But, really, I should have learned my lesson when I was in grade school learning how to add and they were teaching me all this math stuff and I had math books and the like and I said, "Well, sure.. but what does God say?'
So, I looked at Ezra 1:7-11
In it we learn that if you have 30 Gold basins, 1,000 silver basins, 29 silver pans, 30 small gold bowls , 410 small silver bowls and 1,000 other vessels you have 5,469 items.
The math people told me we really only had 2,499 items.
I was like "Yeah? Then YOU write a Bible, if you think YOU'RE god!"
So, I looked at Ezra 1:7-11
In it we learn that if you have 30 Gold basins, 1,000 silver basins, 29 silver pans, 30 small gold bowls , 410 small silver bowls and 1,000 other vessels you have 5,469 items.
The math people told me we really only had 2,499 items.
I was like "Yeah? Then YOU write a Bible, if you think YOU'RE god!"