Barrett — the redshirt nothing coming off a high school ACL injury — approached the leadership consultants after the second session. He wanted to sit in the back during meetings and take notes.
"He walked up after the class and said, 'I want to introduce myself. My name is J.T. Barrett, and I really appreciate you allowing me to come and learn from you guys,'" Brian Kight said.
"[Barrett] looked me dead square in the eye, [had a] firm handshake and acted like a grown man. Didn't flinch at all."
But J.T. didn't stop there. Three weeks later, Barrett wanted to know if it was okay if he was sending the leadership teachings to Rider High School, his alma mater.
"That speaks to the kind of man he is," Tim Kight said.
Brian went even further on his elaboration. "When we were around, [Barrett] was constantly hanging after to talk and listen. Even after workouts in the Shoe he'd sit down with Shazier and Guiton to hear about the team culture and how they were trying to build it."