The Cult now calling for a thorough background check on Sara Ganim:
Agoodnap: "Has anyone here done a full background check on Sara? It costs about $5.00 and it may be fun to take a look into her life. How about her families background? Friends, if she has any? My guess is that someone here has already done a few checks. Please share any skeletons."
LeatherHelmets: "She's going to make Tom Brokaw look good. She's trying a major CYA and for another acronym she's a POS."
marshall23: "It would be kind to say she is homely."
TenThounMarbles: "It strikes me that she is writing much like a woman scorned. Perhaps her previous "arrangement" is no longer operational. She is gonna get thrown under the bus. imo."
MichaelJackSchmidt: "She also thinks the Pulitzer is PROOF she's a good journalist.
"Be nice to the click whore. She only had 1 year to properly vet her sources. Remember they say they sat on this for that long."
flat-cap: " But, this is telling: Sara Ganim is so dumb that she says in the article the fact that the alleged victim received a settlement from Penn State is PROOF he was one of Sandusky's victims. She apparently has no idea why companies, institutions, and sometimes individuals settle as opposed to going to trial, even if they think certain claims have little to no merit."