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bukIpower;1062597; said:
YSU- W 37-3 ( we go up 31-0 at the half)
Ohio- W 38-7 ( Late touchdown screws up shutout)
USC- W 34-31 I think USC will lose more players to the NFL than we will so we win. If USC gets some of their Juniors back I'd say flip that score around with USC winning it.
Troy-W 28-13 I think we'll come out and be flat because of the big game the week before.
Minnesota-W 42-13 I think we go up big. Something like 35-0 in the beginning of the 3rd but then back off and play our 2nd teamers
Wisconsin- W 35-17 I think this game is going to go much like th Iowa game from a couple years back. First off who's UW's QB?? I think a one demensional UW team will suffer
Purdue- W 38-14 Too much for Purdue
MSU- W 45-21 I think MSU will hand in their till half time (28-14) but then we pull away.
PSU-W 24-9 I like Clark as the QB (he's enormous) but I don't like their running game or their defense. They lost some talent this year
NW- W 35-10 Owned
Illinois W 38-7 We're going to fuck their cookies up. They lost Mendanhall and some defensive people.
Michigan- W 35-6 I know I know but seriously who do they have?? They lost All their recievers, their best RB, their best OL'ers, and they lost some kids on defense including Crable. I have never looked at Michigan as an easy win but you got to admitt it don't look good for the guys up north considering what we return.

NCG-Missouri W 38-31 I think they'll jump out first with their effective offense, but then we'll answer back and go up big. Only to see Missouri make a late couple scores.

If Ohio State can get 2 of Boone, Jenkins, Gholston, Animal, or Freeman to stay I can see this happening. If I had my pick I'd say all of them but I beleive Boone, as well as Gholston are the ones that would most benefit us. We have linebackers to fill in, and we have DB's out the ass. However if we can get Boone to come back and have 4 returning players on the Oline leading the way for wells it'll be one dominant offense. Also DE is a big concern for me, but only because all the kids who transfered or moved positions. I think the schedule sets up very very nicely, and the big date with USC will make or break our season. If we lose that game consider our Title hopes OVER and I won't fight it if we were to lose either. In order to make a valid point to get into a NCG we've got to win the USC game because the rest of our schedule to be honest is weak. MSU, Wisconsin, and Illinois could give us trouble but each of those teams are missing/losing key players at key positions. Not to mention PSU losing kids on defense, and UM missing everyone. The Big Ten will be down once again this year, and as long as we beat USC I think we have a great shot at getting into another NCG.

Looking ahead to USC though. They have great running backs, and just WR's to burn. The question they have is can sanchez get them the ball?? The reason I said USC scares me is because our secondary hasn't played well against teams with great WR corps. I don't think we have to play flawless, but we've got to play better than the LSU game or we will lose.

Agree with most everything witht the exception of USC and Missouri in a NCG.

Missouri very easily put I don't see getting out of the Big 12 past a loaded Oklahoma team.

And as accustom as the Detroit Lions have come to drafting USC wide outs in the first round every year they don't have WR to burn right now. One of the biggest challenges USC faced this year was trying to develop their recieving corp, and in all honesty didn't have much luck. The leading reciever, by far, was SR. TE Fred Davis. Stat line for top returning WR:

Patrick Turner (Jr.) 48 rec. for 569 yds. 11.9 YPC and 3 TD

Not exactly the All American numbers we have all come to expect from USC wideouts in the past. Sanchez is going to have a very inexpeirenced group of WR next year as well as a rebuilding unit on defense around him. USC is a team that will be going through some growing pains early in the season, wouldn't want to play this game on the road in week 10. Think about it, what do you think the outcome would have been had we played Texas at home in week 10 in 2005? But with the timing I think we will get by USC easier than maybe we expect, especially now with the looks of who is returning for their SR. season.

Anything can happen, look at this past season, but expect great things from tOSU this coming season. The pieces are there, with just a little luck in January of 2009 we will all have forgotten the past two years.
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osubucksfan2;1063957; said:
I think we might lose to USC and get upset by wisconsin or scUM. I say scUM because you never know what the f*ck will happen it that game. Too many seasons we were supposed to win and we didn't

Bingo! A realistic comment...USC could have OJ in the backfield and people on here would still say they are going to beat them by 20..."realistically I can see us stopping oj simpson in his prime,but however there is no chance USC can stop beanie"....

I realize there is a solid shot at winning,but to honestly believe OSU has more talent and depth all around then USC is straight being naive,and that's all you have to go by RIGHT NOW at least. I surely hope to god OSU doesn't end up playing GA in the national title game. I can hear it now..3rd time is the charm!!! Wonder what JT's plans for that national title game would be? Get someone out of the stands and have them run the football instead of using beanie? Maybe rest the entire game again on a quarterback that has MORE experience at playing piss poor in big games?
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Maybe I should just say OSU is the greatest football team ever assembled and would destroy the pats if they played them right now? You can't even disagree with people on here if you don't share the scarlet and gray glasses?
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Muck;1064126; said:
Sure you can, people do it all the time.

Idiotic hyperbole on the other hand tends to make people roll their eyes.

To say that OSU is more likely to lose against usc then win isn't idiotic. I doubt many posters on here will sell their house and go to vegas for that game,and come home millionaires if it was that easy and assured.
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powerlifter;1064132; said:
To say that OSU is more likely to lose against usc then win isn't idiotic.

Agreed. Which is why no one called osubucksfan2 an idiot.

To claim that O.J. would help USC's chances on the other hand is.

Dude's 60 years old for Pete's sake.

I doubt many posters on here will sell their house and go to vegas for that game,and come home millionaires if it was that easy and assured.

Which is neither here nor there.
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Muck;1064145; said:
Agreed. Which is why no one called osubucksfan2 an idiot.

To claim that O.J. would help USC's chances on the other hand is.

Dude's 60 years old for Pete's sake.

powerlifter;1064107; said:
"realistically I can see us stopping oj simpson in his prime,but however there is no chance USC can stop beanie"....

I was making a typical s&g glasses comment.
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powerlifter;1064132; said:
To say that OSU is more likely to lose against usc then win isn't idiotic.

No it isn't.....

I doubt many posters on here will sell their house and go to vegas for that game,and come home millionaires if it was that easy and assured.

Count the 2nd part under "idiotic hyperbole".....

Muck;1064145; said:
Agreed. Which is why no one called osubucksfan2 an idiot.

To claim that O.J. would help USC's chances on the other hand is.

Dude's 60 years old for Pete's sake.

Which is neither here nor there.

I'd be afraid to tackle OJ.....the guy might break into my hotel room or something :biggrin:
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powerlifter;1064112; said:
Maybe I should just say OSU is the greatest football team ever assembled and would destroy the pats if they played them right now? You can't even disagree with people on here if you don't share the scarlet and gray glasses?
You can disagree if you actually think before you type.
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powerlifter;1064150; said:
I was making a typical s&g glasses comment.

And that is why the idiotic hyperbole comment was aimed at you.

No one has criticisized those who think the USC game will be a loss for the Buckeyes and most of those predicting a win point out reasonable explanations why (yes USC will have issues at QB & WR next year that they need to work out).

Blundering into the thread making ridiculous claims about how everyone on the board believes the Buckeyes would beat the Patriots and then following it up by whining that merely disagreeing with the consensus is not allowed (no doubt due to negreps received for the original post) is merely self aggrandizing BS.
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Muck;1064172; said:
And that is why the idiotic hyperbole comment was aimed at you.

No one has criticisized those who think the USC game will be a loss for the Buckeyes and most of those predicting a win point out reasonable explanations why (yes USC will have issues at QB & WR next year that they need to work out).

Blundering into the thread making ridiculous claims about how everyone on the board believes the Buckeyes would beat the Patriots and then following it up by whining that merely disagreeing with the consensus is not allowed (no doubt due to negreps received for the original post) is merely self aggrandizing BS.

LOL! I care about rep......Just look at it...*commits suicide* You should never disagree that OSU is the greatest football team ever assembled on an OSU board,because in fact you will have multiple people who will not actually say it...Yet read over the posts from most people..I mentioned going to vegas and putting your house on it,because that's how confident some people are...Yet they aren't willing to put their money where their mouths are...Why not?
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MaizeandBlue;1063839; said:
the glass is 1/2 full. i look at it as a fresh start :)

Ha ha ha!

At best.....the scUM glass is only about 1/4 full at the present time. That's 3/4 empty!

I like you optimism though. Don't ever lose that scummer!!!

No matter how bad it gets for TSUN next season (and it will be bad) always keep your smiley face!

Atleast no one can tell you that you don't know how to dream!!!!

Five straight for the Buckeyes. Hey, when was the last time your team won five straight in this rivalry?

Just askin'.

Go Buckeyes!!!!
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