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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

The statements coming from the fired PSU President Spanier camp have me confused.
First he said he was abused as a child.
Next, he's going to work for "security" project for the Federal government?
Is this guy totally losing it?
Didn't he lie to a Grand Jury as well as the Vice President , athletic director and Paterno?
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ORD_Buckeye;2185088; said:

Oh goodie!

Post #2768
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he has a sense for winnersReplyi'd imagine he's followed this closely (probably not a huge fan of a few of BOT.. wouldn't be surprised if he and peetz haven't crossed paths) and smells a good fight. If he gets behind this and gets the truth out and he's right, it strokes his ego and puts him yet again at the forefront of business... and on the cover of a bunch of publications.
if DT gets involved, it's because he knows something. there is no way he is going to put his rep on the line without more than just our say so.

but if he does get involved, there are going to be a lot of prissy elitists trembling.

i remember reading here a few months back that there were people at the top of penn state who would happily see the complete demise not only of penn state football, but of all sports teams. these people apparently think penn state will stand on its own as an elite academic institution. uh huh.

as i watch this mess unfold, i realize the poster then was right. there is a crew in that BOT who hates sports in general and are only too happy to have the oppty to dismantle the FB program... and all else that topples with it.

here's hoping trump can out these panzies.

7/25 11:58 PM

1. DT has a rep that he doesn't want to put on the line? I would say look again. That is long gone.

2. So he admits that PedSU is a shitty school? Hell, my alma mater can stand without athletics. So Wilmington College is better than PedSU?
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Blackledge on Mike and Mike right now discussing situation. Feels to broad of a brush has been painted regarding the culture at Penn State. Defies anyone to name a school who has done more over the last xx years in terms of winning, academics, graduating players, blah blah blah then PSU.

While I note the above, tor the most part he really has done a very good job of answering questions and discussing the situation.
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buckeyebri;2185146; said:
Blackledge on Mike and Mike right now discussing situation. Feels to broad of a brush has been painted regarding the culture at Penn State. Defies anyone to name a school who has done more over the last xx years in terms of winning, academics, graduating players, blah blah blah then PSU.

While I note the above, tor the most part he really has done a very good job of answering questions and discussing the situation.

See, the thing is, to anyone not affiliated with PSU, everything is up for questioning.

Have they broken rules to make/keep players eligible (and contribute to winning)? My gut feeling is probably.....

Have they fraudulently graduated players to improve their public perception? Again, my gut feeling is probably.

have they covered up police records/arrest records to keep players out of jail and out of the newspaper? Almost definitely.

If they want the NCAA to come in and do a thorough, 3 year investigation, they shouldn't have agreed to the sanctions.
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NFBuck;2184943; said:
Seriously, if you think they're out of their minds now, wait until the losing starts. I can already imagine the conspiracy theories that are going to be thrown around about everyone wanting them to lose. I might start missing work just to read their boards.

I look at what has happened since the 'hammer' hit USC and I think we may see the same thing at Penn State.

They still have a 100K stadium that they can fill even when playing Ohio U., Temple and Navy, they still have TV revenue, they still have a solid -if somewhat batshit crazy- fan base and they still have a decent first and second string on both sides of the ball. They may loose a few 4 star recruits who are shopping for the best deal, but there are plenty of 3 stars who are willing to play knowing they're not going to the NFL. The in-state competition remains Pitt and Temple, one in the MAC and one barely better than a MAC team.

Even with these losses, restrictions, they remain in better shape than Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern, probably Illinois. They will lose ground to Iowa, Michigan State and Wisconsin. They will struggle stay at #3 behind OSU, Michigan over the next ten years, but hell, they've been there for the last 2 decades.
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cincibuck;2185149; said:
I look at what has happened since the 'hammer' hit USC and I think we may see the same thing at Penn State.
USC was a juggernaut for most of the decade. Penn State has been Sparty for most of the decade.
They still have a 100K stadium that they can fill even when playing Ohio U., Temple and Navy, they still have TV revenue, they still have a solid -if somewhat batshit crazy- fan base and they still have a decent first and second string on both sides of the ball. They may loose a few 4 star recruits who are shopping for the best deal, but there are plenty of 3 stars who are willing to play knowing they're not going to the NFL. The in-state competition remains Pitt and Temple, one in the MAC and one barely better than a MAC team.
They were a program that only landed a top class every 4 years. That year was 2013 and now that once strong class is running for the hills. This problem is compounded since it gutted the top shelf talent in the 2012 class as well, which became even worse when it all landed in Columbus.
Even with these losses, restrictions, they remain in better shape than Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern, probably Illinois. They will lose ground to Iowa, Michigan State and Wisconsin. They will struggle stay at #3 behind OSU, Michigan over the next ten years, but hell, they've been there for the last 2 decades.
Lose ground? They are WAY behind MSU & Wisconsin and have been for a few years. You also omitted Nebraska.

They've played second fiddle to Pitt for years in recruiting PA. MD has been their home turf in recruiting but now Locksley is making waves at Maryland.

They're not going to become Indiana but they're in serious danger of resembling Purdue talent for many years.
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