I'm not lambasting anyone. What I object to is this casual "wouldn't it be funny if ____ happens." A lot of chickens are being counted here before they have been hatched. That is all I am saying.
Of course they can do whatever they want. But I would not expect that there is any circumstance that would make them leave a 1 loss ACC and PAC champion out, regardless of schedule. I don't care what anyone says, if Clemson and Washington win out, they are going to be in. That leaves one spot. If that choice is a 2 loss Pedo team that won the B1G vs a 1 loss team that lost to them... Well, let's just say that I wouldn't want it to come to that...
Doesn't this crap belong in the playoff thread anyway?
Hypothetical BP schadenfreude of a psu snub? No, that belongs right here.
Overboard raging about Osu fans pre-counting chickens, getting too close to disaster and other pedantic explorations of general trolling ? No, that does not belong here.
Bkb tried to explain it. The shenanigan sub topic is, wouldn't it be hilarious if they almost got in and then were snubbed (again)? I'm pretty sure I saw you agree with that for crying out loud.
This isn't a b1g illuminati war room session where we plan the best way to keep PSU down, and this certainly is not a risk analysis meeting to consider all possibilities. It's just a simple hypothetical about the snub and ensuing lolz.
If you'd like to make an on topic reply, go the Jax route from the tsun threads and say the lolz aren't worth it and they should lose every game until they disband. That would be an on topic rebuttal of the hypothetical.
As for your trepidation of getting too close to the edge, it is a message board. OSU fans can adopt your mentality and it doesn't change a thing. We'll still get too little sleep before The Game, probably not consume the proper liquids to cheer at maximum intensity in the game and without question we will not impact the non Osu games with our approach.
We have a handful of spirited playoff threads. This is largely a mock psu thread and the hypotheticals do not needed supervision, let alone mischaracterization of them as rooting for a bitter (non) rival.