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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

BUCKYLE;1578922; said:
All his comments degrading tOSU get this kind of response from the loyalists. I'm [censored]ing tired of the bull[censored]. Mark May gets [censored]ing railed on here for less...not that I'm defending that [censored] head. I think just because Herbie went to tOSU doesn't give him the right to be a douchebag.

So, I'll continue to call him on his bull[censored], but thanks for your concern.

I'm a loyalist to no one, don't ever assume that. I don't give a [censored] where Kirk Herbstreit went to school, that has nothing to do with the fact that what he said isn't going to change, so whether we sit in here and cry about it or not, it's done and over with. His negative comments had zero affect on anything, besides upsetting a few fans.

You're right, just because Herbie went to OSU doesn't give him the right to be a douchebag, but guess what, he's going to be a douchebag anyways, because he can. He doesn't give a [censored] what you think, what I think, or anybody else. I'm sure he'll say something this Saturday that offends someone or some other fan base, and he won't give a [censored] then either.

Trust me, my post wasn't made because I was concerned about what you thought, I'm just saying that the fans that are complaining about the comments that Herbie made are falling on deaf ears, he doesn't give a [censored], and neither does anybody else who is relevant to the program.
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BuckeyeFan 52;1578954; said:
I'm a loyalist to no one, don't ever assume that. I don't give a [censored] where Kirk Herbstreit went to school, that has nothing to do with the fact that what he said isn't going to change, so whether we sit in here and cry about it or not, it's done and over with. His negative comments had zero affect on anything, besides upsetting a few fans.

You're right, just because Herbie went to OSU doesn't give him the right to be a douchebag, but guess what, he's going to be a douchebag anyways, because he can. He doesn't give a [censored] what you think, what I think, or anybody else. I'm sure he'll say something this Saturday that offends someone or some other fan base, and he won't give a [censored] then either.

Trust me, my post wasn't made because I was concerned about what you thought, I'm just saying that the fans that are complaining about the comments that Herbie made are falling on deaf ears, he doesn't give a [censored], and neither does anybody else who is relevant to the program.

So why aren't you in the Mark May thread telling people to quit whining?
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Woody1968;1578968; said:
The difference is that Herbie actually thinks we should be playing better, hence his complaining. Mark May probably thinks that we should lose to New Mexico State.

Apples and oranges, IMO.

What does the motive matter if they're both saying the same thing?

Wait...Mark May has never called anyone on the team fat or lazy. Apples to oranges.
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BUCKYLE;1578957; said:
So why aren't you in the Mark May thread telling people to quit whining?

Because Mark May says something idiotic every 5 seconds.......Herbstreit has been a fairly reasonable analyst (in my opinion), whether he's talking about OSU or any other program (he's certainly had his moments where some programs could do absolutely no wrong).

However, the fact that Herbie came right out and called the o-line "fat" is still a bit shocking, and unprofessional. I'm not sure if Mark May would even stoop that low.

Regardless, my point is, whether it's Mark May, or Kirk Herbstreit, what these guys say on raidio and television ultimately means nothing to the people responsible for actually funding, preparing, or playing these football games. Absolutely nothing. So a few OSU fans are upset, it just doesn't matter.
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BUCKYLE;1578969; said:
What does the motive matter if they're both saying the same thing?

Wait...Mark May has never called anyone on the team fat or lazy. Apples to oranges.

I don't know if Mark May has ever called anyone fat or lazy before, probably because I haven't paid attention to him since 2002. I am not so sure that no analyst has ever made similar remarks though. I suspect that it happens a little more frequently than we know, probably on local radio more than on ESPN.
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OH10;1578627; said:
Have you even read the criticism of Herbie on this topic? It has absolutely nothing to do with whether Ohio State has been disappointing or whether the OL/QB are underachieving. NOTHING. Read through the posts.

Its how he said it. He did it in a overreacting "fanboy" way. And in the process, he made himself and the university look silly. In his effort to separate himself from all things Ohio State while on the air, he did exactly the opposite. He reacted like some drunk 40-year-old in the 14th row of C Deck [censored]ed off because he feels like he deserves better from a few inexperienced college kids. That's bull[censored] and he deserves every bit of criticism he gets for it.

If he had done it the way we would expect from a professional, I don't think any reasonable person would be upset about it. They've been disappointing. They've underachieved. We'd like to see them pick it up and play better. That's how most of us feel. That's not what Herbie said.

who cares if herbie made himself look silly? and i think you overstate herbie osu thing, do you see corso and think oh man indiana football or florida state football? is craig james everything smu football to you? how about griese or john saunders and think western mich then ryerston how about trieco etc, dan patrick? get the point....

he might have been over the top, but he sometimes reality hurts. the line play has been far from spectacular and i think its been said her its yet to reach mediocrity. anyone not wearing scarlet and gray vision has realized pryor isnt on heisman par (even with the tebow, etc comparisons tossed around this place) and heck a lot of folks would settle for stanley jackson or steve bellisari play out of the position right now...

BUCKYLE;1578630; said:
He didn't use "stupid" either. That wasn't the point.

No. Inflammatory remarks. Hey, fat [censored], go [censored] your mother! [censored] like that. Stuff one would say if they were trying to provoke another. You can't sit there and tell me that he didn't know calling a CFB player "fat" or "lazy" wouldn't draw fire. Mike Gundy flipped the [censored] out for essentially the same [censored], on a female, no less, and he was respected for it. Herbie does it, and Buckeye fans are sticking up for him?! That's horse[censored].

No jo! I was saying that if you could prove to me that's Herbie's "style"...that he had said that type of [censored] about ANY other team, that I would admit I overreacted. You can't find that evidence, because it doesn't exist. So I won't be admitting jack [censored]. :wink:

you said it, maybe tressel should flip out. maybe itd help, his teams appear closer to heartless than warriors at this point. not saying he has reached coopers mercenary teams (ken yon rambo "we dont rebuild we just relaod" [oh hubris]

on that note ill say it. hear and now. that loss to purdue may very well be the turning point. look back at games like that. the last two others i can recall, 2000 minnesota, then beginning of the end for cooper, a highly rated buckeye team got beat, memory may serve you tides turned on that year, and a mere what 18 months later a presser was held... or remember the "saddest day in the history or ohio stadium" ask earle about that one. a stretch, sure, yet its a reality not only here at ohio state but around the country.

jwinslow;1578631; said:
So unprofessional attacks on youngsters are acceptable because they are uttered in another venue?
I'm well aware that instigation gets you promoted in Bristol, but that doesn't make it acceptable behavior imo.
He didn't say the linemen were getting pushed around. He called them fat and lazy.
He didn't say they weren't playing up to their ability. He said they were the biggest underachievers out of over 1000 offensive line squads (that's just the number before in-season injuries/breakdowns reshuffled the lines).
It was immature garbage, jo.
dont know, im not the worlds moderate. it cant be that bad, no presidential war on it yet.

yet you take your own pot shot...

fat and lazy-like i said i have no idea what their conditioning is. are they finishing their plays? snap to whistle? sideline to sideline, endline to end line. is competitive composure a trademark of this team. are they dug in, playing a heavy game, a weighty style. far from it...

ill say theyve underachieved. six months ago folks were hyping this as a great line, one of the best in the country. it hasnt come close to the best in the conference, need i say the best in the state. when you have highly regard and publicized recruits and players you get expectations. sure the brew crew are only in their second year, yet the groups before them, they havent meet their expectations either.

its easier to sit in the pressbox or 36c (or any other section) and critique, its much harder to preform, be it sports, business, politics...

immature garbage often parallels reality.

chillinvillian;1578664; said:
Maybe he said this the way he did to light a fire under some asses and also in a prove me wrong type of way to!

maybe, yet it wasnt the only or first time on national or local or other levels...

Steve19;1578692; said:
So, were you a guard or tackle?
nope, neither a center nor end either.

OH10;1578708; said:
So Herbstreit is the new offensive line coach? Is it a commentator's job on ESPN to do that?

could be, maybe itd help. hes a commentator and analyst. seems to fit within his job description to me.
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jimotis4heisman;1579110; said:
who cares if herbie made himself look silly? and i think you overstate herbie osu thing, do you see corso and think oh man indiana football or florida state football? is craig james everything smu football to you? how about griese or john saunders and think western mich then ryerston how about trieco etc, dan patrick? get the point....

Herbie's defenders claim that this is the exact reason why he is so hard on tOSU. So that he doesn't appear to be biased. If no one cared about college affiliation, there would be no need for Herbie to do what he does.

he might have been over the top, but he sometimes reality hurts. the line play has been far from spectacular and i think its been said her its yet to reach mediocrity. anyone not wearing scarlet and gray vision has realized pryor isnt on heisman par (even with the tebow, etc comparisons tossed around this place) and heck a lot of folks would settle for stanley jackson or steve bellisari play out of the position right now...

He IS on par tho. Just because a certain fan has no fucking grasp on reality doesn't make the shit falling from their face asshole any truer. Look at the stats jo. They've been posted in several threads. The only significant difference between Tebow almighty and TP is two wins, and the fact that one is a true soph with youth surrounding him and the other is a senior.

you said it, maybe tressel should flip out. maybe itd help, his teams appear closer to heartless than warriors at this point. not saying he has reached coopers mercenary teams (ken yon rambo "we dont rebuild we just relaod" [oh hubris]

You've said this about the whole team, Beanie Wells, etc, etc...for two years now. And I'll just say it. I think you are so full of shit every time you cough you have to wipe your mouth.

on that note ill say it. hear and now. that loss to purdue may very well be the turning point. look back at games like that. the last two others i can recall, 2000 minnesota, then beginning of the end for cooper, a highly rated buckeye team got beat, memory may serve you tides turned on that year, and a mere what 18 months later a presser was held... or remember the "saddest day in the history or ohio stadium" ask earle about that one. a stretch, sure, yet its a reality not only here at ohio state but around the country

2-10-1 was the beginning, the middle, and the end for Coop. Any other reason given was an excuse.

fat and lazy-like i said i have no idea what their conditioning is. are they finishing their plays? snap to whistle? sideline to sideline, endline to end line. is competitive composure a trademark of this team. are they dug in, playing a heavy game, a weighty style. far from it...

Yes. Yes. What? They're offensive lineman, not LB's. End line? What the fuck are you talking about? Dug in? Heavy game? Weighty style? Drop the hockey talkey...I beg you.

ill say theyve underachieved. six months ago folks were hyping this as a great line, one of the best in the country. it hasnt come close to the best in the conference, need i say the best in the state. when you have highly regard and publicized recruits and players you get expectations. sure the brew crew are only in their second year, yet the groups before them, they havent meet their expectations either.

Again..."folks" expectations aren't a fair tool to use when evaluating anything...unless those folks are working for tOSU football. End of story.
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mooktarr;1578746; said:
Give me a break, Herbstreit hasn't said anything that hasn't been said, implied or posted in here over the last 2 -3 years.

or in the dispatch, or talk radio or national pundits or writers or etc etc...

OH10;1578776; said:
Is that the new standard? Internet message boards are on equal grounds as tv commentators?

if only commentators reached that level...

jwinslow;1578789; said:
and they received a vacation if they used words like fat.

so in the future we should use "conditioning challenged?"

do you think they are in great shape? are they wearing teams down, is that due to conditioning, scheme, inability or another reason?

i havent seen an overly physical club dominating teams in a physical manner. forget sec speed stuff, both of our last two times theyve slammed osu in the trenches, battered osu. both those games proved to rich.

what we saw with usc, the team who lost to washington, was far from a team who played reckless, maybe a team who died on the vine.

id like as much or more than you guys to see this work in progress evolve, ive yet to see a team hungry beyond their years, ive always felt one must have a game before he has a voice, yet ive yet to see guys wade in you know ill say it ownership is needed yet it seems these guys want an easy game it might be a baptism under fire yet this team doesnt have the hunter mentality i dont see a team penning other teams in and challenged to be better we arent seeing guys getting dirty in the trenches we need guys to play with in their means, less can be more and more competitive battles will lead to a shortened learning curve, the team needs focus and increased accountability, the reality is the team needs to find a foundation pump so life into the group and needs someone(s) with "game" to take a vocal initiative.

sparcboxbuck;1578791; said:
Oh, I agree that there are issues... or at a minimum things that don't add up. The promise of talent v. production, I'm sure leaves a lot of people scratching heads. I honestly can't say that I have ever tried to scout, recruit or develop talent like this so I have to leave it to the coaches and the rest of you who have... but without a doubt, I do have a feeling that, for reasons that I likely don't understand, things have not come together as I would have expected. That said... for most of these kids, it's their first or second year getting this kind of playing time. I'll continue to keep my mouth shut and let the coaches do their thing... but I would be lying if I said that I don't hope for more from them next season. So, panties not bunched and scarlet glasses are on my desk. :wink:

Regarding the MNC... I'm not suggesting this year that there could or even should be a run. Frankly, I'll be happy for the team to let some of the pressure off and _play_ football. But I still wonder how Herbie will react when this team puts it together the way we hope / know they can.

Guess we'll see. I have more confidence in tOSU football than I do in Herbie... that's for sure.

not saying its not ok to sit on your hands. rather when a guys played 10, 15 or more games or two years i think a reality begins to set in. have we seen vast improvements, slow progress, plateau or regression? those are fair questions and reality. nothing wrong with trusting the coaches, yet nothing wrong with questioning the coaches. or the players and demanding the best.

Magua;1578821; said:
I think you're taking this "fat" thing a lil too far. If these players can't tolerate being called "fat" than they have no business playing for The Ohio State University. You think Bollman is screaming at them during 2-a-days using compliments?

I'm not saying any of this makes Herbie calling them fat right. But if that is the worst thing they have to hear right now than life must sure be good for them. Anyone can call me anything they want if I am getting a full football scholarship to play for the Buckeyes as a 19-22 year old. These kids are getting the opportunity to make millions in the NFL while getting a free, good education. I doubt any of them will cry over someone calling them fat.

But, like I said, it doesn't make Herbie calling them fat right. I just think some of you are getting your panties in an overreactive bunch here. There's a lot more wrong in this world than an analyst calling a handful of athletes fat and lazy.

BUCKYLE;1578842; said:
It's unprofessional. No one's saying they're crying over it. No one is saying the OL even gives a [censored]. What we are saying is it was a cheap shot by someone that has a bully pulpit.

could be. often times their can be a fine line between a cheap shot and the reality check. hard to say in this case. i can see both sides yet its obvious a group gets so fired up anytime anyone says anything about their team. reality can be harsh, even if its a sucker punch...

utgrad73;1578890; said:
If the analyst was talking about Charlie Weis's waist, the size of Hillary's ankles, or deficit, it's OK then? All seem like discussions that should take place at the water cooler or men's urinals rather than in front of a national audience - bully pullpit yes. No one's crying here but Herbie if he doesn't get acceptable ratings. Done more for grandstanding than anything else. I'll still watch him, but if he gets a job sitting next to Mark May - I know where the off switch is.

or if he called a guy short, tall, slow, bad handles, cant tackle, cant throw the long ball, has no touch, etc...

BuckeyeFan 52;1578917; said:
Jesus Christ guys, it was unprofessional, unclassy, and uncalled for. But it's done and over with now, no one is crying over it, no one is losing their cool over it, I don't think the University, nor the football program, nor the coaching staff even gives a [censored] about it.

It's over with, Herbstreit will still co-host College Gameday this Saturday, he'll still have his radio show in Columbus, and he'll still be allowed in his home in Upper Arlington, just like the football team is still going to dress for the game this Saturday, and the coaching staff is still going to prepare the team to play New Mexico State.

What's done is done, it's time to get over it and move on with life.

BUCKYLE;1578922; said:
All his comments degrading tOSU get this kind of response from the loyalists. I'm [censored]ing tired of the bull[censored]. Mark May gets [censored]ing railed on here for less...not that I'm defending that [censored] head. I think just because Herbie went to tOSU doesn't give him the right to be a douchebag.

So, I'll continue to call him on his bull[censored], but thanks for your concern.

the mark may/trev alberts rag game is just a comical and silly.

matcar;1578926; said:
Most of what was said is true. You don't like it...I get that. I agreed that the fat/lazy bit is hyperbole, but the rest is a mighty fair assessment.

BuckeyeFan42;1578941; said:
In the past, I've always been a Herbstreit fan (probably shouldn't admit that), but I think he's gone too far this time. When someone is in the public eye, with a public platform, then tact and discretion should be observed. Why is Griese suspended for his taco comment, and Herbstreit free to call others "fat"? One could argue that both comments were prejudicial. I plan to skip College Game Day this week.

probably since one is purely a racial comment that many consider a slur, the other called a team fat and lazy (while possibly offensive) it has a splinter of truth possibly in conditioning and not based on a blatant racial stereotype.

BUCKYLE;1578943; said:
I think the bit about Pryor's lack of progression is highly suspect. More of a product of unrealistic expectations than reality.

His whole little rant was hyperbole, wich makes it not fair at all.

55% completion, 12 tds, 9 ints, 13 sacks, two games with less than 90 yards passing, two games with more than 14 completions

BUCKYLE;1578953; said:
If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas.
what if i dont celebrate christmas rather festivus?
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BuckeyeNation27;1578974; said:
Nobody has said our OLine is the biggest underachieving unit over a 10 year span in the history of CFB. Nobody on this site, anyway...

ill say this, it was consider as a top 10 line in the country. some on here thought it was amongst the elite in the country. it has been far from that.

BUCKYLE;1579133; said:
Herbie's defenders claim that this is the exact reason why he is so hard on tOSU. So that he doesn't appear to be biased. If no one cared about college affiliation, there would be no need for Herbie to do what he does.

say the truth?

He IS on par tho. Just because a certain fan has no [censored]ing grasp on reality doesn't make the [censored] falling from their face asshole any truer. Look at the stats jo. They've been posted in several threads. The only significant difference between Tebow almighty and TP is two wins, and the fact that one is a true soph with youth surrounding him and the other is a senior.


two wins sure.

8 tds 12 tds
4 ints 9 ints
2-1 4-3
6tds 5 tds
64% 55%
466 471 yds
1159 1408 yds

then again im not a super baseball stats guy. reality is game today who do you take, tebow or pryor? that being said who cares...

You've said this about the whole team, Beanie Wells, etc, etc...for two years now. And I'll just say it. I think you are so full of [censored] every time you cough you have to wipe your mouth.

oh really? cuz the team hasnt competed. but thanks.

2-10-1 was the beginning, the middle, and the end for Coop. Any other reason given was an excuse.

could be, failure to overlook minnesota is foolish or iowa? (earle) [ i think ive blocked that day out of my life...]

Yes. Yes. What? They're offensive lineman, not LB's. End line? What the [censored] are you talking about? Dug in? Heavy game? Weighty style? Drop the hockey talkey...I beg you.

its a joke.

blah balh beg smeg, reality is reality... its pretty simple there big guy.

Again..."folks" expectations aren't a fair tool to use when evaluating anything...unless those folks are working for tOSU football. End of story.

or its your expectations. reality is the folks make the choices. ask obie, ask ayers, ask coop, bruce, the one exception might be hayes, then again more than a few wanted his head on a plate and needed an excuse.
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