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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

I get a two week ban for suggesting someone give Alex Boone a beer during the National Championship game and this fuck stick is allowed to hang around?
that is hard to believe:shake:
Maybe it's because no one has reported his stupidity. I fixed that.
There are a couple others that need reprimanded. The Basketball forum seems much easier than the Football forum to get away with some "thoughts".
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Bob Baptist ‏@BBaptistHoops 3h
#Buckeyes' Aaron Craft named defensive player of the year by National Association of Basketball Coaches. #buckbk

[URL='https://twitter.com/BBaptistHoops']Bob Baptist ‏@BBaptistHoops 2h
Aaron Craft also reveives first-team Senior CLASS Award recognition. Doug McDermott of Creighton wins award. #buckbk http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c2a4ff809538c08eb89e69896&id=91a0284ce3&e=2a08b3613a…

Craft will be at the final four with his parents to receive these awards
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for all his shortcomings that we have examined as thoroughly as any Buckeye not named Terrelle Pryor, I personally will miss seeing Aaron Craft lace them up for Ohio State. For all the debates about what a student athlete is and who should get paid or how many years a person should stay in a program, Aaron Craft was the modern epitome of a student-athlete.
I agree but I assume some fans thought Crafts years kept us from having 3 or 4 more talented one and dones
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Another accolade for Aaron along with a female rower from Brunswick Ohio
Basketball's Aaron Craft, Brunswick High grad Allison Elber win Ohio State's Big Ten Medals of Honor

Craft was the first OSU men's basketball player to win the school's highest athletic-academic award since Jim Cleamons in 1971. Read more »
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