Not a pet peeve, but a major yet not so major thing that makes me really want to at least yell at someone.
Had the water pump on my car replaced yesterday, and when I drive to work this morning I notice my "Low Coolant" light pops on and off seemingly randomly and the gauge on the panel seems to be regularly going back and forth. I'll see what it does on the way home. Yep, the light popped back on for a few seconds when I started the car and then randomly later closer to home (just a like 10mi drive, not far at all). So I pull in the garage, prop the hood and check the coolant recovery tank. Wouldn't you know it, the tank cap is missing the hose that goes down into the tank with the "Cold Fill" mark! I look in the tank to make sure it didn't fall off the cap for some odd reason, and nope, not in there. The geniuses at the repair shop must have taken it off for some reason (to clean it, maybe? It was a little dirty above the typical fluid level) and forgot to put it back on. So of course the light is going to pop on if its losing coolant to the tank and not able to get it back depending on the pressure. Of course they're closed today, I work until 6 tomorrow, which means the earliest I can go back up and get it put back on is Tuesday morning. And just as a little cherry on top of the whole thing, the drive to both the garage I had it done at and the dealer which probably has the replacement part (if the shop doesn't still have it laying around somewhere) are both about a half hour away with a fair bit of city driving (and tolls, if I want to avoid the traffic and get there a little faster).