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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

I find this really interesting, Henton the player of the year was not selected for the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association North-South Classic which took place this week.

Noticeably absent from the South roster was anyone from Peach County, which won the Class AAA title. Quarterback Antonio Henton, who was named the All-Middle Georgia and Georgia Sports Writers' Player of the Year, was not invited. Wide receiver Chris Slaughter was invited but did not attend
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Just FYI, I live in Houston Co. (pronounced How-stun) GA. It borders Peach co. The local "paper" from time to time has write-ups about area teams. I'm not sure what the name of the paper is, but it probably has "peach" in the title. :)
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I don't know what the last post means, but I live in Bibb County, Georgia, which borders Peach County as well. The local paper is The Macon Telegraph and if anyone wants to read anything about Antonio, it can be found under macon.com - and search for his name. Antonio is without a doubt a stud and if he is getting a lot of recognition from the "local paper", it's with good reason - he's earned it. In "Bibb County" - a guy from PEACH County would not be considered "local", as Bibb puts itself in a higher class. Ohio State is getting a great quarterback. I only wish they had gotten Chris Slaughter as well - they are one hell of a duo. I've been on the sidelines for two years watching them.

I am looking forward to hearing Coach Tressel speak at the Macon Touchdown Club's dinner on February 6. Antonio will be there, rumor has it, to receive yet another honor. I look forward in the years to come to watching Antonio perform for Ohio State - judging by what I've already seen, he won't disappoint. I don't think there will be anything to worry about when Troy graduates. :)
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Just watched the Sunshine video. his running/scrambling style is very reminiscent of T Smith. On the very first highlight, he makes a perfect TS spin move! I wish there were more shots of him throwing, but from what I could see, I like his throwing motion.

I thought that he looked a little more like D.J. Shockley (spelling) more so than Troy as far as running style, but that comparison will be there obviously because he is a buckeye, but what he does seem to have that Troy has is a cannon of an arm, with the plus being that he has touch on his passes when need be, something that troy has just recently developed, I predict barring injury that Henton will be a star when his time comes.
But I think he'll have a hard time beating out Shoenhoft (spelling) that kid has smoke flaring on the end of his passes, absolute cannon. If he can work on his speed and footwork which is already decent, he will be the exception in this evolving offense becuse his size is something that can't be taught and he has plenty of that, im guessing that there will be a few more QB contreversies after Smith and Zwick. lol.
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