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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

So, the Victim 2 incident is, in fact, a case of abuse that took place on PSU's campus. However, it is not an incident that could have been PREVENTED by Joe Paterno. Also, at the time the grand jury presentment was released, that incident was the LAST one to have occurred on PSU's campus. So, if properly evaluated, PSU could have changed the narrative by stating that fact and that the actions of Paterno, et al, stopped the abuse on campus.
yep. saint Joe put a stop to the abuse of children on PSU's campus. what a great man. why can't you people see that?
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wow. There are posts to laugh at in there, and then there are the ones that make you afraid.
but in regards to V2, can we at least agree on some basic knowledge?

1) The jury clearly believed MM saw "grooming" (still a crime!) but not "anal rape" as was falsely claimed in the GJ presentment

2) MM's own testimony says he did not tell Paterno he saw intercourse

3) Paterno reported what he was told to Curley per PSU guidelines.

4) Paterno also exceeded guidelines by including Schultz

5) let's get out of the bubble of the charges being tried concurrently . . .

6) V2 never testified a trial, even though the prosecution and defense were both somewhat confident they had identified V2

7) can we honestly argue if the V2 trial had happened on its own, the jury would have returned any guilty verdicts??

8) really, the only things that propped up MMs testimony at trial were a feeble cross examination by the defense (recall, even the judge chided them for not objecting to the prosecution leading the witness), and the testimony of other victims

so yes, we can say Sandusky was found guilty of 4 of the 5 charges. But the jury was not convinced of the IDSI portion of MM's testimony. and no victim testified. and the charges were consistent with the testimony of other victims.

let's not pretend this is the slam dunk 45 of 48 charges that Corbett, Fina, Seth Williams, etc . . . are bragging about.
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Joe's face appeared on the side of a water tower in Scranton. This means that on the 4th of September (0409) a mysterious spaceship is going to appear outside the Creamery. Everyone there wearing a blue sweatshirt with "PENN STATE" emblazoned across the chest and holding a Peachy Paterno ice cream cone will be allowed to board. We will be taken to a distant solar system. When we arrive we will be guided to a parallel earth and we will discover that Joe has been cleared, his 409 wins restored, Louis Freeh will be found to have only one arm and a penchant for abusing little boys. We will find out that he framed Sandusky. That night the Nittany Lions will play the Ohio State Buckeyes. There will be 110,000 people in the stands and they will all be dressed in white and the Lions will prevail by more than 60 points and at the end of the game their band will have to perform Script Joesus, then the Buckeyes will have to stand on the field along with Freeh, the NCAA bureaucracy and the national media corps while we throw piss balloons at them.

Afterwards we will make a statue of Joe out of stadium railings and then everyone gets a free glass of blue and white Kool-Aid.
You forgot Thon.
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Doyel has received some hate mail...you don't say?


From: We Are The Main
UR now being monitored by #TheMain. Breaches of human decency are subject to Old Testament recourse.
Old Testament recourse? I think this might be a threat.
From: Razor Ramon 48 (aka Zach Fletcher, Old Dominion)
Hey I saw your post about Joe Paterno and I wanted to ask have you ever tried picking your teeth up with broken fingers?
Broken fingers, removed teeth? Pretty sure this is a threat.
From: Razor Ramon 48 (aka Zach Fletcher, Old Dominion)
I'll rip your fingers off so you can't pick your teeth up haha
Positive that's a threat.
From: Eric Geffken
Your latest article is one of the worst I have read in a while. Just continuing off the baseless narrative the media put out. There is still no proof Paterno did anything wrong. Also ironic how all this chastising of Penn State's culture is coming from an SEC guy. You and Emmert must be buddies.
No proof. Bad narrative. I'm an SEC guy. How many clichés were you going to throw at me, Eric? My head's spinning from all this stupid.
From: Jon Rowland
You're one of the biggest morons I've ever met. I read your article and was literally stunned by your blindsided hate.
If the idea that Joe Paterno is blameless "blindsided" you, by golly, you're dumber than a plant. Fern, Joe? I like ferns.
From: Jon Rowland
JoePa doesn't deserve a statue? You don't deserve a column because you've done something wrong in your life.
I'm not perfect, no. But I've never spent 10 years knowing about a child predator in my town and letting it just ... happen.
From: Chris Lewis
You're an ignorant nobody who's just jealous of Penn State
You saw right through me.
From: Tom Petrore
How about a piece about ESPN hanging onto the Bernie Fine tape. Aren't they enablers? How about the parents of the kids Bill Conlin molested? They kept quiet. Are they enablers?
They're wrong, therefore Joe Paterno is right. Got it.
From: Tom Petrore
Too bad you're irrelevant.
You say to the guy you've been tweeting non-stop for the last hour. If I was any more relevant to you, I'd be on your ceiling. I'm not, I hope.
From: Mark Schlaffer
It's obvious U were violated in Ur life your hatred mirrors a gunmen shooting at random targets simply out of hatred
Your twitter bio says -- because what's the point of doing good work if you can't brag about it? -- that you've "worked with disadvantaged children for over 20 years in the Lehigh Valley." And you throw around phrases like "it's obvious you were violated." God help the children, Mark.
From: Mark Schlaffer
Only you could slander someone with the lifetime integrity of Paterno, what's next setting an orphanage on fire on Christmas.
God help you too, Mark.
From: Chris Lewis
The Penn State University community supports the Statue and Joe Paterno's innocence.
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This comment here from the Doyel columns sums up some things...

" Paterno didn't witness the incident. What would he have to report?"

I mean yeah, if you hear someone confess to murder or planting a bomb, whatever you do, don't report it...you didn't see it. Likewise if your own kid comes up to you and says someone violated them...well, you can't report that either, because you didn't see it. AMIRITE? FACTS EVEIDENTS PROCEEDYERS
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I've gotten to the point with this story that I don't even care any more. If these people want to be this stupid, then let them be this stupid.
He doesn't know what happened in that shower.

So the only people who may have an opinion are the ones who were in the shower. Right.
With that logic, if two guys are in a room together, alone, and one guy kills the other, he can't possibly be found guilty of murder - no one else could know what happened in that room.

He is upset that Joe "did the minimum" yet no one ever says, hey Mike why didn't you go to the police and why did you still go to camps to help someone who you knew was a pedophile?

Sure we do - Mike McQueary is a scumbag to have seen what he claims he saw and first, didn't do anything THEN, and second, he continued to not do anything. He's as bad as Joesus, or worse. But that doesn't excuse Joesus.
Joesus didn't need to PERFORM the investigation. Tell your superior - the head of police/whatever the cult says he did. Great. But when you see Sandusky on campus a week later, 2 weeks later, whatever, don't you go back to the police and ask, "Hey, what the blark?? Aren't you doing something?" And Mike McQueary, unless he sold this for an assistant coaching job, should be going to Joesus weekly, saying, "Hey, what the blark?? Aren't you doing something?"
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But when you see Sandusky on campus a week later, 2 weeks later, whatever, don't you go back to the police and ask, "Hey, what the blark?? Aren't you doing something?" And Mike McQueary, unless he sold this for an assistant coaching job, should be going to Joesus weekly, saying, "Hey, what the blark?? Aren't you doing something?"

Why wouldn't he at least see to it that Jerry couldn't be alone with another child, at least not while he was on campus? Hell, assign one of their student assistants to be Jerry's personal escort when he is on campus..... Forbid Jerry from traveling to road games and letting kids stay in his room with him......Joesus was as big of an enabler to the assaults as there is.
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