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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

The He-Man Woman Hater's Club's latest outrage over Ganim is that there is a picture of her in a building on campus. Naturally, the Cult e-mailed the Dean of the College of Communcations to remove Ganim's picture.

Covering up pedophilia in the football program for 35 years is worthy of a statue, but a picture of a Pulitzer Prize winner is outrageous. Nah, no culture problem at all there.

It took 6 posts to compare her to Ted Kaczynski. Wow.
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There is no comparison with Ohio State. Ohio State had to fire two legendary coaches for off-field shit in my lifetime.......

Were there student riots?
Were there petitions by former players demanding their coach's honor be restored?
Were there rogue trustees suing their own university?
Was there an Ohio Staters 4 Responsible Stewardship group formed that fought for years to clear their names?
Were there Rallies For Resignation?
Did some imbecilic former running back harass the board of trustees and travel around the country uninvited trying to meet with various university Presidents in the service of the fired coach?

As I've said many times, there is a large and significant portion of the Penn State alumni and fan bases who can't separate their own sense of identity and self-worth from the Paterno myth. We Are Because You Were sums it up perfectly.
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There is no comparison with Ohio State. Ohio State had to fire two legendary coaches for off-field [Mark May] in my lifetime.......

Were there student riots?
Were there petitions by former players demanding their coach's honor be restored?
Were there rogue trustees suing their own university?
Was there an Ohio Staters 4 Responsible Stewardship group formed that fought for years to clear their names?
Were there Rallies For Resignation?
Did some imbecilic former running back harass the board of trustees and travel around the country uninvited trying to meet with various university Presidents in the service of the fired coach?

As I've said many times, there is a large and significant portion of the Penn State alumni and fan bases who can't separate their own sense of identity and self-worth from the Paterno myth. We Are Because You Were sums it up perfectly.
You don't remember Beanie touring the country with his Tressel cutout?
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You don't remember Beanie touring the country with his Tressel cutout?

I'll go further. Nothing even remotely similar to this has happened at any other big time foosball school that fired (or had to force out) a successful long-term coach. Not at Texas with Darryl Royal or Mack. Not at Okie with Switzer. Not at USC with Carroll (I know he left for the NFL, but it was clear his days were numbered). There may have been some splits and arguments and factions in the fanbase, but NOTHING remotely similar to The Cult ever emerged.

That being said, I enjoy 409 and Joe PaThetic. They really add a lot to this thread, and I want them to stick around. It's just that, in this case, they're wrong with the "this could have happened anywhere" line.
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That being said, I enjoy 409 and Joe PaThetic. They really add a lot to this thread, and I want them to stick around. It's just that, in this case, they're wrong with the "this could have happened anywhere" line.

I have never used the "this could have happened anywhere" claim (I don't believe that to be the case with regard to the reaction of the alumni and fanbase). My argument was solely a question of the validity of a survey in which respondents could apparently vote as often as they wished and still had less than 500 votes
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There is no comparison with Ohio State. Ohio State had to fire two legendary coaches for off-field [Mark May] in my lifetime.......

Were there student riots?
Were there petitions by former players demanding their coach's honor be restored?
Were there rogue trustees suing their own university?
Was there an Ohio Staters 4 Responsible Stewardship group formed that fought for years to clear their names?
Were there Rallies For Resignation?
Did some imbecilic former running back harass the board of trustees and travel around the country uninvited trying to meet with various university Presidents in the service of the fired coach?

As I've said many times, there is a large and significant portion of the Penn State alumni and fan bases who can't separate their own sense of identity and self-worth from the Paterno myth. We Are Because You Were sums it up perfectly.

A large part of the reason for that is because Anne & Steven B. Hayes are damn fine people who would never stoop to funding such nonsense.
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I have never used the "this could have happened anywhere" claim (I don't believe that to be the case with regard to the reaction of the alumni and fanbase). My argument was solely a question of the validity of a survey in which respondents could apparently vote as often as they wished and still had less than 500 votes

Yeah, I didn't have the impression you'd said that, either.

I enjoy your posts.
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I'll go further. Nothing even remotely similar to this has happened at any other big time foosball school that fired (or had to force out) a successful long-term coach. Not at Texas with Darryl Royal or Mack. Not at Okie with Switzer. Not at USC with Carroll (I know he left for the NFL, but it was clear his days were numbered). There may have been some splits and arguments and factions in the fanbase, but NOTHING remotely similar to The Cult ever emerged.

That being said, I enjoy 409 and Joe PaThetic. They really add a lot to this thread, and I want them to stick around. It's just that, in this case, they're wrong with the "this could have happened anywhere" line.


The closest I can come up with is what happened in Bloomington when they finally fired Bobby Knight. There were some student hooliganism, and some angry loyalists, but nothing sustained over the next 5 years like the Joesus cult has put together. Actually, people in Bloomington view(ed) Bobby Knight very similarly to how the Pedsters viewed Joesus. They weren't so blind to realize that he had to go though.
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I'll go further. Nothing even remotely similar to this has happened at any other big time foosball school that fired (or had to force out) a successful long-term coach. Not at Texas with Darryl Royal or Mack. Not at Okie with Switzer. Not at USC with Carroll (I know he left for the NFL, but it was clear his days were numbered). There may have been some splits and arguments and factions in the fanbase, but NOTHING remotely similar to The Cult ever emerged.

That being said, I enjoy 409 and Joe PaThetic. They really add a lot to this thread, and I want them to stick around. It's just that, in this case, they're wrong with the "this could have happened anywhere" line.
I agree with all this. I suppose we could see a cover up just about anywhere if the wrong people are in charge, but the reaction by the fans and alumni is not something that could happen anywhere.
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That is true. State College and Columbus are rather different places. State College's "Ohio doppleganger" is Athens. Nice enough place, but definitely not Columbus.

That said, most Penn State students and alums do/did not grow up in State College. They grow up in places like Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Erie or Allentown --- which are a lot like Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo or Dayton.

Why would a radical transformation occur when they turn graduate High School and move to State College?

Maybe I should start looking around at the Ohio Bobcats I know. Are they more likely to become cult members?

Did my grad work at Ohio University and then worked there several years. In Athens, no one is going to become a cult member for anyone involved in athletics. More people go to the games to see the band than the football team, and everything is very hip and counterculture and all that stuff. Frank Solich was not revered, but there was always a lot of crazy gossip going around about him.

I can imagine a Bernie Sanders cult, maybe. I'll bet there is one. I loved Athens, but it is an odd place -- very left wing town surrounded by the reddest rednecks in the state. It was fun and interesting.

I went to State College once, for work. It seemed so much more isolated and remote than Athens to me, though I can't say why.
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There is no comparison with Ohio State. Ohio State had to fire two legendary coaches for off-field [Mark May] in my lifetime.......

Were there student riots?
Were there petitions by former players demanding their coach's honor be restored?
Were there rogue trustees suing their own university?
Was there an Ohio Staters 4 Responsible Stewardship group formed that fought for years to clear their names?
Were there Rallies For Resignation?
Did some imbecilic former running back harass the board of trustees and travel around the country uninvited trying to meet with various university Presidents in the service of the fired coach?

As I've said many times, there is a large and significant portion of the Penn State alumni and fan bases who can't separate their own sense of identity and self-worth from the Paterno myth. We Are Because You Were sums it up perfectly.

But I do distinctly remember Dick Tressel suing the school because, obviously, he was most suited to succeed his brother.
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