Those who can do it, do it, those who can't (or are too old to do it anymore) teach it, and then there are those who wish they were good enough to do it or teach it, but alas, they are inept, ignorant and all that is left is to write about it. 
TP has a fire in him reminiscent of Troy, the difference may be that by the time any of the morons in the media wanted to talk to TS, he had been indoctrinated in Tresselspeak. I'll take TP's fire and confidence anyday, the penalty in the Jersey Scrimmage may have been a blessing in keeping his fire tempered to smoldering heat.

TP has a fire in him reminiscent of Troy, the difference may be that by the time any of the morons in the media wanted to talk to TS, he had been indoctrinated in Tresselspeak. I'll take TP's fire and confidence anyday, the penalty in the Jersey Scrimmage may have been a blessing in keeping his fire tempered to smoldering heat.