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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I would simply point out that testimony IS evidence. Again, EVIDENTS if you prefer. 409, in my IMO, hasn't denied that, but all the assholes on BWI calling for evidence sure don't seem to know what evidence is. (I say nothing about credibility of that evidence, just pointing out that these idiots want EVIDENTS and then they refuse to contemplate the credibility of it with anything more than dismissing it out of hand)
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I would simply point out that testimony IS evidence. Again, EVIDENTS if you prefer. 409, in my IMO, hasn't denied that, but all the assholes on BWI calling for evidence sure don't seem to know what evidence is. (I say nothing about credibility of that evidence, just pointing out that these idiots want EVIDENTS and then they refuse to contemplate the credibility of it with anything more than dismissing it out of hand)
Sort of... he is trying to have it both ways in a very binary issue. There are BWI posts of his that I will not link - just search them - where he challenges something and then caves in to the group think and ends up with their positions maybe out of self preservation - doesn't matter. There are other things that he takes a more reasoned approach on. BTW, he has outright dismissed the Freeh Report as garbage on BWI.

The low hanging fruit is that everyone agrees that people like 9fold, lubrano, and the many other cultists are wackos. OK, great we agree with him on that - so what? Once you get past that commonalty I don't see what he was driving at here on BP.
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How about not trying to run the dude off. He may not agree with you, but he's tried to be reasonable but it almost seems like some just want to push him away. This board, like all boards, can be a bit of an echo chamber, so it's good to have reasonable outsiders.

Besides, there's a pretty simple solution available for people who don't want to hear someone's opinion. The three or four of you who haven't already used it on me know what I'm talking about. For my part, this thread became a lot more condensed months ago. I just prefer it that way.
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How about not trying to run the dude off. He may not agree with you, but he's tried to be reasonable but it almost seems like some just want to push him away. This board, like all boards, can be a bit of an echo chamber, so it's good to have reasonable outsiders.

Sorry but he deserved to get called out for the "it could happen anywhere" bs. And now he's trying to play victim about it.
PSU has a culture problem.. that's not an echo chamber opinion.

And just to drive that point home, I'm currently in Africa. Some of our French-speaking staff had seen the news (they have an interest in US events) ... there were maybe 5-6 of us in the room talking about. A couple locals and a couple other Americans from places like Texas and Florida. Everyone was in the same mind that PSU has institutional issues... the other Americans, knowing my allegiances, asked why they're still in the Big10.
At one point the other Americans were trying to explain the depth of the insanity to the Africans, so I just pulled my phone out and went to the post a few pages back where a selection of comments from BWI had been posted.
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Different area.. don't think anyone out here speaks Arabic. Well... not the natives at least. French everywhere though... makes it easy to get stuff like name brand cereal. No peanut butter though... I guess the French are crazy about nutella.
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I'm not here to "change hearts and minds." I'm just here to make fun of 9fold. :-)

Totally get it and frankly, I have enjoyed your posts and you being around. Good that you don't have any false delusions that you'd change any hearts or minds and play along the way you do. Stick around, don't be a GatorUBet and all will be good.

Michigan, Penn State and Ohio State fans, in the aggregate, are all basically the same.

Umm... fuck you. Hardware.

Just be thankful it didn't happen at your school. It could have, and there would be no shortage of Buckeye fan idiots either.

Few words written here have been more true. We are totally out of control over everything that goes on with our programs. What we went through with the tats and shit was bad. We got dragged through the mud... but in all fairness, it's nothing like what PSU has gone through. Any other school not named *ichigan and I'd feel really bad for them too. But you did hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the 'success with honor' facade and that basically puts your balls on a high tee... people gonna swing. Just like us when the tat thing happened... people swung.

I'm no fan of your school in any way. I'm not apologetic about that. And for a lack of better words, better your school than mine. I have significant sadness for the children who had their childhood stolen from them. However, I have no sadness in seeing Karma laying waste to Happy Valley and I'll continue to enjoy Karma's retribution until the Erector Set is a pile of rubble.

Nothing personal dude... just how it is.
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How about not trying to run the dude off. He may not agree with you, but he's tried to be reasonable but it almost seems like some just want to push him away. This board, like all boards, can be a bit of an echo chamber, so it's good to have reasonable outsiders.

Agree with this. I hope 409fold does not decide to stop posting here. IMO, he is reasonable and I like reading his thoughts on PSU, the Cult, Joesus, etc. as new developments occur. I think he is a quality contributor to the board.
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I have a lot more issues with Paterno and PedSt than what his/their role was in the Sandusky scandal.

I have issues with...

The clear NCAA violations - the complete lack of a compliance department. Not a token, figurehead department... no department at all. For years, we had to listen to the "never committed one violation under Joe's watch" bullshit. It's pretty fuckin easy to never get a speeding ticket when you live in a town with no cops.

The fact that for years, football players were subject to different discipline plans than the rest of the students/athletes at PedSU. Oh, Joe made them clean the stadium after games? Yeah, find me someone who believes that.

The fact that players who were academic liabilities were shipped off to branch/satellite campuses so as not to blemish Paterno's track record.

The fact that Paterno, out of the goodness of his heart, demanded far less than market value in compensation - only to have multiple, tax-free loans "forgiven" when in reality, there was never intention to repay them. Tax evasion isn't exactly what I think of when I think of the words civic-minded......

The fact that PedState commissioned the Freeh report and at it's completion, they threw themselves at the mercy of the NCAA; but then when they didn't like the results, they set out on a full-fledged attack on the report, the NCAA, and the sanctions. After enough bitching and bullshit lawsuits, the NCAA finally caved and rescinded most of them. Anything for almighty 409!!! Yet in 2012, Ohio State was screwed out of a chance to play ND for the National Championship but because of the bull shit bowl ban, they didn't get the chance. Was there massive outcry from Buckeye fans? Any lawsuits filed?

The fact that PedState fans condemn Tressel for being dirty, and Urban for being a liar when their almighty Joesus was even dirtier and more of a liar.
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The He-Man Woman Hater's Club's latest outrage over Ganim is that there is a picture of her in a building on campus. Naturally, the Cult e-mailed the Dean of the College of Communcations to remove Ganim's picture.

Covering up pedophilia in the football program for 35 years is worthy of a statue, but a picture of a Pulitzer Prize winner is outrageous. Nah, no culture problem at all there.

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