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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

Of course he'll compete. No one's saying he won't. He just won't compete in 2006. In 2007, I fully expect that the starting quarterback, whoever he will be, will have earned it in Spring ball and in August.

I believe the original question was "Do you guys think that Henton will be able to compete for the job in 2007...?" I never mentioned 2006. The guy is just graduating high school - but with hard work, I think you've indeed got yourselves a competitor in 2007. Just wanted to clear that up. Of course the best player will play - that should go without saying!
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if you read other posts on this board, many are very high on Mr Henton. You also have to put it in perspective tho with how impressive Schoenhoft was during the all-star games up north, and the fact that he ran the scout team all year. I fully expect Henton to be right in the mix in 07, but being unsure if he will start is more a testament to the talent at QB than anything negative towards Antonio. We are all excited to be bringing him in.
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