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QB Dwayne Haskins Jr. (All B1G, B1G OPOY, Silver Football, Rose Bowl MVP, R.I.P.)

First two games: 42 of 53 (79.2%) for 546 yards, 9 TD, 1 INT. And that's playing less than three quarters each game...
I know it was only Oregon State and Rutgers, but I'll tell ya what...Haskins looks like the best pure passer we've had in a long time. His throws remind me a lot of Troy Smith at his best.

Meyer said he's the best qb prospect he's seen, and i don't think that's hyperbole. He has the arm strength and just throws a really pretty/accurate ball.
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At this point it's going to take a minor miracle for someone on this team to usurp the title from Haskins.
Back to back winner. TBG.

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I know it was only Oregon State and Rutgers, but I'll tell ya what...Haskins looks like the best pure passer we've had in a long time. His throws remind me a lot of Troy Smith at his best.

Meyer said he's the best qb prospect he's seen, and i don't think that's hyperbole. He has the arm strength and just throws a really pretty/accurate ball.

The bolded...1000%. I have not seen an OSU QB spin it like Dwayne, the precision and consistency is unreal and I don't care who the opponent is. The ball is so on the money every time, right in the middle of the numbers.

I said it at some point in Dwayne's recruiting thread, but I watched his HS film and said that he was the best throwing prospect we had been on in awhile. I was beyond frustrated when we didn't pursue at first and he committed to Maryland. I just thought Haskins was such a no brainer and a born leader. When he flipped back to OSU, it was about as excited as I have been about a recruit committing to us.

To see all his talent come to fruition is beyond exciting. I know he has to prove his way through some challenges and we can't throw a parade for him quite yet. But if he just keeps playing his game, I feel like the sky is the limit. His arm is lightyears ahead of any QB I have seen at QB, with strength and accuracy. If he keeps the mental part together, no stopping him.
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Dwayne Haskins Shines In Buckeyes’ Explosive Win


Two games into Dwayne Haskins’ starting career at Ohio State, things could not be going much better.

Haskins followed his 5-touchdown starting debut with the most impressive 4-score performance this side of Gettysburg in the Buckeyes’ 52-3 win over Rutgers.

Playing through a steady rain, Haskins went 20-for-23 for 233 yards, connecting with senior wide receiver Johnnie Dixon on a pair of scores.

“Because it was raining outside, I had to be really good with ball placement. No turnovers, no fumbles anything like that,” Haskins said.

If Haskins was being cautious due to the weather, it didn’t show. He dropped an absolute dime to Dixon on a post route, hitting the receiver in stride just as he crossed the goal line for a 41-yard touchdown that opened the scoring.

Later in the first quarter, he hit Parris Campbell in the middle of the field for a 16-yard touchdown.

On the next drive, he found tight end Luke Farrell in the flat to make it 21-0.

After halftime, Haskins connected with Dixon again on an almost identical play to the first score. Dixon ran a post, got behind the Rutgers defender, and caught the ball in stride just before crossing into the end zone.

Haskins said those routes were something the Buckeyes identified during film study during the week.

“We’ve seen a lot of quarters (coverage from Rutgers on) film, so we were trying to plan up some post routes today,” Haskins said. “Seeing Johnnie get open like that, it’s a lot of fun for me. Basically he’s wide open for me from that perspective.”

Entire article: https://theozone.net/2018/09/dwayne-haskins-shines-buckeyes-explosive-win/
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First-Start Efficiency: 209.3067

Truly outstanding

Now I really want to see him handle pressure better. For a first start though, he was spectacular

Second-Start: 229.4435
YTD: 218.0453

I’m a huge J.T. Barrett fan, but I must concede that he built the 2nd best career efficiency rating somewhat unevenly. In other words, his efficiency was more affected by the quality of competition than some of the other qbs in the record book.

With Dwayne’s accuracy, release and decision-making, I expect to see him affected less than most. He might dip down to < 120 in rare cases, but I doubt he ever dips to double-digits
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Second-Start: 229.4435
YTD: 218.0453

I’m a huge J.T. Barrett fan, but I must concede that he built the 2nd best career efficiency rating somewhat unevenly. In other words, his efficiency was more affected by the quality of competition than some of the other qbs in the record book.

With Dwayne’s accuracy, release and decision-making, I expect to see him affected less than most. He might dip down to < 120 in rare cases, but I doubt he ever dips to double-digits

Exactly-can we all wait a second and see how he does vs actual competitive defenses? He certainly looks the part, and I’m as excited as all of you, but everyone needs to take a deep breadth.

And yes I remember tsun last year...but he was limited to a playbook of 2 passing plays that day.
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