I am glad that he is leaving. Not bashing. In my opinion, he was a divisive figure WITHIN the team. While everyone did and should respect his athleticism, he was a difficult team mate. I am speaking from the perspective of someone who personally knew ALL of the players and coaches in question. I haven't been around the kid since his Frosh year, but I saw a kid that caused a massive rift among the team from the beginning. HE would back talk coaches but be beyond reproach from older players who would stick up for the coach (I know that sounds ludicrous) He was given so much leeway and treated so much different than other players, it was obnoxious.
I think for the Buckeyes to move forward and get these things behind them, they need to do it without TP on the team. I do NOT put the other 4 kids in the tat 5 in the same category. Even though the others messed up, I would not look at any of those other kids as a cancer to the team.
TP won a lot of games while he played QB for the Buckeyes, but the state that he is leaving the team in will take a long time to recover from. I hope he learns and succeeds as he goes through life, but I am glad to see this page turned.