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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

Troy is now ranked 4th in Passer Efficiency Rating.

If you prefer TD/INT ratio, then Troy is #1 with a bullet. Below are the top 10.

Troy Smith_________________The Ohio State University_____10.5
Kevin Kolb__________________Houston____________________9.0
Stephen McGee_____________Texas A&M__________________9.0
Colt McCoy_________________Texas______________________6.67
Justin Willis_________________SMU_______________________6.33
Tyler Palko__________________Pitt_______________________6.0
Colt Brennan________________Hawaii_____________________5.6
John Beck__________________BYU_______________________5.33
Zac Talyor__________________Nebraska__________________5.33
Brady Quinn_________________Notre Dame________________4.5

Ummm... yeah

Only eight players in the country come within 1/2 of Troy's TD/INT ratio.
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The 31 yard TD pass to Ginn was unbelieveable. I didn't get to watch the game but watching the highlights later, I realized that my jaw had dropped when it happened. I mean, it was a spontaneous reaction to watching that play.

You know how it is when "normal" quarterbacks scramble and then throw on the run, they look akward, clumsy, in poor form. But Troy's play looked like a basketball move --- by that I mean, he ran, ran, and then froze the two guys chasing him by stopping, bouncing backwards a step or two... I mean, they didn't know what to do, and by the time they realized what was happening, the pass was on its way. I watch a lot of basketball, and it was one bad-ass start-stop-change directions move.

It was cool... what else can i say.
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Of the three guys ranked ahead of Troy in Passing Efficiency, only Colt Brennan of the Rainbow Warriors is likely to stay there.

Colt hasn't played a decent defense and doesn't have one on the remaining schedule.

Tyler Palko of Pitt has games remaining against WVU, USF, Louisville and Connecticut; who are ranked 4th, 7th, 16th and 24th in the nation in passing efficiency defense respectively. Granted, those rankings are as much a product of schedule as is their defensive fortitude; but it is clearly indicative that these teams are a heck of a lot better on pass D than anyone that Palko has faced to date.

Bobby Reid's next two games are against Nebraska and Texas. 'nuff said.

So Troy is likely to end up ranked either first or second in the nation in Pass Efficiency. No one being considered for the Heisman is even close.

Let's face it: Outside of Troy, only Brady Quinn is getting any consideration for the Heisman. So let's compare, shall we?

Quinn has thrown:
  • 44% more passes
  • 33% more completions
  • 100% more interceptions
  • 13% more yards
  • 14% FEWER touchdowns
  • Lower completion %
  • Higher interception per attempt
  • Fewer yards per attempt
  • Much lower TD per attempt
  • MUCH lower TD/INT ratio
I'm sure some would argue that if Troy had more attempts that his numbers would not be as good, since other teams would be keying on the pass. But judging from Troy's efficiency on 3rd down, having the other team key on the pass doesn't mean Jack-Diddly-Bubkiss to Troy.

You can also count on some people, be they ND homers or just people wanting to sound like the smartest guy in the room, telling you that Troy has a better supporting cast. Let's rewind to before the season. MANY preseason web-sites and publications were touting Notre Dame as having the superior supporting cast. Many of them had ND's OL ranked higher, many of them had Samardzija and McKnight ranked ahead of Ginn and Gonzalez, many of them had Walker ranked ahead of Pittman. What else is there to rank?

So why do ALL of these match-ups seem to have inverted? I'll give you a hint: His initials are TS.

Class dismissed
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Smith stays on track for Heisman[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BY JIM NAVEAU - Oct. 22, 2006[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]COLUMBUS ? Television, or the lack of it, was one of the big stories in Ohio State football last week when the executives at ESPN decided the only way Buckeyes fans without a ticket could see Saturday?s game against Indiana was on the hard-to-find ESPNU.
But it was another television show that OSU offensive tackle Kirk Barton was talking about after the Buckeyes rolled over Indiana 44-3.
After watching quarterback Troy Smith deliver another solid performance, including a couple of let?s see that one again on instant replay moves, Barton was thinking ahead to early December and the Heisman Trophy Presentation Ceremony telecast.
Asked if he had seen Smith?s second-quarter touchdown throw to Ted Ginn Jr., which was made possible when the Ohio State quarterback sidestepped a pass rusher, rolled left and threw the ball across his body, Barton admitted he hadn?t.
But it wasn?t hard for him to imagine it.
?I?m sure it was a great play and I?ll see it in films tomorrow and be like, ?Wow.? But he does that every week now,? Barton said. ?They?re going to have to extend the Heisman show so they can get all that footage of him on there, all of that highlight reel stuff.
?It?s going to be a long show.?
The ringing endorsement of Smith for the Heisman Trophy by a teammate is no surprise.
But maybe Smith?s rise to the top of the Heisman race is all about no surprises.
His talent is obvious. But the way he brings his best week after week, Saturday after Saturday, is what sets him apart.
With the four touchdown passes, he had against Indiana, Smith has thrown 21 touchdown passes and has been intercepted only twice. He has completed 68 percent of his passes.
He has thrown two or more touchdown passes in every game but one this season. In his last 10 games, going back to the Michigan game last season, he has not thrown an interception in nine of those.
Smith is consistent when it comes to talking about his Heisman chances too. He skillfully sidesteps it, like it was an overeager freshman defensive end getting his first chance to rush the passer.
Smith says he tries not to think about the award, the award ceremony or any of that. ?I can?t and I won?t think about it,? he said.
?I try not to focus on myself too much and say I?m the reason this is all happening because I?m not. I have a whole camp of guys around me. I try to give as much credit as I can to everybody else.?
When a questioner wanted to know after Saturday?s game if playing quarterback with players like Anthony Gonzalez and Ted Ginn Jr. and Antonio Pittman around him was like driving a Ferrari, Smith said, ?I drive an Impala.
?It gets me where I need to go ? home safely, to school, to practice,? he said.
If Smith has four more games like his first eight this season, he won?t just buy American, he?ll be an All-American.
If he has four more games like the first eight, he will be there in New York in December, maybe making the Heisman Trophy awards ceremony run into overtime.
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Troy by Down

Through the Indiana game, the following is Troy's passing by down for the season:

Down....Comp....Att.....Yds....TD....int.... RATING

  • Troy is now #4 in passing efficiency in Div. IA
  • He'll continue to climb for the next 3 weeks (at least)
Troy's 3rd down efficiency continues to climb. Gathering these numbers requires going play-by-play through the game record, so I'm not about to do that for all of the other QBs. But I'd be you a mound of chocolate-&-peanut-butter Buckeyes that Troy has the highest 3rd down rating in the game, maybe the best ever.
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Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith in the Heisman race is beginning to remind me of Tiger Woods sitting on a lead. What Woods does best is he doesn't beat himself. He remains steady and lets the other guys self-destruct. Look at what's happened to the top candidates in the last two weeks: Adrian Peterson (injured), Garrett Wolfe (ineffective), Calvin Johnson (ditto), Bobby Reid (injured). There's Smith, West Virginia tailback Steve Slaton, Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn, Rutgers tailback Ray Rice. Who else?

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Troy Smith became the first Buckeyes quarterback in more than a decade to toss four touchdowns in a single half, hitting four different receivers for scores in the first two quarters to boost Ohio State to a 28-3 halftime lead over Indiana.

The senior quarterback connected on 15-of-23 throws (65.2 percent) for 220 yards in the game despite throwing only five passes in limited action in the second half.

The Preseason Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year became the first OSU signal caller to throw four touchdown passes in a half since Bobby Hoying accomplished the feat against Purdue in 1994.

Smith now has 21 touchdown strikes this season against only two interceptions to lead the Big Ten and rank fourth nationally with a pass efficiency rating of 176.4. Smith collects the fourth weekly conference accolade of his career and his third this season after being honored on Sept. 4 and Oct. 29 of 2006 and Nov. 21 of 2005.

Troy Smith shared the offensive player of the week award with Michigan State quarterback Drew Stanton.

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seeing as how the original official troy smith thread is temporarily mia, does anyone happen to have a link to the news story where troy smith recalls after the penn state game last season what ted ginn sr. said to him about getting his head straight or transferring? i checked the ginn sr. thread and i couldn't find it there. thanks in advance :).
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OSU Picture Archive

Quarterback Troy Smith #10 of Ohio State eludes Keith Burrus #97 of Indiana before tossing a TD October 21, 2006 at Ohio Stadium in Columbus, Ohio. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)


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martinss01;641399; said:
seeing as how the original official troy smith thread is temporarily mia, does anyone happen to have a link to the news story where troy smith recalls after the penn state game last season what ted ginn sr. said to him about getting his head straight or transferring? i checked the ginn sr. thread and i couldn't find it there. thanks in advance :).

It was either the BMOC feature in the off season by Mandel at SI, or it was the piece by Dodd at CBS SportsLine. Both had done write ups on Troy in August.

Edit: Nevermind.

The BMOC piece is here: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/pr...xclusive/08/14/cf.bigmen.smith0821/index.html
The CBS preview is here: http://cbs.sportsline.com/collegefootball/story/9449145

Neither mention the comment from Ginn Sr.

Maybe it was the "Playermaker" article in ESPN The Magazine. It was the issue that came out during Texas week -- had T.O. on the cover. ESPN does not have the old articles from The Mag on their site; only the current issue is available.
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I posted this on Bucknuts also and spent my morning on work writing this. I hope you enjoy it.

11/18/2006 will be one of biggest days in college football history. There is no doubt about this. This epic showdown of undefeated arch rivals has been and will be hyped as one of the most historical college football games of all time. Many have given this game already the title of game of the century, but for Troy Smith the showdown with Michigan will mean be so much more.

11/18/2006 will be Troy Smith's last game at the shoe. Will the cheers of Smith?s name being announced on senior day be louder then the cheers from any of his historic plays as the Buckeyes? signal caller? Or could another unbelievable career defining play against Michigan draw cheers and celebration that will be etched into Buckeye fans mind for generations to come?

On 11/18 Troy Smith will try to cement his legend in Buckeye lore by finishing his regular season career going both undefeated at home as a starter AND going undefeated in his 3 starts vs. Michigan. Honestly, I don?t know if a Buckeye starting QB will ever match those two feats during my lifetime.

Smith?s rise to greatness started where it will be ending on 11/18 with a home start against a good Michigan team. In 2004 fresh off a heartbreaking lost to Purdue, yes Purdue, Smith took the reigns against a heavy favorite in Michigan. Boasting a star freshmen QB and RB and playing a wounded Buckeye team, the 2004 game was believed by many to be a turning point in the nation?s biggest sports rivalry. If Henne and Hart could beat an ?inferior? Buckeye team as freshmen at the shoe, then they would be on their way to a stellar career against Ohio State where 2 of next 3 matchups would be at home. With the Buckeyes having lost in 2003, 2004 looking bleak, 2005 on the road, and Henne and Hart being freshmen studs, it was definitely in the realm of possibility that the Michigan freshmen dual could help start a lengthy winning streak against their arch rivals.

The 2004 game went under the radar as Troy Smith and the Buckeyes was suppose to fold under the pressure of a good Michigan defense as Ohio State the week before was still showing lots of growing pains in their loss to Purdue. Ohio State needed a hero, and with not one in sight they didn?t get one. Instead they got the birth of a legend.

With fans still burping from the last minute beers they consumed before entering the stadium, something happened. The Buckeye offense that had lost its way scored quickly and dramatically as Smith BOMBED a deep pass to at the time an almost anonymous Anthony Gonzalez. Michigan regrouped and then took the lead 14-7. The Buckeyes were on the ropes. But Smith rallied the Buckeyes to take the lead, one that grew as Smith had the best statistical day for an Ohio State quarterback against Michigan. Troy Smith doesn?t lose at home, and he doesn?t lose to Michigan.

In 2005 the tables were now turned as Ohio State was a favorite going to a downtrodden Michigan team. Michigan played their best game all year as they took a 9 point lead with 7 minutes left. I don?t know how many 2 score leads in the 4th quarter have been squandered in the history of the rivalry but my guess is that you can probably count them on one hand. Troy Smith drove the field for touchdowns not once, but twice in the final quarter showing athleticism, accuracy, leadership, and a knack of making unbelievable plays at the most important moments of a game. Many pointed to the coaching on both sides as the reason Ohio State won and Michigan lost that day. While I agree it was a major factor, the millions who watched that game learned that Troy Smith will find a way a win against Michigan.
Many people expected Troy to then relapse into the mistake prone quarterback who was still learning how to play the position. However most thought that there would be no way he could really improve from as good as he was at the end of 2005. Many penciled in the road games vs. Texas and Iowa as the pitfalls for Smith and the Buckeyes in 2006. 21 touchdowns passes and ONLY 2 interceptions later the Buckeyes are in cruise control until 11/18. No team has even challenged Troy and the Buckeyes, and the internet is swamped with the weekly mesmerizing plays he has been making. Smith?s 2006 numbers are impressive and will likely bring him the Heisman, but for those of us who have watched every blowout (I mean game) has been able to see Smith continue to improve and evolve into one of the best college quarterbacks in recent history. One could argue that some of the plays he had made could have not been done by any other college player currently or past.

So here we are a month away from ?The game?. The biggest version of the game probably ever. 1 vs. 2. Some are calling it the national championship. One team will march on towards a perfect season and a national champion and one will suffer the heartbreak of losing their first game of the year to their arch rival on the last game of the season.
As if the game wasn?t big enough Smith will also be playing on this national stage with his heisman voters looking for any reason to vote for someone else. Its not interesting when everyone knows who the heisman is going to. Voters and a lot America would probably actually prefer a Smith and the Buckeyes to get upset. People love the underdog and this year for the heisman and national championship, Smith and company are Goliath, and Michigan is unfairly playing the role of David although they have almost as impressive as Ohio State this year.

On 11/18 Smith will take the field one last time in front of 105,000 fans and tens of millions watching across the country. He may look up at the stands and notice that only 4 numbers are retired at the horseshoe. Unlike many middle of the road skills who retire numbers for any all American with a nice smile and decent pro career, Ohio State has its only 4 heisman winner?s numbers retired. Sort of an uncertain rule as the bar needs to be set really high else we would run out of numbers for all our great players. In his last defense of Ohio Stadium and biggest game of his collegiate career to date Troy Smith will take the field with not much more to gain, but everything to lose.

The national championship dream that a whole state yearns for and even prays for hangs in the balance. The weight of one the largest fan bases in the country hangs on his shoulders. Any misstep by Troy could lead to unbearable heartache and depression from a fan base that is all too familiar with disappointment.
With so many players excelling on both sides of the ball, it?s hard to say that Smith will be difference marker in the outcome of the game. But for those who know him and remember the last two Michigan games and even throw in other big national games like Notre Dame, Texas, and Iowa, knows that the outcome of the game is indeed in the hands of Troy Smith. Those who follow Smith are worried about the stakes of the game, but should also remember that Troy Smith doesn?t lose at home, and he is sure as hell not going to lose to Michigan.
After 11/18/2006 the next time a large crowd will see Smith in the horseshoe might be a celebration for winning the national championship. For those of us who have had the pleasure in following him this last 2 ? years believe that he will lead us to victory over Michigan, he will win the Heisman, and then wrap his career hoisting an even greater trophy. It will be sad when he leaves and we will thank our lucky stars that he stuck it though the tough times in the early years here. We will root for the lucky team who realizes that being 3 inches too short doesn?t take into consideration the heart and determination this man plays with. And those who know him, probably know that after the Michigan win and national championship ceremony it will be a tough ticket around town to see Troy when around 2015 when number 10 is added to the other 4 legends of Buckeye football. I?ll make it a priority to fly across country to be there for that game just as I have gone to extremes as my first year out of school to make sure I witness history. I am excited and a little nervous too, but I really shouldn?t be. Troy Smith doesn?t lose at home and he doesn?t lose to Michigan.
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