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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I went to State College once, for work. It seemed so much more isolated and remote than Athens to me, though I can't say why.

... cuz its a cult?

Because Penn State's Athletic Department has a history of being proactive and taking care of these situations internally.

internally and orally it seems.

too soon?

They don't want his fans to know he's sick. They don't want them to see him sick. The masses can only see the "strong Joe". Very strong smell of "dictator" or "cult leader" to me. Sounds like something Stalin or Castro would do - except maybe they'd have doctors show up at their palace, whereas "Saint Joe" was "too humble" to live in a palace, and it would look even worse if doctors showed up at his house.

i believe they also denied that he pooped. wait... is this the north korea thread?
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I went to State College once, for work. It seemed so much more isolated and remote than Athens to me, though I can't say why.

It's because it IS much more isolated and remote than Athens is. And I mean physically. Maybe not culturally - I don't know anything about Athens or Ohio U. I've been to both cities/towns for work, too - but not for any long periods of time. To get to Athens, you can sort of weave your way through back roads. But you're never really far from anything. To get to State College, you leave the last house that might consider itself part of the metropolitan area of Pittsburgh in your rear-view mirror and you drive... and drive... and drive...... and then you stop for a break, but you still have over an hour of driving to go. There's nothing in State College. There's nothing near State College. There's nothing that can be considered "far from" State College. It would be like taking Jefferson, Ohio (where? exactly!) and putting the whole town on a raft in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Then put a college in there. Seems like the perfect spawning grounds for a cult.
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Ramzy writes a piece on 11W regarding the child abuse scandal that should make us all reflect for a moment.

There are no heroes in this recurring cycle. Rebuking the university's systemic failures that enabled Sandusky to operate the way he did won't unrape any of his victims. Curators of tasteless shower jokes and clever Ped State comments aren't winning anything outside of their own imaginations either.

IMO, after just one reading, he does a remarkably fair job of blasting the Paterno loyalists and, to be honest, people like myself who have been guilty of the above referenced behavior.

I don't know folks, I'm not taking his opinions as gospel anymore than the next guys but he definitely made me think (which is hard to do).

Interested to hear what others take away from the article.
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Ramzy writes a piece on 11W regarding the child abuse scandal that should make us all reflect for a moment.

IMO, after just one reading, he does a remarkably fair job of blasting the Paterno loyalists and, to be honest, people like myself who have been guilty of the above referenced behavior.

I don't know folks, I'm not taking his opinions as gospel anymore than the next guys but he definitely made me think (which is hard to do).

Interested to hear what others take away from the article.
I think it's definitely important to remember some of the things he brought up in this article that we probably gloss over here. However, and maybe this is me being naive or just trying to justify my actions, I don't know if the rebuke was meant for what mostly goes on in this thread, which is laughing at and/or disbelief of the actions of the Joebots. I think the rebuke is for people who put time and energy into trying to swing opinions from either side. Time and energy that could be better spent working to protect abused children (or doing anything productive).

I could be wrong. I don't spend much time on nights or weekends browsing BWI, just a few minutes a day when I have a moment between phone calls and meetings and there's nothing new here or anything interesting in the headlines. I guess there's something more productive I could do with that time, but I think the main takeaway is: Don't focus so much on what happened in the past that you miss an opportunity to make a difference moving forward.
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Ramzy writes a piece on 11W regarding the child abuse scandal that should make us all reflect for a moment.

IMO, after just one reading, he does a remarkably fair job of blasting the Paterno loyalists and, to be honest, people like myself who have been guilty of the above referenced behavior.

I don't know folks, I'm not taking his opinions as gospel anymore than the next guys but he definitely made me think (which is hard to do).

Interested to hear what others take away from the article.

I'm not really sure what his point is. I get criticizing the jokes, but the reason there's pressure on PSU is b/c they're still in coverup mode.
After all this, they are still trying to shift blame. Whether it's lawsuits, shirking ncaa penalties, buying non-disclosure and then trying to dump that on insurance.

Sandusky isn't the only criminal here. The willful negligence is astounding and goes to the top.
Understanding how Sandusky is the only one being convicted, how this happened in the first place, why it happened, why it was allowed to continue in perpetuity.... those are important questions to avoid a repeat.

I'm a bit miffed by lumping all child abuse in with pedofiles too. DV is a serious problem, but a significantly different one. As is human/child trafficking.
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Ramzy writes a piece on 11W regarding the child abuse scandal that should make us all reflect for a moment.
Interested to hear what others take away from the article.

so... first things first, my opinion is no more important than anyone elses and is certainly not above reproach. though this is something that has weighed heavily on my thoughts since the story broke. if anything my opinion is largely clouded and as such not as valid as the opinions of others who likely have the ability to be more objective. i suspect im counted among the 6 million or so kids per year. my childhood was... imo.. "less than optimal". there was a decent amount of anti me my mother and my sister related violence. not to mention a significant amounts of drug use and the occasional dealing and all the joys that come with such things.

when i was 4 or 5 i was molested by a family friend. absolutely nothing even remotely close to the extent these kids went through mind you. on the scale of horrific things, what i went through is really pretty low on the list based on what i know of what others have been through. but yeah... i suspect it wouldn't be counted as an "optimal" interaction with an adult. as such i have avoided the sandusky thread mostly kind of because i don't know exactly how i feel about the situation to be honest. i don't know if the ncaa should have gotten involved or levied punishment. i don't know how i feel about paterno knowing and the (in)action he took as well as the administration. i say that because i know with 100% certainty paterno and crew did more to protect those victims than anyone did me. please don't mistake that as any form of defense for any of the above because it isn't. it is nothing more than a simple statement of comparative fact.

so, without going too deep into things my reaction is thus. i flat out disagree with mr. ramzy. it is true that my situation is obviously very different than this one. at some point during my childhood i forgot/blocked out the memory. it didn't come back to me until i was about 22 or 23 and my gf at the time literally asked me if i had been molested rather out of the blue and somewhat bluntly.

i spent the following ~4 to 6 years trying to wrap my head around it all. i think to this day the only part that still hangs with me is that no one knows. the "family friend" has long since past. but i very literally went from being a rather outgoing child who loved to be the center of attention to being the kid in the corner that actively avoided attention of any type, barely spoke and wasn't really sure how to interact with others pretty much overnight. i honestly don't even remember a time when i enjoyed attention. i base the enjoying attention part purely on stories my mom has told me.

now it is absolutely true that there was kind of a lot of other things going on. violence, drinking, dealing/drug use, infidelity and a disturbingly frequent lack of any type of food due largely to rampant poorness likely brought on in no small part by the aformentioned drinking/drugs. so yeah, me simply shutting the fuck up and sitting in a dark corner all day was possibly viewed as a positive. but literally no one noticed any change in my behavior. or at least not enough to ask questions.

so back on topic... does it "help" the pedo state victims that i just typed "pedo state"? nope. does it help them that this thread is 1354 pages in length as of this post? no at all. but the reality is there isn't a whole lot we can do to help them. while many of the victims (i would be shocked if there weren't more) have been compensated. money isn't going to fix things for them either. they are without question going to need time to heal as much as possible and likely third party assistance in that dept if they haven't already sought that out. so no, this thread nor any of the nasty anti pedo state things that have been said will help the victims. it likely won't change the opinions of the cult either. but what it might do, just maybe if people are loud enough in their insults and outrage. maybe, just maybe it will put enough fear into the hearts of those who are considering looking the other way as "their" sandusky molests an innocent under their nose.

there is nothing any of us can do to go back in time to undo the damage that has been done. but every time someone points the finger at penn state (because they flat out still don't get it) and screams "what you did is wrong, what you continue to do is wrong". the more often that is said and the more people who say it, the next enabler in high places is far more likely to hear it. should that happen i have to think at least some mental math will be done as a result. maybe they will consider the ramifications of being the next paterno. maybe they don't want their organization to be the next pedo state. if that alone is the only thing that comes out of this thread... if the next sandusky is stopped at victim #x rather than victim #x+1. i gotta think thats a win and worth every cheap shot penn state takes.

if anything they should wear THAT as a badge of honor. to hell with the success with honor bs they like to spew. how about this?

"so yeah, my fav school took one on the chin because a chosen few made some very poor choices in relation to something horrible happening on their watch. yeah, i occasionally take a molestation dig that might be somewhat unjustified. but, every time i take a slap to the face the odds of another child becoming a victim decreases by an extremely small %. if thats all it takes to getting us one step closer to preventing a single child from being molested... we could probably use a few more people slapping me in the face."

but then if they said that i suspect there would be a far shorter line of people waiting for the chance to take a cheap shot...
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I went to State College once, for work. It seemed so much more isolated and remote than Athens to me, though I can't say why.
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maybe they don't want their organization to be the next pedo state. if that alone is the only thing that comes out of this thread... if the next sandusky is stopped at victim #x rather than victim #x+1. i gotta think thats a win and worth every cheap shot penn state takes.

if anything they should wear THAT as a badge of honor. to hell with the success with honor bs they like to spew. how about this?

Snipped a bunch... read every word. Agree with all of them. Every single one of them.
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PA man shot outside of White House

Someone should do a roll call at BWI. They most likely have a man down.

I live an hour south of Ashland, Pa. It is definitely Joesus/409 bumper sticker country, but it's not like the President is Louis Freeh or Sara Ganim or Rodney Erickson. Jay Paterno was a huge Obama supporter in 2008 and was instrumental in getting Obama to speak at Penn State when Obama was campaigning in 2008.
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I live an hour south of Ashland, Pa. It is definitely Joesus/409 bumper sticker country, but it's not like the President is Louis Freeh or Sara Ganim or Rodney Erickson. Jay Paterno was a huge Obama supporter in 2008 and was instrumental in getting Obama to speak at Penn State when Obama was campaigning in 2008.

I was referring more the the "30 year old man who lives at home with parents and has mental issues" part
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