring Game

I thought Beanie looked kind of like Keith Byars at time carrying the ball. I've heard Jim Brown and Corey Dillon. Byars makes the most sense to me, great balance, quickness, power, great leg drives.

He does a great job keeping his legs driving after getting hit. If he employs some of Edgerrin James' pile techniques...whew.

Beanie does look kind of like a monster kid out there. It looks to me like there's a big chance he'll continue to grow and mature physically. Nice Stuff...talented kid.
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I was very, very impressed with CWells today. Let's just hope that JT doesn't take carries away from CWells by giving them to MoWells. IMO, there should be only two running backs getting the carries: CWells and Antonio.

With a young defense, we need our offense to eat up clock with the running game. Our offensive line needs to create running room for our backs, so that they do get enough carries. I would throw Haw into the equation also.
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I was very, very impressed with CWells today. Let's just hope that JT doesn't take carries away from CWells by giving them to MoWells. IMO, there should be only two running backs getting the carries: CWells and Antonio.

Good thing you're not the coach. Both MoWells and Haw are very good backs, and may be called upon to fill in should Pittman and/or CWells get hurt. Haw's longest run of the day was as long as CWells' and he also scored the game's only TD. MoWells also had a decent game. They both give us extra depth and added dimensions to the running game.
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Good thing you're not the coach. Both MoWells and Haw are very good backs, and may be called upon to fill in should Pittman and/or CWells get hurt. Haw's longest run of the day was as long as CWells' and he also scored the game's only TD. MoWells also had a decent game. They both give us extra depth and added dimensions to the running game.
I'll second that emotion. What we have now, for the first time in three years is quality and depth. We have a stable of backs that any other team would give their eye-teeth to have on squad. We are simply loaded at RB.

But, man it was great to hear the crowd greet Chris Wells' first big run in Scarlet & Gray with a massive roar!
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Wells has his moment in the sun in spring game
Sunday, April 23, 2006
<!--PHOTOS--> <table class="phototableright" align="right" border="0"> <!-- begin large ad code --> <tbody><tr><td> <table align="center"> <tbody><tr><td align="center">
</td></tr> <tr><td class="credit" width="200"> NEAL C . LAURON </td></tr> <tr><td class="credit" width="200"> DISPATCH </td></tr> <tr><td class="cutline" width="200">Scarlet running back Chris Wells eludes the tackle attempt of the Gray team’s Andre Amos on a first-half carry. Wells rushed for a game-high 48 yards on 11 carries. </td></tr> <tr><td align="center">
</td></tr> </tbody></table> </td></tr> </tbody> </table>
It wasn’t quite as big as Babe Ruth’s "called shot."
Some heretics would tell you the Ohio State spring football game ranks a notch or two below the 1932 World Series, and freshman running back Chris Wells didn’t exactly make a gesture indicating that he was about to hit a home run. All he did was pound his chest a couple of times before the ball was snapped and then break a tackle for an 11-yard gain.
Besides, if you know the Ruth story, you know how easy it is for simple things to be misinterpreted. Cubs pitcher Charlie Root used to say that Ruth’s home-run gesture meant nothing of the sort, and there’s no way for us to know exactly what Wells was intending with his chest slap. He might simply have been quelling a cough or straightening his shoulder pads or …
"That was to let them know I was coming," Wells said. He grinned. "There was a lot of jawing out there … "
So there you have it, another spring game legend to put in your mental scrapbook along with whatever other ones, real or perceived, might have gotten lodged there by mistake.
One reason Ohio State’s relatively meaningless spring game can draw 63,649 is that the fans love talking about their team as much as they do watching it. So it is that they come to Ohio Stadium to watch sophomore defensive end Lawrence Wilson make a big hit or redshirt freshman defensive lineman Todd Denlinger tackle quarterback Todd Boeckman for a safety. Then they can tell their friends who couldn’t be there how great these players are going to be next year, regardless of whether they’ve ever heard of them.
But Wells takes this spring game perception stuff one step further. After all, he’s the player who, on national signing day, running backs coach Dick Tressel said reminded him of Jim Brown. Tressel wouldn’t back off that comparison after watching Wells through four weeks of spring practice.Whether fans think they saw the second coming of Brown yesterday is what this whole Scarlet-Gray thing is all about. This is one day of the year where reality seldom intrudes on perception.
Wells looked good. He led both squads in rushing with 48 yards on 11 carries. He broke a lot of tackles, a lot like Brown used to do in Cleveland.
"I used to be coached by my father," Wells said. "He always told me don’t go down with the first one. I’m too big for that. He just told me, ‘Roll with the punches. Just take what they give you, and if they give you something else, just take the extra.’ "
The fact that returning starter Antonio Pittman, a 1,300-yard rusher, didn’t play because of a hamstring strain made it all the better. It meant that Pittman couldn’t get in the way of the dream.
If what happened yesterday doesn’t have a whole lot to do with what will happen during the season — Bam Childress could have been called "Mr. April" for his spring game exploits, but he never was able to duplicate those feats in the fall — that never seems to detract from the fans’ enjoyment of it.
There’s more than four months between now and the opener against Northern Illinois, and this one glorified practice is the only in-the-flesh glimpse that fans have to fuel their conversations. So maybe we should forgive them for ignoring the fact that Wells was the third running back taken in his teammates’ draft for this game — Erik Haw was first and Maurice Wells was second — and let them dwell on positives that went even beyond Wells:
In his only series of the game, senior quarterback Troy Smith led a impressive nineplay, 80-yard drive that resulted in the game’s only touchdown. The defense, which has to replace nine starters, had a safety and allowed only one field goal after Smith left.
Negatives? This is mostly about reinforcing the perception that the Buckeyes are going to be great next season.
And are they?
This "Game" says they will. But then, it usually does.
Bob Hunter is a sports columnist for The Dispatch.
[email protected]
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Ohio State spring game

Strong debut for Wells

Garfield graduate leads Buckeyes in rushing in victory for Scarlet

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter


Ken Love/Akron Beacon Journal
Antonio Pittman watches the action from the sidelines at the Ohio State Scarlet and Grey spring game played at Ohio Stadium on the Ohio State campus, Saturday, April 22, 2006.
More photos

<!-- begin body-content --> COLUMBUS - Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith might be as caught up in the hoopla over Chris Wells as the 63,649 who came to sun-baked Ohio Stadium Saturday for a meaningless spring game.
``I hope he becomes a young Jerome Bettis,'' Smith said. ``When he was with the Rams, he punished guys. Back in the day you'd see `The Bus' run over guys, run for 30 yards, then run over some more guys. I think Chris has a very, very bright future.''
Wells, the freshman Parade All-American tailback from Garfield High School, showed Bus-like tendencies on more than one occasion to help the Scarlet defeat the Gray 12-0. His best moment came in the third quarter when he caught a pass in the right flat two yards downfield and bowled over two defenders for a 9-yard gain and a first down.
``He looked like he did the whole spring, comfortable and patient,'' OSU coach Jim Tressel said. ``That's a big guy with the ability to accelerate. We're very pleased with him.''
Wells, 6-foot-2 and 225 pounds, led all rushers with 48 yards on 11 carries, with a long gain of 11 yards. His first carry went for 7 yards.
``It was loud, I could barely hear the plays,'' Wells said. ``The crowd was unbelievable. I can just imagine how it will be for a regular game. I had a lot of fun, getting in there and learning everything I can.''
A crowd that included 23,600 walkups saw other area players make notable contributions. Redshirt freshman Brian Hartline of GlenOak was the game's leading receiver with seven catches for 88 yards for the Scarlet. Sophomore defensive end Lawrence Wilson of St. Vincent-St. Mary had four tackles, a tackle for loss and a sack for the Gray.
The only touchdown drive came on the game's first possession when Smith took the Scarlet 80 yards in nine plays and taiback Erik Haw scored on a 4-yard run. Smith was 4-of-4 passing for 62 yards, with tight end Rory Nicol catching two passes for 33 yards, Anthony Gonzalez one for 18 yards and Hartline one for 11 during the drive.
``We can become the best offense in the nation if we stay within ourselves and don't let the hype get to us,'' Smith said.
It appears Wells will be a part of that offense. Graduating early and enrolling for spring quarter to help his bid for playing time this fall, Wells said the decision has paid off.
``I've come a long way,'' Wells said. ``The first day, I was lost. I think we put in more plays in three days than I had my whole high school career. The best thing I've done in my life as far as football was coming in early. If I would have come in late I probably would have ended up redshirting my first year. It helped a lot, getting a feel for the system.
``I think I did OK today. I feel pretty comfortable and confident as far as plays, but the little things, like blocking assignments, I need to improve on. Having the football in my hand is the easy part. Not having the football, who to block, where to go, the check-downs, that's the hard part.''
While fans were watching Wells' every move, a young OSU defense served notice that it might have the talent to help make up for the loss of nine starters. Freshman linebacker Ross Homan, a first-team All-Ohio selection at Coldwater who enrolled for the winter quarter, led the Scarlet with eight tackles, including one for a loss and a sack. Sophomore linebacker Marcus Freeman, who missed all of last season with a knee injury, had 10 tackles for the Gray.
``Ross Homan has been very productive from Day 1,'' Tressel said. ``In the design of our defense, that position is going to have an opportunity to make plays. Cie Grant was productive, A.J. Hawk was productive. Now can you make plays? Ross Homan can make them.
``In the winter quarter, Homan got a 3.7 (grade-point average). His first 14 weeks on campus have been extraordinary.''
Send get-well cards to injured receiver Tyson Gentry in care of OSU Medical Center, 410 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, OH, 43210.
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anybody else getting tired of this game being referred to as being meaningless?

It may seem meaningless to the media and some fans but the truth is that it is a very important scrimmage for some of these kids.....its their chance to make an impression.

I thought Wells was as advertised in the game......physically he is very impressive and I thought he showed great vision on a couple of runs and he just has that "thing" that all great backs have. I also liked the fact that it took at least two guys to bring him down and he always seemed to fall forward. The only negative I saw with his performance was that his blocking was below average, he got beat on at least two occasions. That will improve with more experience.

Its going to be real interesting in the fall how they get him on the field.
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Ohio State spring game - Strong debut for Wells
Garfield graduate leads Buckeyes in rushing in victory for Scarlet

<!-- begin body-content --> COLUMBUS - Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith might be as caught up in the hoopla over Chris Wells as the 63,649 who came to sun-baked Ohio Stadium Saturday for a meaningless spring game.
"I hope he becomes a young Jerome Bettis'' Smith said. "When he was with the Rams, he punished guys. Back in the day you'd see `The Bus' run over guys, run for 30 yards, then run over some more guys. I think Chris has a very, very bright future.''
sheez.. I said the same thing in January and got smacked from BP posters.. go figure..
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It may seem meaningless to the media and some fans but the truth is that it is a very important scrimmage for some of these kids.....its their chance to make an impression.

It wasn't "meaningless" to 63,000+ people Saturday. If it indeed were "meaningless", then the game wouldn't be held. It's meaningful in that bench kids can show what they got, it fans the flames of internal competition for positions, and it shows the fans (and the opponents on our schedule) what they can look forward to this upcoming season.
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