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Police/Legal Blotter (stop breaking the law, asshole!)

methomps;957382; said:
Austin Scott charged with rape

By Pete Bosak

STATE COLLEGE ? Nittany Lions tailback Austin Scott, 22, has been charged with rape, sexual assault and two counts of aggravated indecent assault, all felonies.
He also faces misdemeanor charges of simple assault and indecent assault.
According to court papers, the charges were filed in response to an attack on a woman that police say occurred at Scott?s apartment in Nittany Apartments about 4 a.m. on Oct. 5.
That was a day before the Lions were scheduled to play Iowa. The morning of the game it was announced that Scott would not be playing because he had violated unspecified team rules.

Austin Scott charged with rape

He had previously arranged for the cooter, but when he showed up, nobody was there ready to give up the cooter. It is a misunderstanding. :paranoid:
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IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -- Iowa football player Anthony Bowman pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges that he took a pair of credit cards and was involved in a credit-card spending spree in May 2006.

He will stand trial on Jan. 28, according to documents filed in Johnson County District Court.

Bowman was charged with unauthorized use of a credit card, a Class D felony. He waived his right to a speedy trial.

A pre-trial conference was scheduled for Jan. 17.

Bowman, 19, and Dominique Douglas, 19, allegedly took credit cards from two University of Iowa buildings on May 8 and charged more than $1,500 in merchandise. Both were arrested Aug. 19 and suspended indefinitely from the team.

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Alabama text book violations

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -- The University of Alabama is investigating the distribution of textbooks to athletes on scholarship in all sports after five football players were suspended for violating rules covering free books for course work.

The internal probe, announced in a news release Monday, is to determine if any scholarship athletes violated NCAA rules by obtaining more textbooks than they were allotted for their own classes.

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This is from an alleged incident back in April.


Three Spartans charged with robbery
MSU coach Dantonio says trio will continue to play

EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Starting linebacker SirDarean Adams, starting cornerback T.J. Williams and one other Michigan State football player have been charged with unarmed robbery stemming from an April incident at a store.

Adams, Williams and reserve Jeremy Ware each were arraigned Wednesday in 55th District Court in Mason on a felony robbery charge, the court said, and Williams also was charged with misdemeanor assault and battery.

The court record didn't indicate whether they entered pleas or were represented by lawyers, but a pretrial hearing was set for Oct. 30 on the robbery case.

Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio said in a statement that didn't name the players that they have maintained their innocence. He said the team was notified in April about the case and has monitored the situation.

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This was for an incident on May 22.


UM LB sentenced for driving impaired

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -- University of Michigan starting middle linebacker Obi Ezeh will serve three days in a work release program and one year's probation for driving while visibly impaired.

Ezeh was sentenced Wednesday in 15th District Court. The 19-year-old from Grand Rapids also was ordered to pay fines, court costs and restitution.

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ESPN - Vols dismiss RB Coker after fourth failed drug test - College Football

I just thought this was funny...

Tennessee earlier this year revamped its drug-testing policy, and in doing so, added a fourth strike for a positive marijuana test before an athlete was dismissed. The old policy stipulated that an athlete was booted on the third positive test. Marijuana is the only drug an athlete would be able to reach a fourth strike for under UT's new policy. Cocaine, heroin or anabolic steroids would be dealt with more harshly.
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Report: Tennessee Vol RB LaMarcus Coker Kicked off team

Looks like RB Coker is kicked off the team due to failing his fourth drug test. He was suspended in the spring because of this as well. People were saying that Tennessee was supposed to contend for the SEC east division in the SEC Championship game. This spot in the championship game may come down to Georgia, S Carolina, or Florida now.

ESPN - Vols dismiss RB Coker after fourth failed drug test - College Football

Sophomore tailback LaMarcus Coker, who'd shown flashes of brilliance on the field during his brief Tennessee career, has run out of chances off the field.
Coker was dismissed from the team Friday after failing his fourth drug test, sources told ESPN.com. Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer first announced Coker's dismissal in a statement issued by the university and later expressed remorse that Coker had chosen this path despite an outpouring of support from several different people at Tennessee.....
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