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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Same thread. https://bwi.forums.rivals.com/threads/disappointing-stadium-experience.142254/page-2

Some dude blames this behavior on the fact that the young kids nowadays don't "get" Franklin's leadership. This wouldn't have happened with Mr. Paterno at the helm. Then he (not for the first time) blames Pitt fans for how Ohio State fans were treated (I'm guessing in 2005).

IMO, it is because the younger kids do not remember what our program stood for. I really feel that although Franklin may "get it," the students do not. When Joe was around, I can't see something like this happening. The worst I can remember is those Pitt fans who came and started crap with the O$U people. With Joe gone, and our spineless administration, I just see this trend continuing.
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Dude's daughter gets in to Rutgers, and he goes to BWI to vent about the shitty time they're having with all the red tape. The obvious question is asked:
Why did she pick RU over PSU (assuming she got in)? RU stronger in the major, friends, closer to home?
Let me translate this for you if you don't speak Cultese:
translated said:
Why would anybody ever NOT go to Penn State if they're able?
The answer is twofold....Rutgers has the better program for her major and she didn't get in to main campus. The obvious follow up isn't far behind:
Maybe she could transfer to PSU-UP?

Because everybody knows that if you have to slum it at a school that's better for you, there's always hope that you could transfer to Penn State at some point. This is the mindset these people have. Penn State is the ultimate goal for anybody and everybody, as long as their heads are on right. Even attempting to explain why maybe somebody just doesn't want to go to a shithole in the middle of nowhere that still has legal issues ahead of them is just too much for them to grasp.

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On a different note, if anybody was about to huff some paint fumes to destroy some brain cells....might I suggest this post from their ND-Texas thread, instead:

I think the rule whereby a team can return a blocked PAT attempt or return a two point conversion for points is really dumb and should be eliminated. I know is was a big event when ND ran that blocked PAT attempt for two points but that's only because it had a big effect on the game. If there was a rule that if a PAT attempt hit the upright then Texas lost 10 points off their total then it would be a big event if Texas hit the upright with a PAT attempt but that doesn't mean it's a good rule.
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I'm calling bs on his daughter not getting into Ped State. I think this insane cultist would rather tell his fellow cultists that his daughter was rejected rather than admit to them that she is choosing not to go to Ped State. Here's a quick comparison of admissions stats between Ped (and it's only the main campus) and the New Brunswick (main) campus at Rutgers.

SAT middle 50% range
Rutgers 1110-1340
Ped 1090-1300

Percent Scoring Below 500 on the math and reading sections:
Rutgers 14% on math/5% on reading
Ped 12% on math/7% on reading

I have a hard time believing that anyone getting into Rutgers is not also getting into Ped's main campus.
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I'm calling bs on his daughter not getting into Ped State. I think this insane cultist would rather tell his fellow cultists that his daughter was rejected rather than admit to them that she is choosing not to go to Ped State. Here's a quick comparison of admissions stats between Ped (and it's only the main campus) and the New Brunswick (main) campus at Rutgers.

SAT middle 50% range
Rutgers 1110-1340
Ped 1090-1300

Percent Scoring Below 500 on the math and reading sections:
Rutgers 14% on math/5% on reading
Ped 12% on math/7% on reading

I have a hard time believing that anyone getting into Rutgers is not also getting into Ped's main campus.

My sources tell me she was too old and of the wrong sex to get into PSU.
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Has hell frozen over?

(Same thread about bad stadium experience.)


Bwahahaha! Boohoo! I'm a pussy who had someone stand up on a bench in front of me when the shitty band came out! Then some guy got sick and I got some on me! Then someone stole my shit that I left out unattended while I went in to the stadium for three hours so I'm an idiot too! Come on BWI cult freaks! Rally around me and comfort me!

I have an idea...don't be a whiny idiot pussy bitch. In other words, don't be a Penn State fan.

I'm seriously still laughing out loud, with nobody in the room. If there were, they'd think I was crazy. Jesus Christ.
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Cult's having a full blown FREE JERRY orgy.
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