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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

colobuck79;2132955; said:
Yep, if Crafty played baseball, he would look like this.


Except without the gambing. Or being an asshole.
Hopefully also without this.

Sorry about that. colobuck's post prompted me to google pics of "Pete Rose slide", and that unfortunate thing above popped up. I felt compelled to share it, and I accept in advance my well-deserved ban.
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Lopresti: Aaron Craft's mother joyful, anxious
By Mike Lopresti, USA TODAY

FINDLAY, Ohio ? She lived a mother's thrill. To watch her son, the Ohio State point guard, help win a game and qualify for the dreamy land of the Final Four.

Aaron Craft is in the Final Four. His brother is in Afghanistan.

She lived a mother's anxiety. To know her son, the Army PFC, is headed for the dangerous land of Afghanistan.

Wendy Craft just happened to live them the same day. The past Saturday in the Craft household was about two brothers.

The older, Brandon, was on the plane for the Middle East in the morning.

The younger, Aaron, was on the floor for Ohio State in the evening.

Basketball intersected with the real world. And all Wendy and husband John could do was be proud of both.

"It was," she said Tuesday, "a bittersweet day."

Aaron to the Final Four? "Awesome."

Brandon to Afghanistan? "Very sad and emotional."

Brandon had wanted to watch the East Regional final and the brother he once tested in family games, but duty called and the flight left too early. She texted the entire game, and by the time Brandon landed in Anchorage, he knew his brother was in the Final Four. His feelings after that, she doesn't know.

"I haven't heard from him yet," she said. "I know it's in the back of Aaron's head, too, trying not to think about it. He knows that Brandon wouldn't want him to worry about it. He would want him to go out and do what he has to do."

As Aaron said last week in Boston, "He'll just stay in my prayers."

Wendy and John have been through something like this before. She mentioned 48 hours in 2010.

One day, they dropped Brandon at the recruitment office. Off to the Army.

The next day, they took Aaron, three years younger, to Columbus. Off to college.

"They always had each other's back," she said of the years growing up. But in those two days in 2010, one path went thisaway and the other path went thataway.


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zincfinger;2133333; said:
Hopefully also without this.

Sorry about that. colobuck's post prompted me to google pics of "Pete Rose slide", and that unfortunate thing above popped up. I felt compelled to share it, and I accept in advance my well-deserved ban.

Have you guys heard of the show "Queer Eye for a Straight Guy"? The premise is gay men take a straight man and make him look more fashionable.

Lesbians have also created their own show. In their version, they take a straight woman and try to make her look like Pete Rose.
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Chris (Tiffin, OH)
I don't think he'll leave Ohio State this year but if Aaron Craft were to declare for the draft how do you think he'd fare in the NBA?

Chad Ford (1:48 PM)
Lots of scouts really like him because of his toughness and unselfishness. I doubt he declares either. He'd probably be a second round pick, but he might sneak into the first. I know one team that would consider him in the late lottery to mid first round range.
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OSU's Craft finds kindred spirit in Paulus
Mar. 29, 2012
Written by
Rob McCurdy

COLUMBUS -- When Ohio State coach Thad Matta walked into the gym in spring 2011, he brought a visitor.

Being the polite Midwesterner that Matta is, he started to introduce the guest to his point guard, but Aaron Craft cut the coach off before he could go any further. Craft knew exactly who was standing with Matta in the gym.

It was former Duke point guard and Syracuse quarterback Greg Paulus.

Paulus and Craft are kindred spirits. Both are productive point guards at high-profile schools. Both are scholars off the court. Both are former quarterbacks.

In a lot of ways, Craft is Greg Paulus, Version 2.

But sophomore guard Lenzelle Smith Jr. sees it another way.

"It's just a big brother, little brother thing," Smith said.

In 2011, when Craft was a freshman, he followed senior sharpshooter Jon Diebler around like a puppy. Teammates wondered what Craft would do when Diebler graduated.

"A guy like Greg, he's won an ESPY. You kind of back away from those types of guys. You want to get a feel for them," Smith said. "Aaron dived in head first and communicated with him."


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Ohio State men's basketball: Craft's lessons started at home
Point guard is always schooling someone in grammar or on-ball defense, applying the attention to detail he developed while growing up in Findlay
By Rob Oller
The Columbus Dispatch Friday March 30, 2012


Neal C. Lauron | Dispatch

One could do no better than eavesdrop on conversations in the home of John and Wendy Craft to better understand their son’s obsession with defense.

It is there, just outside the Findlay city limits, where Aaron Craft drives his family crazy by constantly defending the English language.

“It’s one of his pet peeves,” Wendy said. “We’ll ask him, ‘Did you play good?’ And he’ll correct us: ‘It’s ‘well.’ ”

About 100 miles south of Findlay, two Ohio State players sit on each side of Craft, the sophomore point guard who has helped navigate the Buckeyes to the Final Four in New Orleans, where on Saturday they play Kansas in a semifinal.

Senior William Buford sits to Craft’s left and Jared Sullinger to his right during a midweek news conference.

The question is straightforward enough: Does Craft, who appears to be without fault, have any vices?

Buford smiles. Sullinger smiles.

Craft talks: “I absolutely do. I’m going to let these guys take that. Go ahead, guys. Be kind, please.”

Buford: “He thinks he knows everything.”

Sullinger: “He’s always correcting our English and our grammar.”

Craft, always quick with a clever comeback, explains that he simply wants to prepare his two teammates “for a situation where they might be with someone important, and they don’t want to make the same mistake there.”

Then he adds, “And it just bothers me when they use bad English.”



[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIvu27FpDSA"]Jared Sullinger and Deshaun Thomas discuss Aaron Craft's "faults" - YouTube[/ame]
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Brother's deployment on mind of Ohio State guard Aaron Craft
Published: Friday, March 30, 2012
By Tammy Nunez, The Times-Picayune

Ohio State point guard than Aaron Craft arrived in the Big Easy with big concerns that have nothing to do with the Final Four. His brother, Brandon, who serves in the military for the Army, was deployed last week.

?All I know is he left Saturday,? Craft said. ?He knows that we won (against Syracuse in the East Region final) because he posted on my Facebook with excitement and joy. After that, he has yet to tell us where he is, and I don?t think he is allowed (to tell), either.

?I am sure he is over there and safe.?

But uncertainty always lingers when a family member is overseas.

?I know the first time he was deployed, it really struck home with him, and he went through a little bit of down time, and I called his father to make sure we were on the same page as to how we could help him through it, and that was earlier in the season,? Ohio State Coach Thad Matta said. ?I do think this: If you ever spent 30 minutes with his mother and father, you would understand that it?s an incredible family. ?

?I think for Aaron, he knows that the No. 1 thing he can do is go out and play his best basketball. That?s going to make his brother happy.?

Craft, a sophomore from Findlay, Ohio, also is buoyed by the support he has received.

?The feedback has been pretty awesome,? Craft said. ?It has been awesome to see everyone come around and understand that they are praying for my brother and praying for me. A lot of people that I haven?t talked to a lot have reached out to me saying congratulations and saying that we are praying for your brother.

?It?s just been really comforting for everyone to come around and show their appreciation and understand what it?s like to (have a brother) go overseas at a big part of my life.?


Ohio State guard Aaron Craft takes defense to a high level
Published: Friday, March 30, 2012
By John DeShazier, The Times-Picayune

Aaron Craft is the itch that can’t be scratched, the faucet with the never-ending drip, the gnat that buzzes around the ear and can’t be coaxed to leave, no matter how many times it’s the target of a swat.

He’s an irritant.

He’s an aggravator.

And his Ohio State teammates love him for it, because he could be the best in the nation at doing his job, almost crawling into the jersey of opposing point guards as the first, and best, line of defense for the Buckeyes.

“I just try to make anyone I’m guarding maybe a little bit uncomfortable,” said Craft, who routinely violates every personal space code that can be breached on a basketball court. “Just to not let them get to what they wanted to do the first time they go down the floor. It’s tough once you get this deep in the tournament. You start playing against great guards day in and day out. So understanding that they are going to make a shot and they are going to go by me, and just come back possession after possession, let them know that I’m going to be there the entire game.

“Defense is definitely the thing I’ve always hung my hat on. I couldn’t score much (growing up), but I could definitely frustrate them (on defense).”

That ability to agitate is a characteristic he’ll certainly want to carry over to Saturday, when Ohio State plays Kansas at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in the second national semifinal. The winner earns a trip to the national championship game Monday night.

“He was the whole key to the game, and more importantly, he did it defensively,” Florida Coach Billy Donovan said, after the Buckeyes beat his Gators 81-74 in November. “He physically beat up our guards. He is as good as any guard there is out there. I have a lot of respect and admiration for him.”

“He’s as good a lead guard as there is in the country,” said Kansas Coach Bill Self, whose team beat Ohio State 78-67 in December. “He can get his foot in the paint (on offense) and score.

“But to me, defensively, I’ve never seen a better guy at digging back and raking the ball out of (post players’) hands.”


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