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no idea, I was fine, than when going into my service motion whamo, just got pain in all of my ankle...i finished the set out, but could barely walk on it..

no idea how it happened, I didn't roll it or anything, just when bending down for my serve, I can put pressure on it without pain, but it's when I go to walk it's when it hurts
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Bucknut24;2063245; said:
no idea, I was fine, than when going into my service motion whamo, just got pain in all of my ankle...i finished the set out, but could barely walk on it..

no idea how it happened, I didn't roll it or anything, just when bending down for my serve, I can put pressure on it without pain, but it's when I go to walk it's when it hurts

Graduated from college last week and the body is starting to fall apart, already. Welcome to adulthood. :lol:
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Bucknut24;2063245; said:
no idea, I was fine, than when going into my service motion whamo, just got pain in all of my ankle...i finished the set out, but could barely walk on it..

no idea how it happened, I didn't roll it or anything, just when bending down for my serve, I can put pressure on it without pain, but it's when I go to walk it's when it hurts

Hmmm hurts when moving, but not when pressure applied. Let me ask my sister, she's a PT.

:lol: Jake
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Bucknut24;2063245; said:
no idea, I was fine, than when going into my service motion whamo, just got pain in all of my ankle...i finished the set out, but could barely walk on it..

no idea how it happened, I didn't roll it or anything, just when bending down for my serve, I can put pressure on it without pain, but it's when I go to walk it's when it hurts

Sounds like it's out of adjustment. Problem is you would need to see a chiropractor or someone versed in physical therapy to adjust it for you.
It may just "reset" itself if it's not stressed in the mean time. Try rotating it to see if it goes back in place.
Take 2 ibuprofen and get some rest!
(Don't call me, I'll be out on the golf course!)
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