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Taosman;2063461; said:
Sounds like it's out of adjustment. Problem is you would need to see a chiropractor or someone versed in physical therapy to adjust it for you.
It may just "reset" itself if it's not stressed in the mean time. Try rotating it to see if it goes back in place.
Take 2 ibuprofen and get some rest!
(Don't call me, I'll be out on the golf course!)

Thanks, Dr. Taos.
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So I'm heading to work today, late... And as soon as I walk out my front door, I hear a motorcycle. It's 40ish degrees today, too cold to be riding in my IMO. I look up to see flashing lights on the motorcycle. First thought: That's weird, why is a police officer driving down my road, on a motorcycle??? Then I look down the street to see that it's a funeral procession!

Now, my road is residential and isn't TOO much travel like this on it. So, I have to wait for the procession to pass through before I can jump in my car and speed off to work, even more late now.

I turn off of my street and head up towards one of the main roads near my house. Turn out onto the main road, an ambulance is behind me with it's lights on. FUCK. I wait. He passes, and now I'm heading towards a stop sign. Guess what I see again? THE SAME PROCESSION! REALLY????? REALLY?!?!?!!?
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