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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Craft did more than score, which isn?t surprising because scoring is often the only thing he doesn?t do. He guarded Appling most of the game and held the Spartans? leading scorer to three points. He also made almost a swan dive into a pile of bodies under the Buckeyes? basket with 1:34 left and grabbed the ball for a tie-up with a Michigan State player, who must have been surprised to find himself beneath a diving board. The possession arrow belonged to Ohio State, which led 63-60 at the time.

Twenty-one seconds later, Evan Ravenal was fouled by Adreian Payne and sank two free throws, and this improbable journey finally sharpened into focus. That it came on a day when Thomas was struggling seemed to say a lot about what this team can be. That the offense came from Craft, who is shooting 40 percent from the field this season, seemed to buoy the Buckeyes? spirits.

Craft didn?t read much into it. He had been disappointed that he and guard Shannon Scott hadn?t taken advantage of the ball screens in an earlier loss to the Spartans, but this victory meant more to him than a career high.

?Biggest thing we get from this game is we got a big win against a great opponent,? he said. ?I don?t care who?s scoring or who?s putting the ball in the bucket, as long as we come out with more points. This is big for this basketball team, the way we kind of picked ourselves up from a week ago.

?This is time of the year when you need to find yourself rolling. That?s what we did last year, and we find ourselves in similar situation. We had two games on the road (victories at Northwestern and Michigan State last season) and kind of flowed into the postseason.?
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Tanner;1870153; said:
Anyone know enough about Shannon Scott to know how well he and Craft will fit together as a backcourt?

This quote is from February of 2011.................now after yesterdays game it could becoming true. But personally is see something coming from Sam Thompson and especially against Indiana last night. And i think Aaron Craft is beginning to have something going with Sam Thompson here. Now if Shannon Scott can get into the flow, this team could really become dangerous coming down the stretch for the final four.
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Chemistry. Which I actually have a minor in, less the AC grades.

Espn article on the Craft phenomenon.

Interesting that he disliked Paulus so much growing up and now they are tight. I did not know that Craft was so disliked by opposing fans. I mean I knew he was disliked but not to that extent and I certainly did not know that he had a girlfriend. I wonder when he has time for her. Good read!
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Yeah, that was the story during his freshman year, that he got his first ever B in chemistry because he had to miss an exam due to having to travel to the Florida State game and wasn't allowed to make up the test.
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