The economic numbers are improving... if this continues (I know big "if"), the job market will follow. Companies are not going to start hiring large pools of ee's until they are certain the rebound has occured...
I don't know what industry you all are in, however my wife graduated from undergrad, worked for several years, quit work, went back to school for grad school, is graduating this spring from grad school, and has more job offers than she knows what to do with (and she is only looking in the Columbus area). Every single one of her classmates has a min. of two offers... most have several or in some situations litteraly over a dozen offers each. I then hear on the news that all these kids that are graduating are having trouble finding jobs... All I can assume is that their degrees are not needed, they didn't start to look for jobs until now, they expected alot more $$ and are now finding out that a degree doesn't mean you should get huge $$$ right out of school...
I know things are not what they were back in the 90's, however jobs are out there (it might require moving, or changing industries) for alot of folks. The higer level MGT type positions, and tech type jobs, seem to be the ones that they still might bring sombody in, however pay them half the pay... those are the types of folks I am concerned with (their cost of living is high, and jobs are not out there to support their mortgage/cars/etc)...