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PC or Mac

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See...I've built every computer I've owned, and frankly I just don't have the time or patience anymore to tinker around with them. I dunno...maybe it's just throwin in the towel, but I want to simplify and be more mobile. That and I'm tired of Windows.

I don't understand getting an Apple desktop. Their laptops make more sense cause 1) I can't build my own laptop (easily, anyway) and 2) The price difference between a comparably equipped PC laptop isn't as huge as it is in desktops.
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But why an Apple laptop at all? Why not just get a Windows based laptop? I build all my desktops, but I have an HP zv6000 laptop, and I love it to death, even runnin XP x64 on it.

As far as Desktops go, I will never buy a pre-built one again........makes no sense. You spend just as much money, for half the quality, and usually lack the ability to upgrade later.

See...I've built every computer I've owned, and frankly I just don't have the time or patience anymore to tinker around with them.

I would think you'd have to tinker with a prebuilt one a whole lot more.

Also a word of warning. Getting an apple fixed can be rough.........you cant find a 10th of the places that work on macs, as compared to work on windows based. Sure a mac isnt gonna have all the virus trouble and whatnot, but they arent as durable as you think. My ex-boss paid $3500 for his, and the cd drive already crapped out, and the video out doesnt work. Had to ship it back to apple to get it fixed. (Good thing he paid that extra $600 in warranty). Sorry but I'd rather pay $900 for Windows laptop, knowing "most" of the problems I can fix myself, and it will do everything I want it to do.

That and I'm tired of Windows.

I get tired of windows alot, then I go and try something else, find out it sucks, and go back to good ol' XP :biggrin:
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There's an Apple store a few minutes from here so getting it serviced wouldn't be too hard. But I can see what you're getting at though...my macphile friends never seem to complain about anything, which makes me wonder just what it is they're concealing. Ridiculously proprietary hardware would have to be my biggest fear with switching to mac.
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I grew up on PC, but got an Apple last year.

Needless to say, I find it much, much, much better than a PC.

To me, everything flows better, and is easier to use.

No virus problems, ever.

I guess it's just a matter of opinion, I'm not too technical about computers, so I can't give any other reasons :biggrin:
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I still do alot of gaming, that is probably my main reason. Along with somethings that I am not sure how well would work on an apple, like lightscribe burning, etc, etc.

I respect mac OS, since OSX, but I still hate it. Feels like I am playing with sesame street or something when I look at it :biggrin:

It is all a matter of opinion though. Same reason I have no idea why people use linux, other than to be rebels, cause linux is absolutely not good for a home/workstation computer.
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There's an Apple store a few minutes from here so getting it serviced wouldn't be too hard.
The problem is, I'd rather do my own service and not have to pay a beyond-premium rate for it (any computer shop charges WAY more than what the actual work costs).

I must say that the new iMac (http://www.apple.com/imac/) looks pretty sweet. The whole thing is only like 2" thick. But once again, if some part failed, I'd rather be able to fix/replace it myself, and I doubt it's feasable.
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