Watson, Crick & A Twist
I'd have to believe that even with the continuing ties Oklahoma has into the Texas panhandle that the Lone Star state will do pretty well with its own crop of athletes. So many colleges with D1A programs and an always strong HS football program.BuckeyeFROMscUM said:Gosh I love that she pulled the "Ohio kids stay in Ohio' card. Is it against NCAA violations to have Mrs. Wells start using her clout as Chris' mother and start swaying other Ohio mothers (Boren, etc)? Any woman that can bring a beast like this into the world and raise him to be a good kid has to have one commanding presence
On a different note, has anyone ever heard of a statistic tracking which state retains more of its top players? It seems like we'd have a pretty good shot at this statistic... I guess top players is very subjective, so its hard to track something like this, but I don't think any other state can claim they keep as much talent as we do.
Don't know who would come out on top, but they are my pick for the Contender vs Ohio. And fromsCUM -- its a really interesting question.