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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)


Jay Paterno at his best
Can someone point to me the first time Jay Paterno proved anything wrong?

I went through their first rebuttal of the freeh report point by point somewhere in this thread and it was ridiculously nonsensical.
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"And to be frank with you I don't know that it would have done any good, because I never heard of, of, rape and a man," -Joe Paterno.

Here's another gem for you Jay. See, Opinion p.11, "It is highly unlikely that anyone at the turn of this current century could reasonably claim ignorance of the existence and practices of sexual predators like Sandusky."
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Joe fucking Paterno


his man, who CNN has agreed not to identify in keeping with our policy on sexual assault victims, was just 15 in 1971 when he says Sandusky raped him.

Sandusky was 27, a budding public figure who'd played football for Penn State in the 1960s and was one year into his tenure as an assistant linebacker coach. This was long before he started his now-closed children's charity, The Second Mile, which prosecutors would later call his victim factory.

Victim A says he was hitchhiking when Sandusky picked him up, bought him beer, gave him pot -- and then attacked him as he was standing at a urinal in a Penn State bathroom.
"I felt his presence behind me," he said. "I felt his left knee on the back of my knee, and his arms went around me, grabbing my ..." he trails off. "He said, 'Let me help you with this.'"

Victim A said he jerked his head back, hitting Sandusky in the jaw. His head started bleeding and they both fell to the floor.

"Then there was a wrestling session," he says. "And I lost. One thing led to another and the crime happened."

Victim A was already a troubled kid. During a church sleepover the year before, he said he was molested by a local priest. When he tried to report it, he was thrown out of the church. He was living with foster parents when Sandusky attacked him.

A day after the assault, Victim A's foster mom noticed the cut on his head. She pestered him about what happened. And when he told her, she and her husband -- who owned a local bowling alley and knew many high-ranking school officials -- called Penn State against his wishes. "I was blindsided," he said, adding that his foster father told him, "I assure you the police won't be called, but you gotta tell these people what happened."
He found himself on the phone with two men from Penn State.

"I tell them what happened -- well, I couldn't get it out of me that I was -- I can't even tell it to this day. It's just degrading -- that I was raped," he said.

"I told the story up to a certain point. I told them that he grabbed me and that I got the hell out of there."

He insisted that he "made it very clear" it was a sexual attack.

"I made it clear there were things done to me that I just can't believe could have been done to me and I couldn't escape. I said, 'I'm very upset and scared and I couldn't believe I let my guard down.' They listened to me. And then all hell broke loose.

"They were asking me my motive, why I would say this about someone who has done so many good things."

They accused him of making it up. "'Stop this right now! We'll call the authorities,'" he said they told him.

Victim A says he couldn't think. "I just wanted to get off the phone."

The men on the phone had introduced themselves as Jim and Joe, he said. He had no idea who Jim was, and can't, to this day, say for sure.

"There was no question in my mind who Joe was," he said. "I've heard that voice a million times. It was Joe Paterno."

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Reposting from Shaggy...

Me on Shaggy said:

From the article:


But sources told NBC News that one former Penn State assistant coach witnessed an incident in the late 1970s. Three other coaches — who have gone on to work in the NFL and at Division I colleges — allegedly saw inappropriate conduct between Sandusky and boys in the early and mid-1990s.

"You won't believe what I just saw," one of those three coaches blurted out after bursting into a room filled with Penn State football staff, according to sources who spoke to a person who was in that room.

A lawyer for one of the three '90s coaches denied his client had seen anything. A second coach declined to comment. A third could not be reached, and the name of the fourth was not disclosed to NBC News.

Bolstering the sources' account, Sandusky's adopted son, Matt, who says he also was molested, told NBC News that investigators informed him a football program employee witnessed his father performing a sex act on him in a locker room in the early 1990s.

In addition to the four assistants detailed by sources, court papers made public this week point to two more coaches who allegedly witnessed what was described as "inappropriate" or "sexual" contact between Sandusky and children in 1987 and 1988.


'late' 70's
'early' 90's
'mid' 90's

So we have claims that Penn State staff and/or officials were aware of sexual abuse by Sandusky on at least ten separate occasions over 30 years.

(The 1976 event & 'late' 70's could be one and the same. Conversely from the other article it appears that there may have been three different events in the early/mid 90s)
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