Strip search of girl students was legal, superintendent says
The Columbus Dispatch
Monday, January 30, 2006 11:38 AM
Pike County educators followed school policy properly when they strip searched 20 teen-age girls Jan. 20 after two students reported a theft, an investigation by the superintendent concluded. Stephen E. Martin, superintendent of the Pike County Joint Vocational School District, said this morning that the district's legal counsel has assured him that the search policy was legal.
Martin said the decision to search the girls individually in a bathroom was warranted and there were reasonable grounds to believe missing money and a credit card and a gift card were hidden in a student's undergarment.
A teacher who is a registered nurse conducted the search. She asked each girl in the nursing class to drop her scrub pants to her thighs, and then, without removing their shirts, to unfasten and shake out their bras, Martin said.
"We have been assured that it is legal," Martin wrote in his report. "However, as a result of this situation . . . the district intends to provide inservice training for its entire staff who may be called upon to administer our search policy."
Separately, the Ohio Department of Education is investigating the incident.
Parents Betty Grandstaff and Carol Knisley said last week that they were furious after their daughters reported a teacher took them to the bathroom individually and made them drop their pants and unfasten their bras and shake them out.
The student manual says that any school administrator has "the right and duty to conduct a reasonable search of a person and/or personal property, including clothing, lockers, or vehicle when there is reasonable suspicion that the student may have . . . possession of items believed to be stolen."
Searches are also authorized, the manual says, if it is reasonably suspected that a student has a weapon, explosive or dangerous substance, or drugs, drug paraphernalia and alcohol. Searches are also allowed for "other reasonable and justifiable causes."