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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

yet somehow the AJC named him the player of the year...

He was also named:

GHSA state football team</MCC HEAD>
<MCC BYLINE2>From Wire Reports</MCC BYLINE2>
<MCC TIME>Saturday, December 17, 2005</MCC TIME>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> storyTools(); </SCRIPT>

Offensive player of the year (state player of the year): Antonio Henton, Peach Co.

(From the Sunday, December 18, 2005 printed edition of the Augusta Chronicle)
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If Mr. Ohio's team was 0-3 without him and undefeated with him, There would be no chance he won't be a top 10 player.

I haven't viewed enough about Coleman, some would argue him, but I don't understand Hentons ranking more then any other player we have coming in.
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Macon Telegraph


Peach County, Northside and Dublin's football teams had four people each honored in the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association "Coaches Choice" teams. The teams were chosen at a recent meeting and were selected by the coaches.
Peach County quarterback Antonio Henton and coach Rance Gillespie were named Class AAA South Player and Coach of the Year, respectively. Also on the team from Peach County were offensive lineman Dustin Chancellor and wide receiver Chris Slaughter.
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Peach County's Antonio Henton
'You look like your dad, but you got my smile'

Published on: 06/18/06 Dear Tonio,
At first I was scared of football. I had you playing recreation basketball and softball. I thought you might get hurt.
<!--endtext--><!--endclickprintinclude--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=175 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
BEN GRAY / Staff
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=caption>Debra Henton says she spends a lot of nights watching videotapes of her son, Antonio, playing football games in the neighborhood or for his Peach County High team. 'Now I'll watch you playing for Ohio State,' she said.
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--startclickprintinclude--><!--begintext-->But I watched you play every Sunday with the neighborhood kids in the field by our apartment. Even when you were 6 or 7 years old, it took three little kids to bring you down. The neighborhood games were video-taped, and I still watch those videos all the time at night. I watch you playing with the kids. I watch your high school highlight tapes. I watch you playing in the Georgia Dome. Now I'll watch you playing for Ohio State.
You grew up so fast. Just yesterday you were a baby; now you're a grown man. I always told you to remember where you came from and never forget the people who looked out for you. I know you listened when I see you shaking the hands of the neighborhood kids and asking them how they're doing.
I'm so proud of your faith, how you have learned to put God first. It brought tears to my eyes when I read a newspaper article where you said if you believed in God, you could overcome anything. That was the first time I've ever heard you express your faith.
You've always been quiet and kept to yourself, so I never worried about you growing up. But I worried when you had ankle surgery. I worried when you tried walking the next day without crutches, and then I found you on the bike four days after surgery. You were so determined. You told me you'd never heal if you didn't work hard. And now you're going into sports medicine at Ohio State.
I'll visit when I can, but I'll miss more than the one game I missed in your four years of playing high school football. I always sat in the same spot behind the Peach County bench, and I'd shout your name. You acted like you didn't hear me, so I'd have your little brother, Alex, yell your name before games, and you always gave him a high-five. He looks up to you so much; the whole family is crazy about you.
Now you're moving far away. I told you I hated that you were going so far, but I want you to go where you feel the most comfortable and happiest. We got the paperwork from Ohio State, and you're leaving early in June and so quickly after graduation. I realized then that you won't get to come home again until Thanksgiving or Christmas. We'll miss you so much.
I'll miss your smile. I've never seen you mad or sad. You look like your dad, but you got my smile. You're just the perfect son. I'm going to miss you.
— I love you, Mom


30 — Touchdown passes his senior season, with seven interceptions. He passed for 2,200 yards.

671 — Miles from Peach County to Ohio State University, where he earned a football scholarship

3 — Losses for the Trojans to start the season while Henton was injured. They did not lose after he returned.
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