I am glad that political debate has become part of this forum. It is fun to see, and I think has remained civil.
Thankfully we have what seems to be two sides of the discussion, and everyone is remembering that we are all, (for the most part) Buckeyes.
That said let me throw out some of my own opinions based on the different issues and how I see them as of now.
I have a job, but I know that there are too many Americans that don't. With the exporting of Jobs to places like Mexico, India, and other nations for a better bottom lines in business, in seems the the difference between the haves and have nots is rising. All of this along with an ecconomy that is just now starting to show signs of life, makes many Americans wonder about the future. When we started into a more global ecconomy the hope was that we would be come a service, vs manufaturing based ecconomy. Well now the service jobs are going abroad, the Technology industry is not performing as it once does, and it appears America.
As I see it we are faced with a true choice here.
Kerry wants to raise taxes, giving americans, and american businesses less money to invest therefore driving the ecconomy forward. Not only that but the higher taxes are going to further encourage the exportation of jobs. He is going to instill tarriffs which are one of mans worst creations, a sign to the world signaling weakness.
Bush wants to move forward with the status quo, lower taxes, lower tarriffs, and giving the ecconomy time to work it's way out of this funk.
Obviously I am pro-Bush on this
Gay Marrige:
Both canidates say they are against it. I don't really understand why? I don't agree with the Gay life style, I think that true marriage ordained by God is between a man and a woman only, but for the purposes of GOVERNMENT, not the church, I don't have a problem with it. I am for equal rights, and equitable chance. And I don't think that there is any problem with it in a Governmental sense.
Kerry will flip on this when he is actually voted into office IMHO so I would say it is an advantage.
Bush had 9/11 happen during his presidency. IMHO because Clinton did not do enough to take care of this threat, because he was too busy defending himself against things that he did, and shouldn't have. He has kept our nation safe since then. He used a great deal of restrain, and intelligence and calm in dealing with the situation in Afghanastan, and unfortunatley not enough in dealing with Iraq. Bad information was the real enemy there. He has had soliders come home in body bags during his presidency. Something no one wants to see. He however has shown the world that we don't need the UN's permission to do what we think is in our best interest, so you better respect our nation, and it's wishes.
Kerry would rather go back to being a pawn in the UN. Granted I think the Unilatteral UN actions are very much prefered, but I understand also why we did what we did.
Pro Bush.
Although I am not infavor of raising them I do believe that the Rich are getting too big of a tax break. I agree strongly with Kerry that the poor are getting poorer, and the gap between rich and poor is widening. I do not believe this is good for the ecconomy, nor for America.
I don't believe either of them can do anything to really inpact education.
Health Care:
I am split. We have to lower costs, and we must make it more accessable
Here is my problem. On one hand I see that America has got the best Doctors in the world, we are the nation that is most responsible for the creation of new drugs which hopefully someday will cure Cancer, AIDS, or other diseases. I think that by eliminating some of the costs of malpractus, and regulating settlements we can help this problem
However I do think we need a safety net of minimum life saving medicine and Docors visit for free for those who are unable to get medical insurance (they would have to show need to apply) Also Doctors could not be sued for treating these patience, even if it was obviously malpractus.
In other words neither is speaking my language here, I would be happy with a comprimise.
I think both men have about the same character, although different. I guess I would give Bush a slight edge, because although his staff is crooked Washington insiders, Bush himself I don't believe is. Kerry is a Washington insider.
I am sure I am missing other issues. I just tried to talk about some of the more important ones to me. Please feel free to disagree, but please do not name call, and stick to your own ideas, not tearing down others.
Thankfully we have what seems to be two sides of the discussion, and everyone is remembering that we are all, (for the most part) Buckeyes.
That said let me throw out some of my own opinions based on the different issues and how I see them as of now.
I have a job, but I know that there are too many Americans that don't. With the exporting of Jobs to places like Mexico, India, and other nations for a better bottom lines in business, in seems the the difference between the haves and have nots is rising. All of this along with an ecconomy that is just now starting to show signs of life, makes many Americans wonder about the future. When we started into a more global ecconomy the hope was that we would be come a service, vs manufaturing based ecconomy. Well now the service jobs are going abroad, the Technology industry is not performing as it once does, and it appears America.
As I see it we are faced with a true choice here.
Kerry wants to raise taxes, giving americans, and american businesses less money to invest therefore driving the ecconomy forward. Not only that but the higher taxes are going to further encourage the exportation of jobs. He is going to instill tarriffs which are one of mans worst creations, a sign to the world signaling weakness.
Bush wants to move forward with the status quo, lower taxes, lower tarriffs, and giving the ecconomy time to work it's way out of this funk.
Obviously I am pro-Bush on this
Gay Marrige:
Both canidates say they are against it. I don't really understand why? I don't agree with the Gay life style, I think that true marriage ordained by God is between a man and a woman only, but for the purposes of GOVERNMENT, not the church, I don't have a problem with it. I am for equal rights, and equitable chance. And I don't think that there is any problem with it in a Governmental sense.
Kerry will flip on this when he is actually voted into office IMHO so I would say it is an advantage.
Bush had 9/11 happen during his presidency. IMHO because Clinton did not do enough to take care of this threat, because he was too busy defending himself against things that he did, and shouldn't have. He has kept our nation safe since then. He used a great deal of restrain, and intelligence and calm in dealing with the situation in Afghanastan, and unfortunatley not enough in dealing with Iraq. Bad information was the real enemy there. He has had soliders come home in body bags during his presidency. Something no one wants to see. He however has shown the world that we don't need the UN's permission to do what we think is in our best interest, so you better respect our nation, and it's wishes.
Kerry would rather go back to being a pawn in the UN. Granted I think the Unilatteral UN actions are very much prefered, but I understand also why we did what we did.
Pro Bush.
Although I am not infavor of raising them I do believe that the Rich are getting too big of a tax break. I agree strongly with Kerry that the poor are getting poorer, and the gap between rich and poor is widening. I do not believe this is good for the ecconomy, nor for America.
I don't believe either of them can do anything to really inpact education.
Health Care:
I am split. We have to lower costs, and we must make it more accessable
Here is my problem. On one hand I see that America has got the best Doctors in the world, we are the nation that is most responsible for the creation of new drugs which hopefully someday will cure Cancer, AIDS, or other diseases. I think that by eliminating some of the costs of malpractus, and regulating settlements we can help this problem
However I do think we need a safety net of minimum life saving medicine and Docors visit for free for those who are unable to get medical insurance (they would have to show need to apply) Also Doctors could not be sued for treating these patience, even if it was obviously malpractus.
In other words neither is speaking my language here, I would be happy with a comprimise.
I think both men have about the same character, although different. I guess I would give Bush a slight edge, because although his staff is crooked Washington insiders, Bush himself I don't believe is. Kerry is a Washington insider.
I am sure I am missing other issues. I just tried to talk about some of the more important ones to me. Please feel free to disagree, but please do not name call, and stick to your own ideas, not tearing down others.